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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old November 6th, 2003, 08:13 PM   #1441
Inner Circle
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The workflow is VERY different between the 2 programs. I suggest getting some training materials to get you up to speed on doing things the "proper" way in either NLE.

How do Vegas and FCP compare?
You can search the forum, there's always threads on this.

Which has the superior workflow?
Depends on what you want to do. Vegas is better for audio, possibly effects-heavy work (although AE integration may not be that good), and better for multicam work. FCP seems to me to have better media management.

How's making DVDs?
If iDVD on the Mac is not buggy for you then it's great for anything under 1 hour.

Is your computer stable?
Both have been somewhat unstable for me. Audio editing on Vegas 4.0c on a celeron733 (yeah yeah...) has some weird graphics bugs (maybe I need to upgrade, didn't think of that until now). FCP3 has its bugs but once you patch it FCP3 has been very solid (no crashes). One of the 3rd-party filters is crashy but it was free and functional enough for me (joe's time bender- vegas has this built-in and FCP4 has it built-in but FCP4's is buggy/quirky from what I hear).

Vegas is more stable is my guess.

What systems do you have that work well?
A DP500 Yikes! G4 worked well for me for FCP2 and FCP3.
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Old November 7th, 2003, 02:33 AM   #1442
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Some audio FX are generated over an amount of time - like reverb. They will not produce a true readout if they are not run from the beginning. But if you are going through a project sequence by sequence to adjust audio levels you should be safe if you have a few second on each side of your selection.

Second qustion. In the graphic dynamics FX and supposedly in whatever compressor you use, there are settings for attack and release - in fractions of milliseconds. If you have an audio track with quick loud signals you should lower the attack time to keep below the 0 dB limit.

Your computer is more than adequate for the task.
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Old November 7th, 2003, 08:33 AM   #1443
Inner Circle
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Thanks. Your answer to the first question makes a lot of sense.

Regarding the second question, I'm using the graphics dynamics filter. I'm not exactly sure why the processing would make things clip, but the tip on changing the attack is helpful.
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Old November 7th, 2003, 09:49 AM   #1444
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Computer Arts (UK) reviews Vegas 4.0
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Old November 7th, 2003, 09:55 AM   #1445
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I believe you mean the object folder when you talk of the build folder. I am trying to pull it off the DVD but I cant get it into any folders from the DVD. Object proerties is blank so I cant get to the import folder, I have found both TS files in the media explorer but cant get it to actually move anywhere. If object properties was open I could get to the import folder, but it's blank

Edward, thanks again for the help.

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Old November 7th, 2003, 10:34 AM   #1446
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I have a P3 - 500, with 13GB 7200 main drive and a 120GB 7200 video drive. What other specs are relevant for capturing dv?

I checked in the bios to see if DMA is active. I think it is because I found that DMA 2 is listed for each drive under the interface heading.

What I tried with success was to just start over. I deleted the default session for vidcap. I cleaned off my video drive (which was nearly empty anyway). And I changed one setting, I turned on the stop at dropped frame. After that I was able to capture three 60min tapes with only one dropped frame, which I think happened when the virus scan program turned itself back on.

I think the default session was maxed out or something, is that possible?
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Old November 7th, 2003, 01:23 PM   #1447
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You can copy the VIDEO_TS and AUDIO_TS directories back to your hard drive. Then use DVDA to burn them out.

If you want to "backup" the project for later editing, just burn the source files (MPEG2 and AC3) and project file to a DVD using a data DVD program such as Nero or Easy CD.
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Old November 7th, 2003, 01:58 PM   #1448
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I have to know- did you "upgrade" your OS or do a clean install. It's always better to do a clean install of an OS rather than upgrading it. Even if it's the "upgrade" version all it does is prompt you for the 98 disc prior to other words you don't have to have an OS installed to install the "Upgrade".

Secondly I think Edward nailed it on the head. I'm in agreement that XP is loaded with tons of services that are unessesary and take up valuable resources. I don't however think this would cause 300 dropped frames in an hour. That definitly sounds like a DMA issue. Check if DMA is enabled via device manager.
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Old November 7th, 2003, 02:30 PM   #1449
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editing technique question

Hello all,

I am still a pretty new person to Vegas.. And this may be a dumb question(please forgive) but here goes.. I have editied previously using different NLE software, where the way you lay out the video on the timeline is in an A/B configuration.. eg, first video clip on track A, next on track B, next on A next on track B and so on and so forth.. Now it seems to me on Vegas, i have been using only one track ,(i have crossfades turned on)where the video is all layed out head to tail on one track,and the fades are automaticly created using this method.. Is this the technique that is most effective using vegas?? Are some doing the A/B technique?? And if so, is there a way in which the fades can be used automaticly when using this A/B technique?

mike M.
Mike Moncrief
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Old November 7th, 2003, 02:51 PM   #1450
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On the left-hand side of the track (near the track name) there is a button that you can hit to "expand track". Hit that and it should give you the A/B editing that you are used to and crossfades will be automatic when you overlap the events. I hope that's what you mean.

"I like Mankato just a little bit better than any other town in the world." -Sinclair Lewis
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Old November 7th, 2003, 03:06 PM   #1451
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That it !! That is exactly what i was looking for Ryan.. Thanks..
You the man...

Mike m.
Mike Moncrief
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Old November 7th, 2003, 03:19 PM   #1452
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Mike, try giving the single track editing a chance I'm positive you find it more intuitive and less cluttered. I, too, had to adjust comming from the A/B workspace of I don't think I could ever go back. Good luck, have fun.
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Old November 7th, 2003, 03:24 PM   #1453
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Joe the problem with that is he'll probably be editing DV AVIs not MP2s. You can backup your .VEG file but it'll only have placeholders where the media were. Backing up DV AVI's is tough due to the sheer size they take up. You'll have to make sure you captured them as short files and you'll end up having to make several DVDs to back-up anything less than a short project.
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Old November 7th, 2003, 03:42 PM   #1454
Inner Circle
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The single track paradigm was the initial Avid configuration. This is the industry standard on the Avid systems.
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Old November 7th, 2003, 04:18 PM   #1455
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Thanks folks !!!!
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