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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old September 22nd, 2003, 03:40 PM   #1126
Old Boot
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SOrry - Been away . .

XM2 + Vegas 4.0c total knock out!!!

No problems with any connection - Firewire or using the XM2 as a pass thru for AV>DV works like slippery mercury . . . . However, using SONY Premium Tapes I need to FF and REW. to set the correct tape tension.

errr.... nothing more really - Killer Kombo - Yeah?

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Old September 22nd, 2003, 08:56 PM   #1127
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making the only the subject in colour.

I need advices on how to make the subject in colour and the rest of the thing in the background or the video in balck and white?
I am using vegas.

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Old September 23rd, 2003, 06:49 AM   #1128
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Vegas VCD, Am I missing somthing?????

It seems the only choice I have in Vegas is Mpeg1 352x288 !
This makes the VCD worthless as the resolution is so bad I could not even use it for Demo.
If I render to any other res. or codec. I can not view it on the dvd player.
I started with DV video from a VX2000
Looks great in preview. Look bad on VCD.
Any help?
I had wanted to use CD's not DVD's for handing out Demo's
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Old September 23rd, 2003, 07:29 AM   #1129
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Basically, you need to make a mask of some sort to allow the color to show through. Then you make the rest of the area black and white.

Generally, you need to have the multiple video tracks. Make the bottom-most track black and white. The simplest method (if you have an "area" that needs to be color) would be to then add the same clip on the track above and use a cookie cutter to only let that one area show through.

If you are truly wanting a single color (i.e. red) then you will need even more tracks. Keep the B&W on bottom but above that you will need at least TWO more copies - one for the mask and one to let the color show through. These tracks will need the parent/child relationship turned on. To pick the color and create the mask, you the Secondary Color Correction tool. I'm debating making this a topic in the next newsletter. Send me a picture to use and I'll get started on the article.
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Old September 23rd, 2003, 07:31 AM   #1130
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If you want complete control in creating VCDs, use Vegas to EDIT the video and render to the format you want (full size MPEG1). Then use some other program to actually create the VCD. Look at for more details on how to do this.
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Old September 23rd, 2003, 07:53 AM   #1131
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Main Concept MPG encoder

Heres a strange one...

To save time near the end of a project, I usually do a batch of editing and render (much like render to new track) but manual.

Then when I remove the original video files and replace them with the long mpg, I select disable resample. This way I'm thinking that the render will just copy all this and skip to the next bit.

Even by using the same bitrates and disabling resampling, I STILL have to wait until the WHOLE project is rendered.

It is in fact re-rendering my mpg, even though all it really needs to do is copy it (which would be faster than realtime).

OK so thats one problem...
Any ideas as to why it would be doing this?

I'm using the DVD Architect PALDVD25fps template in Vegas 4, so I'm not doing anything wierd...

now onto the second thng..

Last night I was doing this render and it took AGES... now thats cool, I'm only running a p4 2.4 without H/T at this time, so I wasn't expecting miracles...

Now here's the strange part..

ALL the raw video is on a dedicated Western Digital 120gb drive, this is then rendered to a different 120gb WD drive, then put back together to make the final finished project do its last render a lot faster...

okies, after leaving it run overnight, and the duration of my work (bout 20hrs tops) i get an error that vegas
"could not render the file due an unknown error"

Now I play the file in media player, and it plays fine, the difference is the part where the file falls, is where there is a heavy effect and transition, either way, it shouldn't make a difference, but the file itself is still fine...

My setup is that Vegas runs its temp/cache directory into a different drive to the raw/capture drive, then outpuits its finals to a seprate drive altogether...
eg of workflow
120gb holds teh raws
80gb temp directory for renders and prerenders
120 output drive.

this saves wear and tear on HDD's and speeds up the process

but it still doesn't explain why the app would die during a render...

temperatures here are gettin high, but im using an antec 1080 with a 480PSU and 5 fans so its rock solid,

any ideas why something like this would be happening?
Anyone else have issues similar to this?
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Old September 23rd, 2003, 08:02 AM   #1132
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Thanks for your help. What I would love is a definitive answer from a Vegas expert or rep from Vegas.
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Old September 23rd, 2003, 08:34 AM   #1133
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You're pre-rendering to MPEG2? If so, DON'T - you'll lose quality bigtime as the MPEG2 gets re-rendered even if you are going to MPEG2!

A better solution: Pre-render to DV-AVI and replace those areas with that rendered file. Then, when rendering to DV-AVI it will be copied and when rendering to MPEG2 the process will be much quicker as it doesn't also have to do all the dissolves or effects.
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Old September 23rd, 2003, 08:43 AM   #1134
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For your second problem, heat could still be an issue. The safest method is to render the whole thing to DV-AVI, load that file on the timeline and then render to MPEG2.
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Old September 23rd, 2003, 09:06 AM   #1135
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Whatever you do...VCD willallways compress your video to 352x240 NTSC / or 352x288 for PAL... and it will look somehow like VHS.

I wouldnīt expect much from VCD. I have special problems when there is fast panning images, as I get to see some image distortion.. like it was a badly compressed JPEG image.

If your demo isnīt too long try making a SVCD itīs a little better.
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Old September 23rd, 2003, 11:37 AM   #1136
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Combining Tracks Speed up Rendering?

Hey Guys,

I currently have a wedding project that has 22 tracks. If I combine some of the tracks to reduce them down to 5 tracks total, would the rendering time be faster? The project is 2 hours long and it has taken about 12 hours to render 1:20 hours. When I was ready to send to dv tape the program crashed ( program not responding).

A response will be greatly appreciated.



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Old September 23rd, 2003, 11:44 AM   #1137
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What's your setup?

I am using an older Compaq, 900mz Athlon etc. . . It takes me that long, at least. I usually only render a few tracks at a time.
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Old September 23rd, 2003, 12:30 PM   #1138
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My guess is that you would see very little difference in time. If there are no clips on the tracks anyway, there's really nothing to render except for the few tracks that DO have events.
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Old September 23rd, 2003, 02:59 PM   #1139
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Parhelia, Vegas 4 and Overlay

Just getting into seriously using Vegas 4 for video editing. I just installed a Matrox Parhelia card in my NLE PC.

It's working just fine except I get no overlay playback on my NTSC monitor from Vegas. I do get from Media Player, Quicktime, PowerDVD. The After Effects plugin in works fine.

I realize I preview via firewire, but that means switching monitor inputs. I messed the Vegas video device settings without luck. Is there no overlay preview in Vegas 4?
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Old September 23rd, 2003, 05:10 PM   #1140
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Stephen, I'd ask this on the sonicfoundry forums to be sure, but I think that vegas doesn't use overlays. I have a G550 and have tried to get it outputing using DVDMAX and all that stuff but have had no luck.

I tend to be able to see if something is overlayed if I just grab the window and drag it around over the screen. Overlays tend to lag or overlap other windows for a short period. I haven't seen this with the vegas preview window which made me think it's software only.

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