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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old August 21st, 2004, 09:16 AM   #601
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Yes it can. Just render the small segment you wish to take to AE to a new file, pull that new file into AE and manipulate it as needed, render back from AE to another new file, and then bring that file back into Vegas.

It is generally recommended that you render to uncompressed to transfer between the two programs.
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Old August 21st, 2004, 10:59 AM   #602
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wow, okay--thanks!
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Old August 21st, 2004, 11:27 AM   #603
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Thanks Lars,

Unfortunately I am still having the problem. That 'install' button is greyed out, so I am assuming there is some problem with the DirectX application supplied on the disk. I have installed newer versions of DirectX, but to no avail.

I guess I will just keep trying!

Thank you anyhow
Sunny Dhinsey
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Old August 21st, 2004, 01:34 PM   #604
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Film style dissolve update

A few of you might remember that I contacted Scott Moore, the writer of the Vegas luminance transition plugin because I thought it could possibly be modified to create a film style optical dissolve as per the opticals suite of Digital Film Tools or Magic Bullet.

Scott just sent me the latest version of the plugin to see if his latest tweak to it was any closer to succeeding in doing this. This new version of the plugin allows the user to select either a picture template based luminance dissolve as per the original plugin, or to do a luminance transition based on the video footage itself. I ran the new version of the plugin and compared it to the demo of the Magic Bullet Opticals suite.

I am pleased to say that I think Scott has done it! The results were VERY close indeed! The effect is subtle, but very nice. So, another plus point for Vegas users very soon!
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Old August 21st, 2004, 07:30 PM   #605
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Vegas/Boris Red/Photoshop

Okay....Vegas and Boris Red seem to be a good fit, and am wondering how Photoshop offers sufficiently unique features to complement Boris in Vegas.

If I sound reasonably ignorant, you are correct.

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Old August 21st, 2004, 10:23 PM   #606
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Care to share with us

the given plug-in ?
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Old August 22nd, 2004, 04:26 AM   #607
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copy/paste tracks from one project to another?

hi. i'm working on a movie which is devided into two seperate vegas projects. now i want to unite the two into one project. each file contains several tracks with different track effects, envelopes and so on. is there a way to copy and paste tracks, in their entirety, from one project to another?
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Old August 22nd, 2004, 05:50 AM   #608
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Here's what *I* would recommend:

1) render project 1 to a new avi
2) render project 2 to a new avi
3) Start a "final" project and add the rendered project 1 and project 2 files.

Otherwise, the option is to ope two instances of Vegas - one project in each. The, for example, select everything in project 2, copy it, move to the other instance of Vegas containing project 1, move to the end, and paste. This is as close as you can get.
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Old August 22nd, 2004, 06:25 AM   #609
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rendering one project and adding it to the other isn't an option, i'm afraid, because i still need to add music which will probably result in slight editing changes.

copying and pasting from one project to the other is what i had in mind (as you suggest). since each track has 2 or 3 track FX on it, i was hoping i could just duplicate the track from project a to project b instead of manually inserting a new video track in A, open the track FX in the track i want to copy from project B, insert the same track FX and their parameters to the new video track in project A, and so on... for each track i want to copy. tiresome and vulnerable to mistakes.

another annoying thing i noticed. when i set the parameters to a track FX or event FX, by selecting one of the available templates from the drop down list - the next time i open the FX parameters, the template is listed as untitled once again and not the template i had set the FX to.

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Old August 22nd, 2004, 07:09 AM   #610
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u can but u have to rip the the VOBS and extract teh audio from the VOB as wav (or anythign except ac3, as vegas cant read ac3)..

theres a post about this a while back explaing proggies and utils to help..

Vegas can load up a VOB (it sees it as mpg2) but the audio wont load up, so u need to extract it with a tool like BeSweet
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Old August 22nd, 2004, 11:43 AM   #611
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I know of no easy way to copy track level effects. As for the name returning to "untitled" - this I understand. Think of it this way: You have set up a list of "basic" starting points and saved them as presets. Now, if you make ANY change to ANY of the settings, it is no longer that preset. If it saved the preset name, you would then lose the changes made OR the preset itself would be changed. I agree it would be nice to "remember" the preset chosen but understand how it could also lead to problems.
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Old August 22nd, 2004, 12:11 PM   #612
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i think it would be best if when setting a plug-in to a template it should state the name of the template that it is set to (even after closing the plug-in modifying window and re-opening it). if one is to make changes to the template preset settings, THEN i agree that it should no longer state the name of the template.

but sometimes i might create several templates for a project and wish to know which track or event is set to which template. the way it is now, there is no way for me to know.
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Old August 22nd, 2004, 10:49 PM   #613
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Question on external monitors

I am new to all this and am not real sure what Douglas Spotted Eagle is referring to when he talks about getting a good external monitor for color correction in his Vegas 4.0 training DVD's. I did see what is referred to as video monitors at BH photo by Sony for about 2500 dollars. I can't afford one of those at the moment though.

I do own a very good Panasonic 34 inch flat screen TV that is very close to my computer and a couple of Sony VX2100 cameras. In Vegas 5.0, would I be able to send the video through my OHCI firewire card into my Sony VX2100 with pass through on to my Flat screen TV via S-Video in order to properly view the colors for color correction?
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Old August 23rd, 2004, 04:45 AM   #614
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Yes. Send the firewire to your cam and S or RCA out from the cam to the TV/flat screen or NTSC monitor. Set the camera in VTR/VCR mode press the EXTERNAL PREVIEW button on the preview screen in Vegas and have fun.

Don B
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Old August 23rd, 2004, 08:05 AM   #615
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Reid slaps his head and says "why didn't I think of that"...
I mean it's right there, and having read it I'm like oh sure, of course.
But man have you saved me time/money with the external monitor solution at least till I can swing a studio monitor.

Man I love these boards...
Reid Bailey is offline  
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