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Old March 19th, 2006, 04:59 PM   #346
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Ha, Forrest..
Good to hear that you ordered the camera. I am trying to place on order for Europe, but somehow they (Europe) haven't replied yet. I emailed again today.
I'll do almost the same setup as you, only I'll be making a microwax glass.
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Old March 21st, 2006, 10:37 AM   #347
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It time to think a new way guys

have a look

pleora Iport can take the input from RAW or Cameralink Cameras and pump it via GIGE on Fiber direct in a PC MEMORY

They can do the same with SDI etc

Dalsa, Toshiba, Teli, Jai Pulnix, Imperc, prosilica have it as Asic allready inside.
Pulnix can do 1392x1040 at 30 fps with an 1/2" CCD or 2/3 CCD and GiGE

Dalsa Coreco has annonced it's X64 GiGE Series , which can be connected to a wide range of camera, and pump it to a PC

There is Tatile too and Giga Linx they have vAtoms or vAtom Krypton which can do 720 MHZ

there is the hottest tool to design asic's in a clever and fast way.

have fun

so the race it open now
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Old March 21st, 2006, 11:34 AM   #348
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Originally Posted by Forrest Schultz
Wayne, will that sensor be compatible with Andrey's model design? That would be cool if it would be as simple as re-soldering some pins, but im no expert beyond that. i was planning to record ogg format files and then convert them to avi. or if its possible, just record avi files directly. thanks
As far as I understand, the boards can take multiple sensors, on daughter cards, and Andrey was testing the Ibis5 on his cameras before (but decided to go with the Micron instead). So maybe he has a test one available that you could ask him about. But some questions you should ask first, support in the software for it. Is it an Ibis5a, or newer, the normal Ibis is not as good. Many Ibis5a cameras rely on the internal ADC (analogue to digital converter) which proves to be noisy and not as good as a good external ADC. Also, care in designing certain external circuits further increases performance (but I don't remember what about it). So, you probably need to ask him if it has the external circuit enhancements, and a good external ADC (believe me, you don't want one that doesn't at all, one guy tried a Ibis5x based camera like this and he shoots were, poor). Use advance search by post, for IBIS related stuff in the digital cinema camera, and Drake, threads, Steven Nor????? from Silicon Image, and Rai that did the Drake camera, are the two people that knew the most about it, and might have mentioned something.

There is footage shoot with the Ibis5x somewhere, have a look on the download/information/developers page, and see what you think (look for how it handles low light, and how it handles high contrast as well, taking notice of just how bright the sun is in the pat of the world shot in).

The bayer color filter sucks some light up, and the color spectral response curve of the Ibis mask has been questioned because of overlaps in the filters, but I know there is natural overlap in human vision, so I don't know exactly how bad/good it is.

I wish you luck with your cameras guys, I am looking forward to seeing what you can get out of this camera.


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Old March 21st, 2006, 11:44 AM   #349
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Ronald, what have you been upto? You were going to do Linux camera, and in fact this is such a camera, with Linux bootable CD, ethernet, compressed, directly to compute memory, maybe you would like to be involved? We are all babes dancing in the woods compared to your experience ;).
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Old March 21st, 2006, 12:52 PM   #350
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I had a look at those capture cables, good find. This is the item Silicon Image was trying to sell us on.

I've email them to find out about analogue capture too.
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Old March 22nd, 2006, 02:44 PM   #351
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what have I been upto?

Nothing at all
I do think as the new 3CCD Canon is out doing SDI out
there is no sense anymore to build a low cost Viper.

I'm totally stupid, dump; with no education doing Math's like 3+2 =6 so what?
Even can not write proper English, so what?

I do guess there is no market for a low cost viper, and a small group has never the power to step into.

What happened to the Kreines camera, good idea anyway, at SMPTE a big bang, a second smaller one and some smoke, no news anymore good or bad, who knows?

Drake since two years around lot's of talk.

To play an intellectual academic play I do have no money left.
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Old March 24th, 2006, 10:04 AM   #352
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It hardly compares in price, or performance, to a 2/3rd Ibis or Altasens, and if Red comes out much below $20K (we don't know) then Canon is the option left out in the middle. We already have Silicon Image Altasens system for around $7.K.

I am now very sure that sub $1000 higher quality HD is possibly.

Sorry, I never thought you stupid, your one of the intelligent ones ;). I thought you were seriously doing something in the background before.

Drake don't talk to me no more either, we hear they split in two, but what is happening, we don't know, they probably try to go forwards, wait and see. Unless they go in the way I suggested, maybe Red will squash. Same with Sumix, are they working in the background too, or are they don't care to tell us they have cut us loose. They were goign to do around 3K camera for 50 orders, I'm sure the market is bigger. Maybe they find out that we all go to Micron and Silicon Image (which is what I was afraid of) and say stuff us. But good, experienced, knowledgeable, realtime Linux open source programmers assistance to do program on an off the shelf system, is the only cheap way to go, but none smart enough to listen. One thing for certain, everybody after our money, and pricing reflects.


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Old March 26th, 2006, 07:29 PM   #353
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i posted some test stills from the elphel camera

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