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Old August 4th, 2004, 06:23 PM   #406
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Check this product:
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old August 4th, 2004, 06:34 PM   #407
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Specifying Audio Tracks in DVDA 2.0

How do you specify (or name) the audio tracks when using mutiple sources for audio? Whenever I preview my project and switch audio tracks (using the "audio" button) it tells me that each track is unspecified. I tried naming each track in the track edit window but no luck and my help searches turned up empty.

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Old August 4th, 2004, 06:41 PM   #408
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First, Even though the files are 4:2:2, if the source was DV, then the media was originally sampled at 4:1:1. Upsampling didn't gain them anything...
Second, Vegas will open the 4:2:2 files, and you may render those out as 4:2:2 or 4:1:1, or 4:4:4 in Vegas. An uncompressed file converted to DV would be substantially reduced in size, as uncompressed is 4;4;4, DV is 4;1;1.

If you captured in V-5, then you should be outputting DV/NTSC files for their use. Why they are upsampling them to uncompressed makes no sense. FCP 4 will read the .avi files just fine. And Vegas will read FCP's Quicktime DV files just fine. Both systems process at 8 bit unless they've got a 10 bit card on the FCP system, and even so, DV is 8 nothing gained there, either. Can't get more information into the file than was originally there without having some negative impact on what was originally contained in the file.
Not sure if this answers the question, since I didn't really see a specific question?
But you are correct in your assumption that using FCP in 4:2:2 mode for DV files is a waste of time. You're not really losing anything, except time. all transcodes you lose some information, question is how much before you can see the loss?
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old August 4th, 2004, 06:56 PM   #409
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you can only name it with the name convention provided by DVDA. In other words, you can call the track anything you want, but the designator is going to be "english" "german" etc. If you name a track "Barry1" and subsequent tracks in that file as "Barry Too", the viewer won't see those names in the remote audio settings. They'll see track 1, track 2, or En, De, etc, if you label them via the dropdowns. Only your created buttons can have the 'creative' name.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old August 4th, 2004, 06:57 PM   #410
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well my question was really pertaining to the output of AVI in FCP, as far as options there were none...i was just wondering if there were any specifics to it i should be aware of...

but i think i will take that over to the Mac forum

the 4:2:2 issue i was right about

the problem is that the folks im working with use these macs in the lab and arent really taught much about compression and the like not...i only know about these from reading here on the forums over the past couple o' years.

the systems are G4s and do not have SDI cards, just the 1394 that Apple builds onto those mobo's.

the AVIs used on there clips were originally captured by thru firewire onto my PC vegas system.

i guess i was just looking for a little reassurance that i was correct before i attempt to correct my classmates errors (and save a boatload of their rendering time and hard drive space)

Trey Perrone

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Old August 5th, 2004, 03:55 AM   #411
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can't remove particles when using film effects

i have a track in a VEGAS 5 project where i apply "Sony Film Effects" on the whole track (video track FX). i uncheck the "Enable particles" box in order to neutralize dust, hair, flicker, jitter and scratches, but when previewing the track, some dust and scratches, etc. are still visible here and there.

why is this happening? shouldn't unchecking "Enable particles" remove ALL particles completely?

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Old August 5th, 2004, 06:47 AM   #412
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This happens with EVERYTHING you do. Just defrag.

Rob Lohman,
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Old August 5th, 2004, 07:25 AM   #413
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I would recommend applying effects ONLY in the small sections where they are needed. Either split the clip and apply it to directly to that smaller clip OR put everything without the effect on a different track. with only the affected clip on the track with the effect.
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Old August 5th, 2004, 09:45 AM   #414
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BatchRender Pro - Doesn't render ac3?

I have been attempting to use batchrender pro to render ac3 files. I can render them using vegas, and I can render mpg (DVDA) files using BatchRender Pro.

When I attempt to render ac3 files using BatchRender Pro, it simply runs through the files but does not render.

Any one having luck using BRP with ac3 files. I have attempted to contact Roger for the past week or so but the emails haven't been opened.


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Old August 5th, 2004, 10:57 AM   #415
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hi edward. i might have not explained my problem clearly.

i want to apply Sony Film Effects to a track (or to an event for that matter).
i click on the Track FX... icon, then i select Sony Film Effects from the Plug-In Chooser - Video Track FX menu and click Add. then i click OK.

now the Film Effects modifying window is visable, where i can adjust it's different parameters (grain, tint, particle type and amount, and so on).

i UNcheck the "enable particles" box so that no dust, scratches, hair, flickers and jitters are visable.

i preview the track or event and see that although "enable particles" is unchecked, particles are still visible to a certain degree. i can still see slight scratch effects, dust and so on.

i was sure that unchecking enable particles would remove particle elements entirly. am i wrong? if not, why is this happening.
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Old August 5th, 2004, 01:21 PM   #416
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You need to uncheck enable particles for each type listed in the combobox. Not intuitive, but that is how it works.

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Old August 5th, 2004, 01:26 PM   #417
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If you are using Vegas 5.0b, I just uncovered a bug last night that might be causing your problem. I was helping a user who had this problem using my Capture Cutter tool.

Are you using a custom ac3 template? If so, there is a bug that Vegas does not render the files using this template if it is the first render that you have done after starting Vegas. Try starting Vegas, rendering one file using the standard ac3 template, and then without restarting Vegas, try rendering using your custom template.

If this is not the problem, then it must be something else. If you are still having problems, you could try my MultiRender tool to see if you have the same problem with it. It can be found at:

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Old August 5th, 2004, 02:06 PM   #418
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I am not sure I agree with your observation, or perhaps misunderstand what you said.

I am using a custom ac3 template, however, I don't think there is anything new about it but the name I called it. I have been avoiding the batchrender issue by opening 5b, and then rendering with the "custom" ac3 template. It appears to be working fine for me.

Thanks for the link to your tool. I'll give it a go if there is a trial version that produces output.


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Old August 5th, 2004, 02:15 PM   #419
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It does work fine if you are doing it manually. The bug is in the scripting API. So, if you are rendering from a script, you might run into this bug.

I spent three hours debugging this last night with a user of mine and we verified that this was a problem on both his and my machine. I reported the bug to Sony as well and they are going to try to reproduce it also.

Again, the bug only happens is you are rending via a script. The work around it pretty easy, just render one file using a built in template before using the custom template.

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Old August 5th, 2004, 04:11 PM   #420
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quality differences and blur advice

Ok, just for funsies, I rendered something in "draft" quality, assuming it would come out looking significanly crappier than something rendered at "Best" quality. Not so. I could tell little, if any difference.

Is there real difference between Draft, Preview, Good, and Best? I really can't see it.

Also, after almost pulling my hair out because footage that was supposed to be rendered in 60i kept coming out "frame mode" looking, I finally figured out that the culprit was the Gaussian blur I'd applied. For some reason, it makes your footage look "progressive." I guess it works on both fields at once, like Satish's 3d Plugin Pac. Anyway, if anyone else didn't know this, now they do.

Still version 4.0 e, by the way.
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