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Old August 8th, 2006, 11:39 AM   #1
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How2 do dialogue lap

I have event in timeline 1 and I want to overlap the dialogue from second event in the last few frames of timeline 1. Don't know how. If I trim off the video from event 2, so I can overlap the dialogue into event 1, I lose audio. Not good. If I unlink audio from video in event 2, I lose synch on the whole track. Not good. Surely there is an easy way to do dialogue laps and sound laps over previous video, yes?

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Old August 8th, 2006, 11:47 AM   #2
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Depends on what you have and what you want but IF you have a few frames at the tail end of clip 1 leave them and simply pull clip 2 with the audio and overlap clip 1 until you get the desired result. If you don't have any frames on the tail of clip 1 then you cut it too short and it will be difficult to PRECISELY get the overlap or disolve you desire.
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Old August 8th, 2006, 12:12 PM   #3
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Also you might have "auto crossfades" turned off which will be automatically trimming your clips vs "mixing" them. If that doesn't work put the other audio on a second track and lap them over each other like that. You can also unlink and TRIM the audio one way or another (or video) then Group them back together and then they will match your edit and the audio will butt up against the other in an offset manner... I've done that before.
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Old August 8th, 2006, 02:36 PM   #4
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I'm not sure that I exactly understand your problem.

Is your problem that you don't want to fade (or overlap) the video but you do want to fade (or overlap) the audio?

If this is what you are trying to do, have you tried to make two copies of the audio, trimming the copy to just the length that you want to fade and placing it where you want it?
- Jesse
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Old August 8th, 2006, 04:40 PM   #5
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How2 do dialogue overlap

Thanks to all for the replies. I'm not sure I was completely clear, so let me try again. I'm using Vegas 6 btw.

I'm from the old editing school, physically chopping film, etc., so bear with me.

You've probably seen this a zillion times, so let me use an example: a scene is ending, but instead of cutting or cross fading into the next scene, the editor decides to be clever and bring in a line of dialogue from the next scene over the video of the last scene. (Ex: master shot of downtown, we hear BOB say his line over Master Shot, then cut to Bob in office.) As the dialogue line plays out over the last video, we then cut full to the next scene where we see perhaps the actor who was speaking that very line and the actor continues on with the rest of the dialogue. Many film and tv features have used this technique.

So, when I slide scene two into the end of scene one I get a cross video fade as well as a cross audio fade. Don't want that.

If I use a second event, and position scene two to play a line of dialogue over the end of scene one, I get a strange result. I'm close, but no cigar. I'm doing something wrong here. I'm probably in the right ball park, but not tweaking something I should. Is this is technique you would use to overlap dialogue?

Apologies for the slow learning curve on this...Vegas 6 is rather intuitive and easy to accomplish, except for this one technique!

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Old August 8th, 2006, 04:53 PM   #6
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use the unlink method I described

unless you want to have both audio tracks running (in that case you need to dupe your audio or at least move it on another track)... but all you need to do is select that track and (U)ngroup it (the U key) then you can trim back your video to where you want the cut and the audio will stay the same length. Then use the CTRL key and select both audio and video again and (G)roup them again. Do the same for the other event and then smash them together.

There are other variations of this... like just putting the video like you want then ungrouping them all and using the trimmer where you move the points on both audio events at the same time... then group them back together.
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Old August 8th, 2006, 08:25 PM   #7
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Instead of ungrouping, you can also click the "Ignore Event Grouping" button on the tool bar. Just remember to turn it back off afterwards.

BTW, they're called L-cuts and J-cuts.
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Old August 8th, 2006, 08:32 PM   #8
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How2 do dialogue overlap

Kevin, Edward, et al,
Many thanks! Got it. Both methods work great. Appreciate your assistance.
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Old August 9th, 2006, 12:37 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Edward Troxel
Instead of ungrouping, you can also click the "Ignore Event Grouping" button on the tool bar. Just remember to turn it back off afterwards.

BTW, they're called L-cuts and J-cuts.
Oh yeah, forgot about the ignore button... also I was wondering what L cuts and J cuts were... glad you mentioned that fact ;)
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