updated 10 August 2008

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Click to review the menu structure of the Canon HG20 and HG21 AVCHD camcorders.August 10th, 2008: Part of a series examining the Canon VIXIA HG20 and HG21 consumer AVCHD camcorders: a look at the HG20 camcorder's exterior, and an overview of its new menu interface.

Click to check out our Canon HF11 overview and downloadable video clips.August 7th, 2008: We're taking a close look at the Canon VIXIA HF11 Dual Flash Memory AVCHD camcorder. Austin Meyers, of Austin, Texas takes the little camera to Auditorium Shores to shoot some comparison video with it and the Canon HV30 HDV camcorder. Plenty of downloadable video clips included.

Click to read Stephen Gradin's guide to focus and low light shooting with the Sony HVR-Z7U.July 19th, 2008: From one of our community message board discussions, Stephen Gradin offers some useful tips and helpful hints for covering weddings and similar event videography in his guide to focus and low light shooting with the Sony HVR-Z7U.

Click to read Charles Papert's review of the Steadicam Pilot.June 30th, 2008: Charles Papert, S.O.C. takes the Steadicam Pilot for a test drive and provides an engaging three-page report as well as a sample video for your review. Continue on to read Page One and Page Two. The video clip is on Page Three.

Click to read Josh Chesarek's review of the 120GB nNovia QuickCapture HD recorder.March 1st, 2008: Josh Chesarek called nNovia directly to make sure about the NTFS support and the devices ability to capture long takes without breaking up a file. He bought the QC HD 120 and shares his thoughts about it in his review of the nNovia QuickCapture HD and Small Camera Mount.

Click to read the Panasonic P2 Workflow Guide for Adobe Premiere Pro CS3.February 27th, 2008: Adobe Premiere Pro 3.1 introduces support for Panasonic P2 cameras. This means that native ingest, editing and output of content are all possible. The Panasonic P2 Workflow Guide for Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 describes the workflow and advantages of using Adobe Premiere Pro with Panasonic P2 content.

click to check out Chris Soucy's review of the Vinten FiberTec video tripod system.February 2nd, 2008: Chris Soucy of Fairfield, New Zealand (a suburb of Dunedin) graciously provides us with an extensive hands-on review of the Vinten FiberTec video tripod system.

Pt. 1: System Overview --
Pt. 2: The FiberTec tripod
Pt. 3: Spreader & Soft Case
Pt. 4: Full System Handling
Pt. 5: Conclusion, price and availability

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