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Old November 26th, 2004, 10:19 AM   #1516
Fred Retread
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Can Vegas reduce reverb?

I see that my Vegas tryout version has many audio plugins. Will any of those, or any other scripts out there diminish the echo that's inevitable when recording a live performance indoors?
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Old November 26th, 2004, 11:47 AM   #1517
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Fred, echo<>reverb is one of the most difficult items to "flatten" . . . I'd suggest you get over to the Vegas or Sound Forge forum and do some searching . . seeyah there Pal!

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Old November 27th, 2004, 01:24 AM   #1518
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Search for "acoustic mirror" on these forums and the Sony forums. Acoustic mirror and similar reverb plug-ins lets you model reverb in a room based on a recording of an impulse (i.e. clapping your hands). From this the plug-in can kinda work backwards and remove reverb.

That would be the best way of reducing reverb. Next worse is noise gate or noise reduction. Next best is ADR (does that count?). Similarly, does layering music on top count???
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Old November 27th, 2004, 03:06 PM   #1519
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External Preview Monitor Hook up help

I tried making my camcorders work to preview vegas on my tv but it never seemed to work.

SO ,,,, I bought the canopus advc-100 to solve the problem.

I have a firewire connection from the pc (6pin) to the advc-100 (4 pin) connection on the front of the unit.

I have the composite out of the rear of advc-100 going to the tv.

The advc is switched on and in digital-in mode.

I play a clip in vegas 4 and push the "preview on external monitor" button in the video preview window and ... nothing.

Windows xp sees the canopus advc-100 as "AVC compliant DV tape recorder/player"

What have I done wrong?


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Old November 27th, 2004, 03:10 PM   #1520
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USB Jog Shuttles

I was looking at this one:

Anyone using one, have any input on good and bad models?
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Old November 27th, 2004, 03:23 PM   #1521
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The Contour Shuttle Pro is well known and used by many Vegas users including myself. Well worth the investment.

The version 2 (black) unit is also very handy for programming macros into the buttons.

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Old November 27th, 2004, 04:11 PM   #1522
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I agree with Gary. It can be very useful. In fact, with Excalibur 3 I can use it to do a full multi-camera edit without even touching the computer with buttons programmed to start and stop playback and place camera markers on the timeline. The jog/shuttle is also very useful.
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Old November 27th, 2004, 04:14 PM   #1523
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Sounds like you have it connected correctly. In Vegas, make sure you have the proper device selected in the preferences and then simply click on the external preview button. That should be all that's required.
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Old November 27th, 2004, 05:07 PM   #1524
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Might have to "recycle' the canopus. Turn it off and on before booting Vegas... then try the same after booting Vegas. Sometimes the order that you boot the device in will affect how the program sees it. Make sure it is set to Digital IN (The blue light is hard to read by in a dark room)
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Old November 27th, 2004, 06:14 PM   #1525
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Aha. The key is within vegas ...

video devices
then select the canopus thingy

*poof* video appears on tv woo hoo (thank you EDWARD)

Now some of the color video is in color and other parts are sort of black and white and still other parts flicker.

Not good yet but ... getting better.
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Old November 28th, 2004, 12:46 PM   #1526
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And if Connect HD gives you trouble, try the shareware DVHSTool, which is available here:
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Old November 28th, 2004, 01:43 PM   #1527
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I can confirm that Connect HD will allow you to export edited 1080i M2T footage to D-VHS.
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Old November 28th, 2004, 02:57 PM   #1528
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Letterbox questions

I have a bunch of 720x480 video in 30P mode that I want to edit in Vegas 5.0 and put on DVD with DVDA 2.0 to display on a "normal" 4:3 television. I am trying to get a handle on the various settings I should use in Vegas to get the best quality letterboxed video.

For example, in "Project Properties" (ALT-ENTER), should the pixel aspect ratio be 0.9091 (NTSC DV)? Or 1.0000 (square pixels)? Both letterbox the frame, but the square pixels seem to look correct while 0.9091 looks a little squished. Meanwhile, 1.2121 (NTSC DV Widescreen) fills the frame with no letterboxing, but the video is clearly stretched in the preview, so I assume that's incorrect -- but I am not sure about this, see below for another question about Vegas's letterbox bars.

Before my other question about the letterbox bars, there also is another setting -- in "Render As." I take it I want to pick one of the MPEG2 DVDA choices, probably "DVD Architect NTSC video stream." I assume I don't want the widescreen (16:9) choice here for my 4:3 final product. For my 30P video, should I change "field order" to "progressive only" (by clicking on custom, then the video tab)? The default is Interlaced, bottom field first.

Now my other letterbox question -- I have noticed that transitions and color corrections affect the letterbox bars as well as the regular video frame. So if, for example, I rotate the frame, the black bars rotate, too. Or if I do a hard flash transition, the black bars turn white during the transition, too. I want to affect just the video -- do you have to mask to do that? That doesn't seem right. With 1.2121, I don't have those problems (at least in the video preview), since the video fills the frame, but it's stretched, so that can't be the right way to go, either.

Am I missing something? I'm sure this is a very basic question, but I am new to nonlinear editing. A good book on Vegas or DVDA that addresses rendering might help, so feel free to suggest one! I own Naked Vegas, but that's it so far. I'm getting a handle on the audio and video editing, but the rendering has me confused right now.
Brian Kennedy
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Old November 28th, 2004, 04:07 PM   #1529
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transition thing ..... again :)

Hi all,

Ok so here it is just want to transition at the end of a shot that was a right-left pan .

That pan finish with a big guy filling the whole left-hand side of the screen.

So when he does I want the next shot to push it to the rightand replace it.

Tried push,swap,slide transitions effect even pan/crop but there is always a frigging black screen between the two image.

It's been awhile since i edited anything maybe I forgot :)

Thx in advance
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Old November 28th, 2004, 06:02 PM   #1530
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Generally, you'll get the best looking video, when you keep all the settings, as close as possible to the original video.

If you shot 16:9 video, use the widescreen settings all the way through: (project, render, and DVDA).
If you shot 4:3 video, use the 4:3 settings all the way through.
If you are manually letterboxing 4:3 video, use 4:3 settings all the way through.
The same advice goes for interlaced and progressive video.

Pixel Aspect Ratio: Select square pixels if your video is destined to be viewed on a computer screen. Otherwise, select the pixel aspect ratio appropriate to the original video. You'll probably only change this setting when you are ready to render.

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