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Old January 2nd, 2007, 06:29 PM   #1
Major Player
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Location: Oceanside Harbor, CA
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Use in another NLE

Attempting not to sound stupid but if I have a project in Vegas in the works,
and want to hand it off to someone who will be using a different NLE, what is the best way to package it? The tapes are no more so that is not an option.
Could I render and burn the rough cut and then put all the other files on a DVD? I suppose they couldn't do much with the rough cut rendered but they want certain scenes to stay as they are. This may be as simple as just naming and placing all the raw files in a usable form on disc but I thought I'd ask before proceeding. I'm not sure what NLE they are going to yet but I guess I'm curious overall what the options are when you don't have the original tapes and possibly want to keep some of the edited sections in tact.
Thanks for your time.
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Old January 2nd, 2007, 07:01 PM   #2
Inner Circle
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Could I render and burn the rough cut and then put all the other files on a DVD?
You could do that but keep in mind that a DVD will only hold approx. 20 min. of DV-AVI video. In my opinion, you'd be better off dumping all the files, rendered and raw, to an external hard drive. Just today I was just looking at a 160GB external that, because it used a laptop drive, could fit in a shirt pocket and was around $100 Cdn. Hard to beat that kind of convenience.
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Old January 2nd, 2007, 08:09 PM   #3
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Good point and I have that option, should've mentioned that I'd do that, I'm just not sure what a rendered file will look like to another NLE and how much it can be manipulated, I guess it's what it is, an edited file meaning it's contents can only be part of new project in another NLE on the timeline.
I'm also curious, can a Vegas project, unrendered, be put on a certain medium, and say placed in someone else's computer with Vegas, and be a rough draft showing all unrendered edits, crossfades, etc?
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Old January 2nd, 2007, 10:27 PM   #4
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The best option is to save an AAF file, a text edl, and the original files. Some NLE's will be able to open the text, others the AAF, and still others will require some conversion.
Nothing will open it as a vegas project; Anything but crossfades and audio envelopes will not appear. Some tools will see wipes, but nothing will see titles, transitions, filters, etc.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old January 3rd, 2007, 09:36 AM   #5
Major Player
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Doug, I'm not worried about text, the current media files are AVI believe, can those be left alone? What exactly should be converted to AAF? Thanks very much
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