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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old April 30th, 2007, 03:04 AM   #1
New Boot
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V1 and Vegas 7

I read that vegas 7.0 is updated to include full support for the Sony V1.

My question is what settings do I use for capturing 1080/24p video to edit on a 24p timeline? Do I capture at 1080/24p 1440x1080 or at 1920x1080?

And what do I export it as? My choices are 1080 50i and 1080 60i... What about 24p???

If someone can give me an easy-to-follow guide for all the settings I need for capturing/exporting in Vegas with the V1 1080/24p mode I would be eternally grateful.
Conrad Moore is offline  
Old April 30th, 2007, 07:34 AM   #2
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You merely need to use the HDV/SDI capture application.
There are no settings for resolution/framerate, as Vegas will correctly read what's on the tape.
Pulldown isn't extracted at capture, it's removed once the media is on a 23.97 timeline.
To export: Tools/Print to HDV tape.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
Author, producer, composer
Certified Sony Vegas Trainer
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Old April 30th, 2007, 11:58 AM   #3
New Boot
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So, are you saying that I don't need to do anything; that Vegas automatically "figures" out what type of video and framerate is on the tape, and does everything itself?

Sorry, but I am new to this.
Conrad Moore is offline  
Old April 30th, 2007, 12:31 PM   #4
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Yes, that's what I'm saying.
There is a header file on the tape that tells the NLE how to manage the file.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
Author, producer, composer
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Old April 30th, 2007, 12:50 PM   #5
New Boot
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Location: Portland
Posts: 11
Thanks for the clarification. One more question: I've read that sometimes it's easier on your computer (if your computer is not that good) to edit HD footage on a DV timeline.

Does doing this have any effect on the finished HD project? Or will the finished project turn out okay as long you render and export it correctly?
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Old April 30th, 2007, 01:12 PM   #6
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Vegas 7 will manage the HDV much the same as DV on a reasonably fast computer. Staying HD as far in the production process is always the best route.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old April 30th, 2007, 01:33 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Douglas Spotted Eagle View Post
You merely need to use the HDV/SDI capture application.
There are no settings for resolution/framerate, as Vegas will correctly read what's on the tape.
Pulldown isn't extracted at capture, it's removed once the media is on a 23.97 timeline.
To export: Tools/Print to HDV tape.

Does the same apply to the Cannon HV-20? Just capture to Vegas with firewire - no special settings? (I would think it would be the same). Thanks - PK
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Old April 30th, 2007, 03:43 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Conrad Moore View Post
I read that vegas 7.0 is updated to include full support for the Sony V1.
Vegas does NOT fully support the V1, but you won't know because DSE removed my post explaining what's missing during export.
Switcher's Quick Guide to the Avid Media Composer >>> http://home.mindspring.com/~d-v-c

Last edited by Douglas Spotted Eagle; April 30th, 2007 at 04:02 PM. Reason: edited for content
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Old April 30th, 2007, 04:00 PM   #9
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We already have several threads regarding this subject. There is no point in adding yet another one in another category.
You might as well point at a car manufacturer and say "Their car can't jump the Atlantic ocean, therefore it's not a real transportation device."

Vegas exports (like all NLE's) in a 60i stream if you wish to print back to the camcorder. No one wants to do this in the professional world. There is no reason to. No film transfer, no replicator, no broadcaster, no archivist, and no distribution will accept HDV as a master. If it's an HD delivery, it's going to be:
a-Blu-ray or HD DVD
b-HDCAM or D5
c-Hard drive for media services delivery

If it's SD delivery, delivery will be:
b-Beta SP/SX
d-HDD for replication, archive, or media server

Web delivery doesn't require any of the above.

Until someone provides information on *any* NLE that can do what you demand Vegas do, this thread is closed. Conversely, when someone provides information on any NLE that can manage both modes of the V1U on ingest as Vegas does, the thread will be reopened.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
Author, producer, composer
Certified Sony Vegas Trainer
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