eliminating audio reverb in vegas at DVinfo.net
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Old March 2nd, 2007, 10:43 PM   #1
Inner Circle
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 2,290
eliminating audio reverb in vegas

I have a little bit of reverb in an audio track. Is there anything in Vegas 6 to eliminate it? Or reduce it?
Brian Luce is offline   Reply With Quote
Old March 3rd, 2007, 12:19 PM   #2
Inner Circle
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Windsor, ON Canada
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Here's a suggestion from Bob Grant in another Vegas forum.

Duplicate the audio track and invert. You should now hear nothing.
Apply serious compression to the duplicated track. Adjust threshold, attack and release times and the level of the track. The aim is so that the compressor is leaving the lower level echo untouched and compressing the wanted part. The net result (hopefully) will be that the lower level echo cancels out, leaving the wanted portion intact.

You can also knock some of the bottom end out. Apply a low shelf on the buss master.

Once you have everything as good as you can render it all out to a new audio track, delete the originals and reset all the FXs, just makes it easier to edit in my opinion.

Do not expect a perfect result but if it's just speech you can get a big improvement.
Mike Kujbida is offline   Reply With Quote
Old March 15th, 2007, 02:55 PM   #3
Inner Circle
Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 2,290
Originally Posted by Mike Kujbida View Post
Here's a suggestion from Bob Grant in another Vegas forum.

Duplicate the audio track and invert. You should now hear nothing.
Apply serious compression to the duplicated track. Adjust threshold, attack and release times and the level of the track. The aim is so that the compressor is leaving the lower level echo untouched and compressing the wanted part. The net result (hopefully) will be that the lower level echo cancels out, leaving the wanted portion intact.

You can also knock some of the bottom end out. Apply a low shelf on the buss master.

Once you have everything as good as you can render it all out to a new audio track, delete the originals and reset all the FXs, just makes it easier to edit in my opinion.

Do not expect a perfect result but if it's just speech you can get a big improvement.
What are the commands for inverting audio tracks? and how are the attack and release times adjusted?

And how do you apply a shelf?

I'm sorry I understand very little in these direction. Are there easier ways? It's not a huge amount of reverb but it'd be nice to dial some of it out.
Brian Luce is offline   Reply

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