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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old November 10th, 2003, 08:00 AM   #1471
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To change the default duration, Right click and open the Properties window / Media / Length.

Remember, this won't alter the actual event length until you drag an edge, but it will change the point at which it loops.
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Old November 10th, 2003, 08:57 AM   #1472
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The length of the media on the track has no bearing at all with the length of the "media" in the generator. To change that length, you have to change the timecode value on the generator window. Why? I don't know.

Same applies to all generated media. If you create a scrolling text media and change the length on the timeline, it will still take the original amount of time to scroll. The "good" news is that the scrolling can be controlled independently of the timeline length making it easy, for example, to fade out a scroll just as the bottom line is entering the screen area.

Another option some people use is to CTRL-Drag to change the length effectively applying a velocity change.
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Old November 10th, 2003, 09:00 AM   #1473
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To be honest, it sounds like you have managed to get Vegas to save with the same media name duplicated in a media bin somewhere. Since it doesn't allow the same file twice in one bin, it is rejecting the open.

I would follow the advice to send it to Sony and see if they can repair it. It also might give them some insight on how to prevent it from happening in future versions.
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Old November 10th, 2003, 09:15 AM   #1474
Old Boot
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Thanks Edward . . .

Edward, thanks. I did send the BAD Vegtable to S-V over the weekend.... I'll wait and see - yeah?

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Old November 10th, 2003, 10:33 AM   #1475
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<<<-- Originally posted by Joe Sacher : XP has a tendency to load a bunch of things you don't need. A program named "EndItAll" is handy to kill off those programs that you don't need for video editing.

Also, you can go into task manager and right click on the process for VidCap and set priority to High. This should give it preference when it comes to CPU cycles. -->>>

Joe, I've heard of EndItAll, but have been unable to find a copy of it online (even though it's freeware, you have to pay for PCMag downloads now, bah!
Andrew | Canon XL1s, ME66, Vinten Vision 3, GlideCam V16 (for sale!)
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Old November 10th, 2003, 11:26 AM   #1476
Old Boot
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London & SE England Vegas Users!!!

Getting a meet at the National Film Theatre Bar on the 28th November! Yes? - Be there or be . . . . 4:3 . !

Gotta a Vegas colleague coming from Norway - TorS - to relax and talk V . . . or whatever . . . no qulifacations needed . . .

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Old November 10th, 2003, 07:21 PM   #1477
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Thanks guys. It does make sense in terms of controling the duration of a generated effect versus that of the event within which the effect takes place.
DVX100A/AT4071a/Vegas/After Effects
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Old November 11th, 2003, 01:36 AM   #1478
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Still no takers? Well, you won't have as much fun as we do.
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Old November 11th, 2003, 01:46 AM   #1479
Old Boot
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Quality NOT Quantity!!

Yeah, we're gonna have some fun . . Torsie, notice that 16 people have read this post. C'mon you woosies? Scared of Vikings or what?

Looking forward to meeting you on the 28th . . . .

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Old November 11th, 2003, 10:27 AM   #1480
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Hi Guys, I didn't think I would get a responce so I've been away for a week or so. Sorry not to get back any sooner. Thank you for the comments. I can not comment on the Music used in the trailer. Glen, please ask away.
Best Regards,
Mark T. Monciardini
Riverlight Studios
DVX100/Final Cut Pro 4/Mac G5 Dual 1.8
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Old November 11th, 2003, 10:41 AM   #1481
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I tried copying these files back to my documents, I tried copying them back to DVDA and V4, they appeared to have spent some time transferring info back to the my documents folder but neither V4 nor DVDA see's anything inside these folders when you try to open them. I have spent some time trying and I am just not getting it done, guess I will do it over, thanks for the help.
Don Parrish is offline  
Old November 11th, 2003, 11:09 AM   #1482
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When you did the initial build in DVDA, you had to specify a folder for the build. Once the build was complete, that folder contained two folders: Video_TS and Audio_TS.

All you have to do is copy the Video_TS and Audio_TS folders back from the DVD back into this folder. Then you tell DVDA to "Make DVD" and select the "burn only" option. There's no point in re-encoding the entire DVD if you already have a burned DVD.

If you need to see what folder you previously specified, just to to "Make DVD", choose "Burn Only" and the folder name will be displayed (and you also have the option of changing it there).
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Old November 12th, 2003, 10:59 AM   #1483
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Ok thanks:

1. Where did you get the music from for the trailer. Also how about the sound effects that are timed to certian edits?

2. How did you shoot that- simply by taking shots of the monitor while the application was running?

3. I finally found someone who has the identical interests as me videography (w/ Vegas) and graphic design. I, also, shoot with a DVX100 and do wedding videography. I usually shoot along side of my parter who owns an XL-1s. Thus I have yet to be able to do any serious 24pA shooting due to having to match his footage in post. So do you actually shoot weddings in 24pA? The only downside would be the manual focus, and no gain. I find I need gain in receptions and auto focus is good for run n' gun shooting.

4. What did you start out doing- videography or graphic design. Which area has been more lucrative? Lastly do you do this soley for a living?
See my dream is to be able to do something graphic or video related as a career. Right now I work full time at a normal (desk) job and do wedding videography and free-lance graphic design on the side but am not established in these areas anywhere near what I'd have to be to rely on them soley for income.

5. Lastly, a bit OT...but Photoshop CS. Is it worth it? I'm thinking about upgrading but a.) I don't know if the new features are all that compelling and b.) The upgrade doesn't "upgrade" my software- it simply "looks" for an earlier version of Photoshop before installing. Thus creating two versions of Photoshop which I really don't want. I'd rather have it streamlined and only have one copy of Photoshop on my system.

Thanks for time.
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Old November 12th, 2003, 12:11 PM   #1484
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Vegas Video

Anyone have any experience?

1) I've heard concerns about editing in native mpeg2

2) I've also heard concerns about capturing with the ulility that comes bundled with the camera (a necessary step)

I was think I could capture on the MAC with DVHScap and transfer the mpeg2's to the PC over our network

Any insight on Vegas would be appreciated.

-Steven Galvano
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Old November 12th, 2003, 04:47 PM   #1485
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Vegas Video 4+DVD does a fine job of editing the transport stream. It does not recognise the .ts extension (you need to use the "any file (*.*)" option when opening, at least in the version I have) and will not work at all without the +DVD part.
If you are going to edit on the PC, I would suggest using JVC capture utility and avoid transfering huge files over the network
Paul St. Denis is offline  
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