Capture going Crazy - Vegas 7 conundrum at
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Old April 23rd, 2007, 12:01 AM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2007
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Capture going Crazy - Vegas 7 conundrum

Hi All! I originally started this thread on the sony forums but it doesn't seem like anyone's had the same problem, and I only have this equipment for a limited time. Here's the original thread

This is my first time using Vegas, which I bought to edit HDV. I've got several tapes, mostly with long interview sessions where I only start/stop the camera maybe 10 times.

The first tape I captured I used the camera I shot with (JVC HD100u @ 30p HDV). I used Auto Scene Detection, and the tape seemed to capture fine, although it broke the tape up into 22 files, which seems high, but I didn't manually count the stops.

For the rest of the tapes I have rented the JVC BR-HD50 deck. I have tried capturing several tapes now with scene detection on and off, and I get wacko results. Either way I do it, the capture gets broken up into multiple files, and I'm not talking a 4 gig FAT32 break. I'm talking 150-300 files for the first 15 minutes of tape.

At this rate by the time I'm done capturing all my tapes, I'll have around 20,000 files to scroll through.

My computer isn't exactly top notch, I've got an AMD Athalon 2400 and a gig of RAM, but I'm just capturing. That shouldn't hold me up. Vegas isn't detecting any drop frames, and I have the option enabled where capture is supposed to stop if a drop frame is detected.

I couldn't find any sort of driver update online for the BRHD50, so I can only assume what windows XP comes with should do the trick.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
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Old April 23rd, 2007, 04:09 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Tristan Chaika View Post capture fine, although it broke the tape up into 22 files, which seems high, but I didn't manually count the stops. supposed to stop if a drop frame is detected..

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
It may be worth giving HDVSplit a try to do the same task. It is free so can't hurt.
Robert Garvey Photographer
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