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Old May 30th, 2007, 09:53 AM   #1
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Out of memory error?

I am working on a 32 minute project, and I am trying to render the whole timeline to another track as an .avi file so I can take it into another program and render a flash file from it.

For some reason, I repeatedly get an error after a few minutes of rendering. The message says I am low on memory, and that I should close some programs.

I have no other programs running, and have rebooted my computer several times with the same result. I am puzzled, as I rendered almost the entire timeline a few days ago so that I could add FX (color curves, sharpening) to one whole clip, instead of having to apply FX to each of several video tracks. That render went fine. Then I rendered the whole project to create a .wmv file. Again... no problem.

Today, I could not render until I removed the FX from the track... then it rendered fine.

When I got the error, only about 300MB of rendered file had been produced - yet I have 2G of memory... so I don't understand the memory issue. When I checked my system status, everything seems to check out OK in the memory department.

I did notice that during the failed renders, the frame count was moving at about 2 frames per second until shortly before the failures - then the frame count would start flying as if my computer was on steroids... and then the error message.

I am using Vegas 4.0 on a dual Xeon system designed for editing, if that helps.

Does anyone have a clue as to why this is happening all of a sudden?
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Old May 30th, 2007, 01:40 PM   #2
Join Date: Nov 2005
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Have you done any updates to Vegas? I seem to recall a friend of mine that uses Vegas used to have those problems years ago, but he upgraded and those problems went away. If you are doing HDV editing, you really should upgrade to 7.0(d?) to get much faster renders and bug fixes.
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Old May 30th, 2007, 03:43 PM   #3
Inner Circle
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Pardon for asking a really dumb question but you're not rendering back to the system drive are you? Also if thats not the case are you rendering back to the same drive the footage is on. That MIGHT cause a problem as well.

Gotta ask ;-)

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Old May 30th, 2007, 05:29 PM   #4
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Sorry to jump in here but I have two Vegas machines. On one I have three drives. One for system programs, one for video and audio footage and one to render to. The second machine I used to have only one drive. Had evrything on the same drive (C:) I then changed it by adding a second HD that I use to store both video footage and to render to. Both machines have 1G memory. In my case I have never gotten that message on either of the computers. So that alone probably is not the problem. Possibly could be low on room on the HD? The rapid speeding up before failure is probably a sure sign of something but I don't know what. LOL.
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Old May 30th, 2007, 05:39 PM   #5
Inner Circle
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Well, Like I said gotta ask. Computers are strange machines. They sometimes do nasty things to us just to confuse us and make us mad (or drive us mad whichever the case)
o o

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Old May 30th, 2007, 05:56 PM   #6
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No, I am not using the system drive. Video is on a project drive and I am rendering to an export drive.

I have not done any video editing in the last couple of years, so no... I did not get any updates. I certainly can't get them, now. Perhaps I will just need to upgrade.

I just thought it was weird that this would occur since I have more than enough hardware to handle the load... and it did do nearly the same size render a few days earlier.
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Old May 30th, 2007, 07:21 PM   #7
Inner Circle
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Vegas 4 is an awesome and very stable product for standard def editing. You should not need to upgrade.

The last release version was 4.0e, build 239. If you're not on this, you should install it. It is available free on the sonycreativesoftware.com site, and should install right over your current build with no activation/registration/serial number issues if you're properly set up and registered now.

Have you been into the "my account" page on sonycreativesoftware.com?
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Old May 30th, 2007, 07:27 PM   #8
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I went the upgrade route, instead.

It seems to be working, now.

Thank to all!
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