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Old January 7th, 2002, 08:09 PM   #1
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Vegas Video discussions from 2002

I have heard that VV 3.0 does not support Canon 4 track audio: is that true?

Nathan Gifford
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Old January 8th, 2002, 04:28 AM   #2
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Yes this is true, from my understanding.


Old January 8th, 2002, 10:31 AM   #3
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I just bought a Canon XL1s and do have Vegas Video 3.0. I am just learning about this stuff, but I was hoping that this setup I could get the four tracks of audio. This is too bad.

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Old January 19th, 2002, 01:47 PM   #4
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Re: Vegas Vid & Canon 4 track?

Nathan did you figure out anything about Veg video 3.0?
i too have been using all 4 channels of audio and just discovered that i will have to dump via s-video and rca cables due to the fact that firewire to vegas is not picking up my 3-4 channels.

does anyonw know of software that is supporting all four chaales of audio via firewire?

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Old January 19th, 2002, 01:59 PM   #5
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XL1 & Vegas Video 3.0 Via firewire for 4 channel audio

I have read that Vegas Video 3.0 is not supporting XL1 4channel audio. What programs are supporting 4 channel firewire dumps and use's real quad surround sound proccessing?

Also i to am looking for a good totaly wireless microphone system
with Lavalier and handheld microphone. any suggestions? include all specs...thx

Has anyone tried using the supplied cannon mic with extention cables (1/8 stereo and the power) as a boom mic?

Suggestions on hooking up a me66 sennheiser for boom mic.

thanks for the help. . .

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Old January 21st, 2002, 03:35 PM   #6
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There is another solution if you don't mind purchasing a very inexpensive capture program. Scenalyzer now has the ability to capture either stereo 1 or stereo 2 from a minidv tape. The cost for this program is only $33.00. The updated version that has this capability is not yet a direct link on their site but they will send you a link to the beta version that includes this ability.
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Old January 21st, 2002, 03:38 PM   #7
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If you simply want a cheap capture program that will capture all 4 tracks, try You will need to request the link that points to the beta version that now includes this ability.

Most capturing programs allow this ability including: Cinestream, Premiere, and FCP. So, you can easily find a program which can capture the additional audio tracks.

For our wireless system, we use an Azden UDR400 system. It has worked great for our purposes. (Yes, it does record onto Stereo 2)
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Old January 21st, 2002, 04:37 PM   #8
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The Dazzle/FAST ' AV' and '' products will capture all 4 audio tracks and to boot they store them as four speparate WAV files. The cards come with a full version of Premiere 6.0 and soem other software.
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Old January 22nd, 2002, 01:14 PM   #9
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Many programs are capable of capturing all 4 tracks including:


As mentioned in my previous post, the CHEAPEST add-on you could get that will import all 4 tracks is Scenanlyzer. The demo version can be downloaded and tested from:

Personally, the options I use most are Cinestream and Scenalyzer.
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Old May 2nd, 2002, 11:20 PM   #10
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Vegas Video 3 stuttery playback

I thought I saw a Vegas Video 3 post elsewhere on this site. . .so here's mine. I recently edited something on Vegas Video 3, and during playback the last time I opened the program, it was all stuttery and nasty. . .kinda like streaming video with a 56k connection (which I also have), you get me?

The time before that, playback was fine. Capture looked nasty though. Granted, I am working off a 13 gig hard drive, the computer's original HD, and I have 384 mb of RAM. . .which I'm planning to change. However, I still have about 3.5 gigs of drive space left, and it's never been stuttery before, even at the highest quality preview level. Any ideas?
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Old May 3rd, 2002, 07:35 AM   #11
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not sure this is your problem, but, all hard drives lose speed on read and write operations as they fill up. If you're drive is full, it's working at a lower speed than when it's empty. If your drive is an older model (ie slower than the new drives) it is marginal for video capture/playback. As a result, you could be dropping frames. Are you?
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Old May 3rd, 2002, 08:43 AM   #12
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Well, there's a readout somewhere when you capture that tells you how many frames are dropped while capturing. It says no dropped frames. But yes, it is an older model (1999). I'm going to get a 80 gig firewire drive. They have mac-configured ones for &200 or so, and I've been told they can be reformatted to work on the PC. Is this s good way to go?
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Old May 3rd, 2002, 09:01 AM   #13
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Dropping frames is a problem reported only during capture. If playback is too slow, you'll get a lot of stuttering, but, no diagnostic message. There are a number of freeware drive speed testers available. Assuming you're using a DV codec, the drive speed has to be better than 4 Mb/sec minimum. Most older drives average about 12 Mb/sec with an occasional dropout to less than 3 Mb/sec.....not good.

A firewire IDE drive will work pretty least as good as a drive mounted on the internal IDE bus. My Western Dig wd1000BB runs at 24 Mb/sec minimum. For best video performance, be sure to get a 7200 RPM ATA/100 drive.
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Old May 3rd, 2002, 11:52 AM   #14
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sometimes when i edit VV i get the studder ...BUT when i look around i find that i accidently turned something ON that then makes VV have to render that FX which my processor can't do in real time... my most common accident is the luminance level slider it has to be 100% if lower heavy processing ...
another is sometimes i'll try a pan/crop or track motion then forget to unplug them .... if you added any FX to the video track it will put a load on the processor ...

VV runs very good on 384ram -IMO not the problem

i suggest you open a NEW window of vegas ..drop the avi clip on the timeline .. now play it ... if it plays back with no studder then somewhere in your other edit you have turned on a FX of some type... ??

also turn OFF any software running in background.. IE virus software, screen saver , easy cd ,

you don't say what CPU you are running ?? if under 933 .. when you capture do not use the computer - do not move the mouse , do not open a excel/word doc, capture using smart capture ( when you capture you will NOT see the image) view image on camera or tv , defrag your drive ... 3.5 gig of free HD space is very small ,

if running win2K have disk management look at HD - it will tell you how many pieces your clip is broken ... i'm running 80 gigs sometimes i'll have 15gigs free then when i capture a 3 gig clip it is broken up into 200 pieces ........
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Old May 3rd, 2002, 07:48 PM   #15
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So I'm not supposed to leave any FX in my piece when I watch it? I thought that was the whole point of Vegas Video. . .real time previews without the card.

I recently upgraded my computer's processor to a 1.6 gig Athlon, so it should be fine. I do have a pretty slow HD, though. . .I don't know its speed.
Josh Bass is offline  
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