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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old October 22nd, 2002, 03:32 PM   #136
Major Player
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Posts: 200
Hmm, I need to explore my demo version, it seems to be missing a few things, maybe I did something wrong or it is clashing with all the other demos I have installed, Premiere, Edition DV, etc

Thanks for the feedback!
Keith Luken is offline  
Old October 22nd, 2002, 06:35 PM   #137
Hawaiian Shirt Mogul
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"Donatello, Don't you have tracks 1 and 2 backwards? The titles should be on top - otherwise the still will COVER them."

EdwardTr you are CORRECT ... thanks

video track 1 = vv titles
video track 2 = still outline
video track 3 = clip
Don Donatello is offline  
Old October 23rd, 2002, 10:48 AM   #138
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keithluken, You can also "turn off" the sonic foundry codec by going to Options - Preferences. To use the sonic foundry codec, you need to make sure that you put a check beside "Ignore 3rd Party Codecs" and DO NOT have a check beside Use "Microsoft DV Codec".
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old October 23rd, 2002, 05:43 PM   #139
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Thanks for the suggestions. I actually ordered Vegas and Premiere today, seems my sis is a teacher and teachers get really great discounts! I got the Adobe DV Collection (Premiere, After Effects, Photo Shop and Illustrator) for only $475!! And Vegas was $146! Can't complain about that pricing, so decided not to choose, but to get both!
Keith Luken is offline  
Old November 3rd, 2002, 11:10 AM   #140
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Anne's Stupid Question: How to Deinterlace in Vegas 3.0

Hello all,

I want to know how to perform deinterlacing in Vegas 3.0. I just start using it and can't figure it out. I set property of the project and set one of the project property to "Blend" but output .mov is still interlaced.

Can someone help? I m sorry for stupid question
Old November 3rd, 2002, 12:00 PM   #141
Hawaiian Shirt Mogul
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double check your current opened project properties - FILE - PROPERTIES -

on you VV time line do a RIGHT CLICK on the CLIP ( video track) PROPERTIES ..put checks in the RESAMPLE and Reduce Interlace flicker boxes ...
Don Donatello is offline  
Old November 3rd, 2002, 07:26 PM   #142
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How to Add a Web Site Logo on Video with Vegas 3

I can't figure out how to add a logo to my video. I can do it in premier easily, but Vegas is so warped... how do I do it?
Old November 4th, 2002, 06:26 AM   #143
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I don't understand why you're having a problem adding a logo to you video. Regardless of the format--still or motion--it's imported into the media pool like any other file, then drag it into the timeline. How is that "warped"?
Jay Gladwell is offline  
Old November 4th, 2002, 09:18 PM   #144
New Boot
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Posts: 9
Logo not loco in Vegas


You should be able to easily add text to your video in Vegas.

At the top menu bar click on View. Then click "Text and background". This will open a window with various options for inserting text or backgrounds. You can move these to your project by dragging it to a new track. For instance, if you want the text to be seen on top of your video, choose the sample text with the checkiered background. Drag it to a new track above the video track. Once this is done another window will open to allow you to edit and set preferences. For further editing of text once it is placed in your project, right click on the event and choose "Edit generated media". You can "dock" the generated media window onto your workspace so it will be available to you at any time. When all else fails, take a look at the manual that Vegas provides. Not the small one that comes with the box. There is a more complete manual on the cd that is in a .pdf format.

Hope this helps.
magicman is offline  
Old November 4th, 2002, 09:20 PM   #145
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Create the logo in photoshop with a transparent background. Import and set up a video track above your main video track---that should do the trick.
David Mintzer is offline  
Old November 4th, 2002, 11:10 PM   #146
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I was going to suggest the Photoshop thing too. Remember, when you create in photoshop for video, there's a conversion that needs be done. I BELIEVE you create in photoshop with a canvas of dimensions width = 720 by height = 534, and this will give you the look it'll have on video. However, before you save it in whatever format you use for video, you'll want to change the height dimension to 480. This will look squashed in photoshop, but correct in Vegas Video.

Also, 72 dpi, unless you're doing pan and scan, and then 300 dpi. Color mode is RGB.

A more detailed explanation can be found here:

It's meant for Final Cut Pro, but it'll work on any NLE.
Josh Bass is offline  
Old November 5th, 2002, 03:05 AM   #147
New Boot
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Actually, You can set your canvas size to 655 x 480 (for NTSC) to begin with and it transfers fine into Vegas without any distortion. Also, if you have transparent backgrounds, use .png or .tga file extensions.
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Old November 5th, 2002, 12:09 PM   #148
Inner Circle
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655x480 is what most reccomend. Also export as a PNG file with alpha channel.
Joe Carney is offline  
Old November 5th, 2002, 02:29 PM   #149
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Thank you all. I think the help file confused me because it says I should make a solid background. Now I did transparent it all work out. I m start liking Vegas.. :o)
Old November 9th, 2002, 01:49 PM   #150
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Vegas is coming

Vegas Video Rules!

The best decision I have made in the last year was to migrate the lions share of my editing to Sonic Foundrys' Vegas Video.

Why am I convinced of this today you ask?

The more I become comfortable with this program the more powerful I realize it is. My customers are complimenting my work more than ever and more plugins are showing up for Vegas.

NEWS: New awesome 3D plug in pack for Vegas released today!

See the link below and if you have a copy of Vegas check it out.
Here is a sample of just one of it's capabilities:

Hey, and don't bother getting out your wallet, It is FREE!

I remember this feeling when I first started using Canopus products.
It sure is nice to feel it again.

You get the feeling that the Vegas users are excited about this software. VV has created a very talented user base. So talented and convinced of the potential of VV that they are writing plug-ins like this.
What a great creative tool. Just thought I would share my excitement.
Rick O'Brien
-Multimedia Producer
See the NLE Motherboard configuration site.
-Stable working systems motherboard configurations-
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