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Old November 17th, 2004, 04:19 PM   #1441
Sponsor: JET DV
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Yep, there are MANY places the effect can be added - like the media pool/clip level. Glad you found it there. Just move it to the timeline event instead and all should be fine.
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old November 17th, 2004, 05:11 PM   #1442
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Film Burning Effect Transition

Can anyone explain to me how to come about with this effect?

It's been used alot... It's usually for transition where the video
looks like the clip is burning away. Not to be mistaken by where
you actually see film burning and dissolve into white.

I hope this helps whoever is willing to help I just can't really
explain more than that.

Thank you in advance.

Ake Phetdavieng is offline  
Old November 17th, 2004, 05:14 PM   #1443
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Yeah I know what you are talking about. I remeber using it once. It was a transition that was in the nle i was using. It was adobe premiere ummm two or three years ago... I forget which version that is. Hope that helps.
i am the muffin man.
Fred Finn is offline  
Old November 17th, 2004, 09:17 PM   #1444
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I separated some events because I was going to add some filler stuff, before adding the filler I went ahead and added composite envelopes, adjusted levels between two video tracks up and down, adjusted audio as well, but now I need to close those gaps, if I move the event to the left I lose my envelope adjustments, how can I attach all these events together and keep the envelope changes? I basically want to delete the dead space between events without losing my envelope/editing changes. Simply, I need to move a number of events to the left in the timeline to attach to the previous event but don't want to lose the envelope - did I say envelope enough?
Michael Best is offline  
Old November 17th, 2004, 09:21 PM   #1445
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There should be button or option that says "lock envelopes to events." This'll make your envelopes. . .um. . .marry your events that they affect, rather than being. . .um. . .sort of floating. Now, when you move events with envelopes, the envelopes'll move or not move where they're supposed to.

Is that what you meant?
Josh Bass is offline  
Old November 17th, 2004, 09:59 PM   #1446
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Thanks Josh, I'm thinking I have to lock the envelopes as you said, then move the event to end of the previous event. I'll give it a shot.
Michael Best is offline  
Old November 17th, 2004, 10:02 PM   #1447
Slash Rules!
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Cool. I don't know if the envelopes you're using are the same envelopes as that button affects--I've never done the stuff you've done! I use the occasional velocity envelope, and the volume envelope for audio, and that's what it works on. No clue as to whether it affects that compositing stuff.
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Old November 17th, 2004, 10:43 PM   #1448
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Media Studio Pro has it as one of it's transitions.
Owen Dawe is offline  
Old November 18th, 2004, 06:46 AM   #1449
Sponsor: JET DV
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You might want to look at the Adorage transitions. They have many interesting transitions including many "classic" transitions that most people would never use today unless duplicating the "old cheesy" look!
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old November 18th, 2004, 01:24 PM   #1450
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Can you assign short-cut keys for the multicamera script in Excalibur?

I'm really enjoying Excalibur 3- a must have when doing multi-cam edits. I'm utilizing the new camera the little colored 1, 2, 3 buttons that can be added to the tool bar.

What I felt would be much easier is to have a shortcut key to activate each of them rather than having to move my mouse to the top of the screen to select each one when I want a camera change. That way I can have my finger rest on the shortcut key and tap it each time I want a camera change without having to stop and move my mouse to the top of the screen.

I went into the preferences> keyboard...and even saw the camera scripts in there but couldn't, for the life of me, figure out how to assign key(s) for shortcuts for it.

Lastly I haven't seen the "tally" lights when using these scripts..I'm sure I'm missing something.
Glen Elliott is offline  
Old November 18th, 2004, 01:44 PM   #1451
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SPanish Vegas Forum


As far as I'm aware, no manual has been translated either officially or "unofficially"....

However, this fairly active Spanish Vegas forum my be useful for Spanish speakers: quite a helpful bunch of people, and there are some tutorials up there which may flatten the learning curve.

Best regards

Paul Brown is offline  
Old November 18th, 2004, 01:45 PM   #1452
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To set a keystroke, open Prefs > Keyboard and find what you need in Available Commands, which does include the Excalibur camera scripts (if you have Excalibur 3 installed).

Ckick on the one you want to assign.

Click in the box whre it says 'Press new shortcut keys', then type the keyboard combo you want to assign it to.

Click on OK.

To use the tally light system, set up your PIP with the Sync Wizard.

Gary Kleiner is offline  
Old November 18th, 2004, 02:08 PM   #1453
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Yeah I did that...well I thought I did- I hit the 1, 2, and 3 keys at the top of the keyboard. They aren't taken for anything else are they? Whenever I hit, say, the "1" key...nothing would other words it wouldn't show up in the box. Does it HAVE to be a key "combination"?

I synced my footage manually- then ran the sync tool simply to arrange the 3 cameras side by side with the numbering. However when I use the camera scripts to automatically switch cams I don't see a highlight around the current camera. Like I said I'm sure I missed something small.

Btw, saw you in WEV being inducted into the Hall of Fame- contrats.
Glen Elliott is offline  
Old November 18th, 2004, 05:12 PM   #1454
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Posts: 3
Oh thank you everyone. I'll be looking into those programs. I never knew that you can just apply this transitions... I figured you would have to mess with the saturations and hues.
Ake Phetdavieng is offline  
Old November 18th, 2004, 06:23 PM   #1455
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Actually, now I just need to remove about 25 seconds of dead space on the timeline so the two ends will match up - and it needs
to include about 5 tracks down. Tried markers, looping, anybody?
Michael Best is offline  
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