VX2000 Companion at your service

Your VX2000, PD150, PDX10 & DSR250 Info Center

September 8th: We're expanding to cover more 3-CCD Sony DV and DVCAM camcorders! Ignacio Rodríguez de Rementería offers an extensive review of his DSR-PDX10, check out his PDX10 Report, Part One and Part Two. More to follow!

Earlier: Here are some photos featuring Karl Horn's amazing line of Cinetech pro shooting accessories for the PD150 / VX2000. Stay tuned; more on the way. A field report outlining travel experiences in India is provided by Paul Tauger; Mike Rehmus examines a low-cost dual battery charger from a third-party manufacturer. Dan Ballmer's PD150 review added; an examination of PD150 audio performance from Jon Tatoole of Sound Devices; Resources and Tips sections updated. Coming soon: a list of feature films, both studio and independant, shot with this amazing camera family.

Welcome to the Sony DV & DVCAM Companion, an unofficial underground online information resource for Sony's amazing three-chip digital video camcorders. I hope you find it useful, whether you already own or are planning to buy one of these cameras.

Quick Guide to What's Inside

The Skinny 1 page
Will grow to include introductions to the VX2000 and PD150; how they differ, concise description of certain issues, brief summations of each.
Community more than 5000 members
Read, register, and post: interact with fellow VX2000, PD150, PDX10 & DSR250 shooters in the VX2000 Companion area of the DVInfo.Net Community message boards.
Reports 11 pages
Detailed VX2000, PD150, PDX10 and DSR250 evaluations from a wide variety of viewpoints. Not all of them are favorable. Several compare the VX2000 and PD150 with other camcorders.
Articles 5 pages
Will grow to include all kinds of topics ranging from workarounds, "do it yourself" projects, accessory reviews, and more.
Images 2 pages
The VX2000 and PD150 in real-world settings, plus actual user-submitted frame grabs show you what the image looks like.
Audio 1 page
Actual user submitted sound files which you can download and listen to yourself for personal evaluation.
User Tips 1 page
Stuff you won't find in the manual. Hints gleaned from savvy shooters will make life easier... get more enjoyment out of your investment.
Resources 3 pages
Links to other VX2000 and PD150 websites, several important sources for DV information, owners websites and much more.

Thrown together by Chris Hurd

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San Marcos, Texas


You need spurs on a borrowed horse.