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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old November 23rd, 2004, 12:51 AM   #1486
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if you have photoshop CS you can set preference up for non square pixels and for NTSC colors ...

if using a earlier version of PS then use 655x480 (not 720x480) or that relationship between width & height ....
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Old November 23rd, 2004, 07:43 AM   #1487
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I'm a bit confused. But if Vegas should not use the 1.0 pixel aspect
ratio you can right-click on an event (footage on your timeline),
go to properties and then you can set the pixel aspect ratio for
that footage if you need to.

So if you made a picture at 720 x 480 in photoshop you should
change the pixel aspect ratio in Vegas to NTSC DV (0.9091)
instead of square pixels (1.0), or do what Don instructed
(which is the other way around).

Rob Lohman,
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Old November 23rd, 2004, 11:04 AM   #1488
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I guess an easier way to say it is: I can take any image (gif or jpeg) and drag it onto the timeline and Vegas automatically compensates for the difference by maintaining the image's aspect ratio. I can take a photo, put it on the timeline, and it automatically looks good on my video monitor. I guess that's a good thing because there's no need to do anything special.

I was initially confused because I had started out in Photoshop CS with one of their DV presets using the apect ratio "correction". However, all this isn't necessary because the image reflected in Photoshop's preview isn't what you get when you import into Vegas. What you get in Vegas is the original image with the original aspect ratio.

I guess Premiere must not work that way because when I looked in the Photoshop help topic, they said that this was necessary for creating graphics for Premiere.

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Old November 24th, 2004, 12:42 AM   #1489
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Output from Vegas to JVC D-VHS

I'm starting to do some work with the SONY HDR-FX1 Camera and was wondering if anyone knew if you can record the 1080i footage edited in Vegas 5 (print to tape) to the JVC D-VHS 30000.

I know from what I have heard that you can't record direct via firewire from the camera to the D-VHS deck because the SONY HDR-FX1 doesn't output the same type of transport stream file at the JVC HD10.

Any ideas?
Bill Piedra is offline  
Old November 24th, 2004, 01:04 AM   #1490
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Missing cwdxpx1.dll

When I start Vegas 5, as the splash screen comes up, an error message also arises saying it can't find cwdxpx1.dll, and must close. The program opens and runs fine anyway, but I'd like to fix this.

I'm pretty sure it's just a Direct X file, and I have other copies of it in certain folders. I just need to know what folder Vegas looks for it in, so I can drop a copy into it.
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Old November 24th, 2004, 01:06 AM   #1491
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Well I just dropped a copy of the file (from Soundforge) right into the main Vegas 5 folder, and it stopped asking for it on startup.

Hopefully this doesn't make anything else act crazy.

Maybe this thread to myself will be helpful for somebody esle. ;)
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Old November 24th, 2004, 04:44 AM   #1492
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Sound fx, logos?

Hello all!

Where do I go to find some sound effects for my Vegas editing software? Namely, I need the general stuff like cars reving, and that sound that signifies entrance to a dream sequence.


Where can I find the BMW banner/logo at the end of their commercials, along with the "BMW. The Ultimate Driving Machine" voiceover?

Thanks in advance
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Old November 24th, 2004, 07:25 AM   #1493
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That file does not exist on my computer so It's not a part of the Vegas 5 install. Apparently it's a tool installed by some other app (perhaps soundforge) that vegas was having problems locating.
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Old November 24th, 2004, 07:28 AM   #1494
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You should be able to find those sounds simply by doing a search on the internet.
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Old November 24th, 2004, 07:30 AM   #1495
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If this is edited footage, it doesn't matter what the source footage stream type was.

You can render from Vegas 5 and print to the D-VHS deck, but you'll need a 3rd party tool to do the print-to-tape.

Sony Media Software
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Old November 24th, 2004, 08:37 AM   #1496
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Thanks would that third party tool be CINEFORM ConnectHD by any chance?
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Old November 24th, 2004, 10:10 AM   #1497
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I didn't even think about the fact that I just installed the freeverb plugi-in as well. That probably has something to with it.
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Old November 24th, 2004, 10:56 AM   #1498
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Ah, I just figured something else out. I was wondering how Vegas could be maintaining the aspect ratio of a 720x480 square pixeled image without cropping it. I just noticed that it adds a letterbox above and below because it's maintaining the 720x480 aspect ratio instead of the 4:3 aspect ratio.

Vegas' default settings when importing images is to "maintain aspect ratio". Is there any way to disable this for all images or do you have to do that one by one? It seems the easiest way to avoid confusion, albeit slightly lower resolution, is to just make graphics at 640x480 and let Vegas resample it.

It also seems that DVD architect doesn't do that. If you're making an image for the DVD background, it will stretch it to fit.

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Old November 24th, 2004, 01:01 PM   #1499
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ConnectHD should be able to do that, yes.

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Old November 24th, 2004, 03:34 PM   #1500
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rendering help!!!

what do i need to do to get 24p and high quallity from my project. i use a sony pd150 just to let you know.
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