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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old September 1st, 2004, 06:48 AM   #706
Inner Circle
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copy ur audio track.. now mute ur front channels..
on teh frint channels, mute ur rear surrounds..

now ur left with 2 tracks, 3/2 and waht u do in the rear channels wont affect the front.. basicaly segregating ur channels and affectin geach range.. if u wnated to go harder, u can dupicate the track and have 6 tracks of audio fo reach channel...
Peter Jefferson is offline  
Old September 1st, 2004, 07:04 AM   #707
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Thanks for the replies guys.

However I'm still not sure how to do this. For example, the scene in question has the sound of crows cawing coming through the window. With the methods described I am still not sure how to get the sound of the crow coming from the front centre and ONLY the reverb characteristics (and not the main crow sound itself) directed to the surrounds?
Simon Wyndham is offline  
Old September 1st, 2004, 09:32 AM   #708
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I've had beautiful results going to 30p with Vegas. I use a multi-step process:

1. Load up the 60i source on the timeline.
2. Open Vegas Options (Alt+Enter) and choose "Interpolate" from the deinterlace option.
3. Export to a 30p uncompressed DI (digital intermediate) file.
4. Load the 30p DI onto timeline above the original 60i.
5. While comparing the 30p to the 60i (by muting/unmuting the 30p track) add a Sony Sharpen filter to the 30p footage and adjust to taste. I've typically started with a setting of 0.5.
6. Change the deinterlace option to "None" and export the sharpened 30p footage to the format of your choice.

Instead of the Sony Sharpen, you might consider the Unsharp Mask or other method. Also, since the sharpening process adds noise, consider a pass with something like Grain Surgery.

For an example of such treatment, check out a short film I shot on a JVC GY-DV500 and deinterlaced to 30p in Vegas, here:

I'm happy to post some full-rez stills if there is interest.

Michael Morlan . cinematographer | local 600 operator .
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Old September 1st, 2004, 09:48 AM   #709
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3-2-1 Countdown Video Clip....

Anyone know where I can find a 3 2 1 video clip. Where numbers count down 3 then 2 then 1?????


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Old September 1st, 2004, 10:13 AM   #710
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You can make your own. There's also some on the Sundance/VASST site.
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Old September 1st, 2004, 10:15 AM   #711
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there's a clock, a little funky, but still in your WINDOWS folder...."clock.avi". You'll need to trim and reverse direction on the avi clip.
Bill Ravens is offline  
Old September 1st, 2004, 03:54 PM   #712
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why the frame drift?

I posted this on the Sony forum as well but thought I'd present it here too.

I've noticed this since first using Vegas 4:

29.970fps clips placed on a 29.970fps tend to have their frames drift away from the frame tics marked on the Vegas timeline. For instance, a clip 16:16 long has its end at halfway between 00:00:16:16 and 00:00:16:17.

Even more interesting, with snapping on, markers and the cursor seem to snap at these off-frame points. So, the cursor is snapping at 00:00:16:16 + .5 of a frame.

A closer inspection reveals the timeline tics are running slightly shorter than the footage frames.

Even more interestingly, the problem seems to occur in a .veg within which I have been editing a project, but not in a newly-created .veg. If I completely clear all media from an existing .veg and drag some media onto the timeline, I observe this off-frame error as noted in the pic below:

But, if I create a new .veg and drag the exact same media onto the timeline, it is perfectly aligned with the timeline tics as here:

It is my considered opinion that the Vegas timeline display is actually SHRINKING!

Thoughts? Opinions? Solutions?

Michael Morlan . cinematographer | local 600 operator .
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Old September 1st, 2004, 05:06 PM   #713
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DVX to Vegas sync question for those who write/use scripts

Hey all. While admittedly I'm only two days into the first assembly of this beast, the two frames out of sync DVX110 issue (which Panasonic fixed in the 100a) is already making me nuts watching hour after hour of all those mouths two frames off. Do any of you wizards of script writing have any/know of any scripts for automating the process in Vegas? I know there's one out there for FCP, which syncs the errant DVX footage in a nanosecond, so it it's obviously possible. Basically picture follows audio by two frames and has to be pulled up. I can verify it in all my early footage when we were in the city and had the time to use a slate. Not looking forward to eyeballing the around 80 hours shot run and gun in the woods, though. (sigh) I've also heard it drifts at the twenty minute mark as well, but I haven't tested that as yet.

Any feedback, as always, would be greatly appreciated.
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Old September 1st, 2004, 08:21 PM   #714
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Try this:

1) Turn ON Ignore Event Grouping
2) Click on the audio event
3) Press "3" on the numeric keypad twice
4) Turn OFF Ignore Event Grouping

However, yes a script could be written to move the audio two frames down the track.
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Old September 1st, 2004, 09:18 PM   #715
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A coupla ways to do this...but easiest would be to have the crows sound track be set to Prefader, then turn the fader off. Insert a send to the reverb on that channel
In the reverb, balance out the level of wet vs dry sound.
Now in the reverb buss, open the surround panner. Place the sound where you'd like it to be. Turn off any speakers you don't want it to come out of.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old September 2nd, 2004, 04:02 AM   #716
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Ahh. Excellent, that was exactly what I was looking for :-)

Many thanks!
Simon Wyndham is offline  
Old September 2nd, 2004, 05:27 AM   #717
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I've not worked with any drop-frame footage, but that sounds
like some form of a bug to me. Did you test this under Vegas 5
as well?

Rob Lohman,
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Old September 2nd, 2004, 06:07 AM   #718
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Is this footage that you have captured with the Vegas capture utility or is this footage from another source? Unlike every other video program, Vegas uses a frame rate of 29.970029970 (30000/1001), whereas everyone else uses 29.970 (2997/100).

Curiously, the Vegas frame rate it is absolutely correct and everyone else is doing it wrong. (Well, not wrong exactly, just less precise.)

I have noticed that when I bring in footage which was created or processed outside of Vegas, the frames on the timeline may not match up to the "ticks." One more annoying and very noticable effect is that if if you use footage that has been created outside Vegas and place it on the timeline, at 2 seconds 28 frames from the beginning of the clip, it will repeat a frame regardless of where you put it in the timeline. Usually, this isn't noticeable but its guaranteed to happen. Once I had a logo animation and at 2 seconds 28 frames into the animation, there was a really quick move and the animation would stutter at that point. It drove me NUTS until I figured out what was going on. I got on the Vegas forums and raised a stink about it, but the reply I got from Sony (Sonic Foundry) was that they couldn't help it if they were doing the frame rate correctly and everyone else was doing it wrong.

The workaround turned out to be re-writing the header of the AVI file and change it from 2997/100 to 30000/1001 and that fixed it. I have a command line utility that will do this. I can post it on my web site if you need it.

John Cline is offline  
Old September 2nd, 2004, 06:26 AM   #719
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I have noticed as you edit a project more, the timimg/syncing
becomes much more difficult - for example - I need a mirror to
break a very precise moment - as I move on, the timing changes
and it's very frustrating. I'm thinking that maybe small segments
need to be rendered to a new file then the new file be added to the timeline? If so, once that section is rendered can you still
edit it and rerender it if need be? I mean this has to be an issue
for all users, that is, as you build your project the preview becomes much less accurate so I'm curious as to what people
are doing. Thanks.
Michael Best is offline  
Old September 2nd, 2004, 07:02 AM   #720
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Edition pc: Xl2 + laptop + Vegas

Hi Everybody..I was looking for a good conbination to start again (after 5 years) in video production in Miami. I worked on it in the 90's with betacam SP and media 100...And the best what I found for my budget and my needs is this: Laptop HP ZE 5345us .P4. 256mb ram (maybe I need more memory) 2.4 giahertz and 60 gigabites. I already have this laptop because I want to unload and edit everywhere in off line Pc platform.
In cameras I think what Canon Xl2 is a very good option..What do you think about it?..
But I lost the train in edition...Media 100 don't exist anymore and "Ifinish" ( the sucesor of media 100) is to expensive...Same to avid express pro...I was looking for Adobe premiere pro but this program looks to "crashy" for me...So..Vegas looks a very good option...I'm not thinking In " transfer to movie"...Or big production..I;m just looking for a very good DVD in 16;9 or 4:3...By the way...I'm very worried about the audio about the Xl generation...What's the best mics wireless and not, and where can I buy this Stuff (not the Canon Xl2.) I'm talking about Vegas (if you think is good to me) and Mics...and all you recomend me to prepare this combination. ( upgrading the laptop for example)... Thank you very much for your any sugestion guys...Julius...
Julio Laffont is offline  
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