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Old December 1st, 2004, 06:18 AM   #1576
RED Code Chef
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To add a note, make SURE your project settings MATCH the
resolution etc. of your footage (unless you want to conver it),
otherwise preview will be slower (as the program needs to
interpolate the "incorrect" content). This includes things like
interlaced/progressive, resolution, framerate etc.

Rob Lohman,
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Old December 1st, 2004, 06:23 AM   #1577
RED Code Chef
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Richard: no, that is not supported. However, it is possible to
(batch) render all the footage in lower proxy files.

DV is 3.6 MB/s for a single stream, which is roughly around
36 - 40 mbit/s. UTP is usually 100 mbit so it should work fine.

I even captured over a 100 mbit UTP network without any
problems, however if you seriously need to work with multiple
layers and such I would definitely go with a gigabit network
instead of UTP! This gets you to a 1000 mbits/s (make SURE you
get GOOD cards) network which should give you much more
breathing space and definitely enough bandwidth to capture
over the network as well!

I would definitely use a switch instead of a hub or directly
connect the two computers through a "null-modem/cross-over"
UTP cable (not sure if you can do that with gigabit).

Rob Lohman,
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Old December 1st, 2004, 04:07 PM   #1578
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Black Diffusion.

Increase the grade setting and play around with the other settings.
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Old December 1st, 2004, 07:19 PM   #1579
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Academic Version?or Pro?

my daughter is a student and i can get the academic version which sony discontinued nov 1. Is there a difference in acedemic vs. full commercial. i hear its the exact same except having to qualify. is this software the same except a serial number you type in? could it be converted later if needed? What are any other considerations i need to take?
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Old December 1st, 2004, 08:07 PM   #1580
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> Is there a difference in acedemic vs. full commercial.<

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Old December 1st, 2004, 08:10 PM   #1581
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However....with wavelet compression coming for everything in the future, let's hope that Vegas can eventually take advantage of this, at the least for HDV, so you could dial a wavelet compressor down to say....100:1, and do an offline, then dial it up for final output. Would really be sweet, eh?
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old December 1st, 2004, 08:11 PM   #1582
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HDV for U

We've got m2t files on our site for free download, if you'd like to play with raw HDV, straight from the camera.
Check em' out
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
Author, producer, composer
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Old December 2nd, 2004, 11:51 AM   #1583
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New FilmLooks plugin for Ultimate-S in Vegas

Anybody check out the absolutely wonderful new plugin for VASST's Ultimate-S tool for Vegas?

I picked it up but haven't tried it out yet. I can't believe the pricing on it. It really shows the strengths of Vegas, in my opinion, that you can built a tool that capitalizes on Vegas's built in functionality in such a way that it's faster and cheaper than anything else out there.

Great job VASST!
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Old December 2nd, 2004, 01:13 PM   #1584
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Where to learn what I Dont know I need to learn.

I just bought vegas + DVD an i was wondering if anyone had any Sugestions about where i could learn helpfull info on diong A&E type biographies. I want to start a Buisness doing this type of thing but im in my learning phase. i love the photo montages with pan and zoom. I guess i would need basic shooting tecniques and Lighting to spice things up as well as can be done. I want to tell peoples life story. I have some computer editing experince as a hobby. But I want to learn more so I get that professional look. Also I see People incorperate Shapes and Titles Into there projects wich seem to just slide around as they want them to. What type of program does this? Example: A pink background with a heart in the middle. Underneath the heart is the word love. The heart fades and the letters Break away from each other and slide off screen in different directions. I guess this would be graphic design? point me in the right direction if you can?
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Old December 2nd, 2004, 01:32 PM   #1585
Inner Circle
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Your questions encompass several different aspects of filmmaking. In fact, they actually encompass several different career paths! Having said that, the only way to be a "one man band" like most of us, is to break off a little piece at a time.

Since you want to make biographies... study biographies. Tape everything you get on AE and the History Channel. Watch them with the sound off. Listen to them with the video off. Observe how the story is structured. Ask yourself if you see a pattern emerge.

Do a google search for filmakking books. Better yet, check this forum for past discussions on favorite books on filmmaking and editing. Stop by your local bookstore and buy what interests you.

The "Pan and Zoom" approach to documentaries... often referred to as the "Ken Burns effect" - since he made it so widely poplular with the Civil War series - can be achieved natively in various editing programs, and by purchasing different plug-ins, Stage Tools is one that comes to mind.

Graphics composition is accomplished to a certain extent natively in each NLE, and their are third party programs like After Effects and Boris (to name two) that can be used with your main editing application. Each of these can be very deep, very feature rich, and take a long time to "master". While simple effects can often be achieved with templates supplied by the program.

In short, if you don't want to sign up with a pre-designed film school or film course, you are going to have to wade in and teach yourself. Of course, posting questions on this forum are a great help. But a specific, pointed question will often yield faster, better answers than "How do I get good at doing this?"
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Old December 2nd, 2004, 01:45 PM   #1586
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To learn specific things about Vegas, there are several good resources. For example, my newsletters, Instructional DVDs by Gary Kleiner and Spot. Spots site also includes info on some of the other aspects as well.
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Old December 2nd, 2004, 06:46 PM   #1587
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when rendering uncompressed AVI in Vegas .....

what are the correct settings under Video?

I am trying to use TMPGe instead of MainConcept and want the cleanest possible start, is this not uncompressed AVI? when I try this my picture has black bars on the sides andstutters, I am using Cineforms Aspect HD and I think it puts video to 1280 x720x24 and in the uncompressed render menu the video is saying 1280x720x32 is this my problem?
Mark Paschke is offline  
Old December 2nd, 2004, 09:42 PM   #1588
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Trial Vegas.. Docking Area

Hi all,

This is my first post so be gentle if I ask a dump question.

I'm trying out Vegas and wonder if I can flip the timeline and the dock area (dock area on top half and the timeline on the bottom half). My monitor is kind of high and hate having to look up at the time line. I got the book from Spot and he mentioned something about changing the internal reference for docking to TRUE will let me do this but I can't find it.. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Old December 2nd, 2004, 10:53 PM   #1589
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There are a couple ways to do this. First of all, there IS an internal preference that will do this - a quick search shows the one to look for is "Frame Dock at the Top".

Another way is to UNDOCK all of the lower windows, resize the main screen to the bottom half, and then move all of the previously docked windows to the top half.
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Old December 3rd, 2004, 04:47 AM   #1590
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Re: when rendering uncompressed AVI in Vegas .....

<<<-- Originally posted by Mark Paschke : what are the correct settings under Video?

I am trying to use TMPGe instead of MainConcept and want the cleanest possible start, is this not uncompressed AVI? when I try this my picture has black bars on the sides andstutters, I am using Cineforms Aspect HD and I think it puts video to 1280 x720x24 and in the uncompressed render menu the video is saying 1280x720x32 is this my problem? -->>>

I'll assume you're using the FX1...........

You need to create a new project template...

Select 'New' under the 'File' menu.

In the 'New Project' dialogue box that appears, type Sony HDR-FX1 (or whatever you want to identify the template..) then set the width and height fields to 1,440 and 1,080 respectively. Next set field order to Upper field first, then pixel aspect ratio to 1.3333. Set frame rate to the rate you require, Full resolution render quality to 'Best', motion blur type to 'Gaussian' and Deinterlace method to match the frame rate - i.e. 60 to none, 30 to blend for NTSC

Finally click the floppy disk icon to save the template for future use. You can adjust as required any of the settings of the template you've just created to refine further or create variation templates with different names for special requirements.

The rest from there should be fine..... Just remember to click the 'Custom' button when you 'Render As' an 'uncompressed *.avi' to doulble check the frame rate etc in the audio field and that audio is correctly set under the audio tab. I don't always trust that the optimal settings are automatically set when you select a render template.

Hope this helps.....
Steve Crisdale is offline  
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