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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old August 12th, 2004, 08:51 PM   #481
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Thanks Gary,

How did you route each input to each specific track on the timeline?
Lance Spratt
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Old August 12th, 2004, 09:02 PM   #482
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Right-click the track header and choose "Record Inputs". That should give you a list of options. Pick a different one for each track.
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Old August 12th, 2004, 09:06 PM   #483
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I guess what fooled me was that I do not have a multi-track A/D convertor attached to the system at this time, and therefore every time I tried to map a track, I only got the Stereo, Left and Right options. The system needs to see the device before I have the option of routing my tracks. I understand now!

Thanks so much for your support!

Lance Spratt
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Old August 12th, 2004, 10:59 PM   #484
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Corrupted files???

I have had some problems with what I suppose are corrupted files. Occasionally I see a dead spot on an .avi clip in my timeline. It is all black or it is pixelated, multicolored and there is no picture, a third type would be similar, multicolored and the sound of rushing noise. I take that to mean the file has become corrupted somehow. A fix is to replace it from my backup, an external IOMEGA hard drive. This has always solved my problem of the unuseable file but I have not figured out just why the file would go bad.

Aside from that happening, I have twice lost all content from Drive E, a 160 GIG hard drive. The error says there is no directory to reformat etc. I have done that twice but have lost all data twice.

I note that those two drives, one 250 GIG and the 160 GIG are on a Promise controller card and that never occurred to me that there was a relationship so that card is suspect.

But here in the BIG problem. My project files are not working. I run a project file and I get an error that says "the file is an unsuported format".

A couple times I got past that initial error and into Vegas. I then was told that such and such a file had errors and would I like to replace the file. I can do that and restore all the files needed but after that installation when it all looks like it will work I get another error.

The one staring me in the face says,

"An error occurred while loading the project file Ceremony Synched with Master PIP track WORKVERSION 9.veg. The file is an unsupported format." then Vegas shuts down.

Obviously I have a PC problem but doesn't it seem unlikely that .veg files are now considered "unsupported format?". I am running backup .veg files from another drive. Vegas also is not installed on the drive with the project files or the .avi's.

Any ideas why Vegas is rejecting .veg files? I am looking at losing an awful lot of work if I can't get the .veg files working.

Thanks in advance.
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Old August 12th, 2004, 11:19 PM   #485
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Faulty CPU/RAM/power supply is one possible cause (but unlikely IMO). If you have bad hardware then you will see some of the following:

Blue screens of death (XP automatically reboots on these unless you tell it not to)

Your computer does not always boot up.

Weirdness and random instability.

A bad IDE controller could also be a cause, although I don't know what might be causing this. It could even be a bad hard drive, but I have never heard of a hard drive doing that. I think there are programs out there that test for data corruption.

2- You could try running chkdsk to check your drive for errors. run --? type in "chkdsk /f" if using winXP
You may need to have the test run on reboot.
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Old August 13th, 2004, 01:54 AM   #486
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Very very nice, well done. Just one short remark: I would avoid cutting on the beat for that makes the next cut predictabe, thus making the viewer aware of the editing.

Barend Jasper
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Old August 13th, 2004, 02:46 AM   #487
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Keep in mind that issues with AVI can also come from dropped
frames during capture and tape problems. Also at times I've
seen some weird pixels or other stuff in Vegas and when I closed
it and re-opened it was gone.

It does sound you have much more serious problem. It is NOT
healthy for drives to dissappear or loose all of their content.

Are you running a virus scanner? Is this machine connected to
the internet? If so are you running a firewall?

I would definitely check that Promise card out. It could be yours
is a faulty one. Heat can be a problem too, so if you can I would
check that as well. Besides that memory is quite a possible
candidate as well!

Rob Lohman,
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Old August 13th, 2004, 06:50 AM   #488
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i live in the burg...i may be able to make it
Trey Perrone

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Old August 13th, 2004, 07:08 AM   #489
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DVDarch2 - blur or alias issue - mpeg2?

i had worked all day yesterday with a fellow student at school with idvd to create our dvd and the program jsut wasnt supportive enough...

i went home and redid it all in arch2 (first time using it) and rendered/burned as i finally caught a few hours of sleep

got up and grabbed the disc and headed back up to school... the dvd looks great BUT all the video seems to have a blur to it...anything with more than just slight motion has either a blur or alias issue (kinda the best way i can describe it)

quick pans look especially awful - almost like an interlacing issue but the sections are much larger than what ive seen before when ive dealt with interlace issues

the files were all .mov, (because we did them here at the school on mac) when i rendered out the files i set them as avi though (interestingly in XP i could rename the mov extension to avi and the video play just fine)

all the clips were shot on my GL1 or XL1s - it doesnt appear to be a cam issue...

it looks like more of a mpeg2 conversion issue...i didnt see this problem with the files when i was messing with extensions and opening in QT or WM9.

when i set it to optimize the DVD it was left at the default 8 Mbps that Arch2 uses (same as Arch1 i believe)

It shows on my set top dvd player /32 inch sony tv (interlaced)
and on compaq laptop (winXPpro) and now here on the G4 macs at the school.

Im guessing it is something that happened in the conversion by dvdArch2...possibly because the files were .mov (outputted on g4s at school from FCP) maybe?

it's driving me absolutely nuts (not to mention I quit smoking this past week so im completely irritated with everyone and everything)

hopefully it wont be a real issue for the average user viewing it but to me its so blatantly obvious that something doesnt look right.

i live an hour away from school, so heading back and reencoding is kinda not the cards for me...i have the dvdARch and source files on ipod, but no vegas/Arch here at school...i guess it will have to suffice but i really must get to the bottom of this...i wouldnt think i would have had to deinterlace or anything since this is meant for set top dvd/standard tv.

any value-added comments anyone can help me with here?
Trey Perrone

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Old August 13th, 2004, 07:34 AM   #490
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Impressive work!
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Old August 13th, 2004, 08:29 AM   #491
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its coz u havent set the last keyframe within the scene..
the panner is still moving..
u need to set 2 of them.. on for the final stop within the pan, and one to keep it ther..
Peter Jefferson is offline  
Old August 13th, 2004, 09:46 AM   #492
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thanks Peter, maybe that is what I did wrong! I'll check it at home!
Cosmin Rotaru
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Old August 13th, 2004, 09:53 AM   #493
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Vegas5 - scrub

the scrub doesn't seem to work like in Vegas4. In Vegas4, draging the scrub while in "pause", whould play the video with variable speed/in selected direction. In Vegas 5 it just alter the play speed while in "play" mode. If I'm in "stop" or "pause", dragin the scrub does nothing!
Is there something to set so this would work?
Cosmin Rotaru
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Old August 13th, 2004, 10:03 AM   #494
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Vegas5 - DataCode...

I can see in MediaPool the DataCode (if that's its name - date/time of shooting) for captured (from DV) clips. But when rendering a project, the date/time is replaced with a new one (generated at the date/time of rendering).
Is there a way to kip the original date/time?

I want to use some apps to generate subtitle from the date/time info of the generated avi to use when compiling a DVD. (this is posible with the original captured avi)
Cosmin Rotaru
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Old August 13th, 2004, 10:05 AM   #495
RED Code Chef
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I see the following things that could be wrong:

1) the quicktime format was not in DV but some other compression format like mpeg2/4/sorenson

2) the footage was progressive and you forget to let DVDA/Vegas know and it thinks it is lower field first / interlaced (default)

3) the footage was interlaced but the field order went wrong somewhere

4) the playback DVD player does some artificial electronic enhancing (some players have this, most can have it switched of that do)

Rob Lohman,
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