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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old January 29th, 2007, 07:33 AM   #1
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A New Computer For My Vegas 7.0d


Sorry if this is a repeating subject. However, I think that there are many of us that are wondering about these same things. Vista is penetrating soon to your homes or offices, and there might be a need to anyhow renew some older hardware.

I would like to speed up the HDV editing in Vegas, and the editing as well. I am aware that during rendering the number crunching is the main issue, assuming your hard drives are speedy enough. I am aware that enough money can buy you the fastest PC - but here are some general questions:

1. Does Vegas 7.0x run on Vista?

2. Does Vegas 7.0x run on 64-bit XP?

3. Does Vegas 7.0x utilize fully a 64-bit quad core (Intel) CPU?

4. Would having TWO quad core CPU´s have an impact (and how big) on rendering speed.

5, Wich is faster - having one Quad Core Intel CPU - OR - two Dual Core Intel CPu's (assuming that all versions are running at their fastest available speeds)? And assuming that your motherboard would accept either and that the mother board has the fastest FSB(1333MHz) available?

6. What is your guess - will Vegas some day harness the computing power on your display adapter? Wich type of adapter would be a safe buy in that case?

Probably most answer are just good quesses from experienced people like you - but that is better than nothing. Might be someone is already running such systems?

Your comments invited. Sony's pages and knowledgebase have nothing about these subjects.
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Old January 29th, 2007, 08:24 AM   #2
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Vegas does not officially support Vista at this time. If you search, you will find some have tried it with various issues. Vegas does support multiple CPU's and will use them. When rendering, Vegas does a great job of using the multiple CPUs.
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Old January 29th, 2007, 09:41 AM   #3
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As fas as I remember Vegas is not compatible with Windows XP (64 bit).
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Old March 5th, 2007, 05:42 AM   #4
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Can any one else confirm this - that Vegas and XP64 is no go!

Have anyone tried? What problems would you encounter?

Sony pages do not explicitly say that Vegas is 32-bit only...

I am building a new system and would like to ulitize (in some other applications) a total of 4GB RAM. Than means XP64 - or you are stuck to the 2GB ram limit. I would like to run Vegas on this same setup - but that is NOT possible?

I could wait and see (until May) - if just Sony would give some preliminary information about it's intentions... Would be fair to tell us about the near future, now when also Vista is out. However, Vista is not an issue for me (I can do without it), but would like to use the 4GB memory?

Any rumours? Any hard facts - anyone? Probably the NAB meeting will reveal something more. Hopefully someone is going there that also reads this post :)

best regards,

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Old March 5th, 2007, 11:59 AM   #5
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32bit Windows XP can address 4 gigabytes.
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Old March 6th, 2007, 01:07 PM   #6
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You will need XP64 to really see the 4gigs.

I tried 4 gigs on my machine and xp pro only recognize 3gbs and the the last was a waste. The only way to have it recognize 4 is that you are using Windows 64 or better and have a 64bit processor. In addition on intel chips it will need EMT64 built in. But Windows 32bit will only see the size of your pagefile subtracted from the 4GB.

Last edited by Cary Lee; March 6th, 2007 at 01:43 PM.
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Old March 6th, 2007, 02:15 PM   #7
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My Vegas 7D works fine with Vista

Sony is actually doing a seminar (adverstised in a trade magazine) about their programs on the 64 bit new Sony Vaio AR series Vista computers. I assume if it does not already it will be fully compatible. Like I said, mine works so far with no glitches to speak of.
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Old March 6th, 2007, 04:20 PM   #8
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XP Pro 32 bit misnomer

XP Pro 32 bit CANNOT address 4GB - with the /pae switch in the boot.ini, it can address 3.25GB RAM.

There are several people on the Vegas Forums that are seeing better results with x64 XP Pro and Vegas 7d (me included) - Just make sure you have installed .net for x64 before installing Vegas - otherwise media manager install goes wonky.
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Old March 7th, 2007, 12:39 AM   #9
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Cliff, thx for your valuable info. I know that using 32 bit addressing you have a total address space of 4 GB. I had the impression that going above 2GB is useless, but it seems that XP can go up to 3.25GB. So - having 3GB RAM would be a good compromise on an XP machine?

Is it then ok to go to 4GB and XP64 and run Vegas 7.0d on this platform? Assuming that you install .net for xp64, BEFORE installing Vegas? Is that what you run today? Without problems? I would like to do the same... or should I wait that Vegas becomes Vista and 64bit compatible? Don't get me wrong, I do NOT want to migrate to Vista, I just need a faster platform to do my rendering on (who would not?).

best regards,

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Old March 7th, 2007, 10:13 AM   #10
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A thread I came across yesterday on the Vegas forums basically stated that there weren't any significant gains in rendering speed by going with 64bit xp pro - the biggest improvement seen was raw horsepower (CPU) followed by Disk I/O. Ram does help but only to an extent of how much is available. If an app is 32bit, it is limited by the 32bit programming.

The better results I was referring to (sorry for the ambiguity on that initial statement) was they were seeing much better system stability as a whole, able to multi task while still rendering out. I myself have had no issues running Vegas other than some plugins not being seen correctly - stability is rock solid.

I would say the best thing to do is to upgrade your cpu - I myself am considering that - I currently use an AMD 3800+ X2 Am2 socket with 4GB ram - I am looking to upgrade to an AMD 5200 or 5600. If all things are maxed out currently as far as ram and disk i/o, the cpu is the only thing left to improve upon.

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