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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old August 5th, 2003, 08:22 PM   #706
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Backup Vegas Project Files?

Opened up a recent wedding project I've been editing the last few days and noticed I must have, at some point, deleted the audio for series of edits accidently. When...who knows? But it's gone! Thankfully Excalibur saved me with the orphan tool (thanks Edward!)...however it got me thinking. Does Vegas make backup project files...similar to how Premiere automatically creates a project archive. One in which I could simply double click and load an earlier version of my current project- one which was "before" I deleted the audio accidently!

I see in the directory that I saved my Vegas project it created a backup (.bak) file but how is this utilized?
Glen Elliott is offline  
Old August 5th, 2003, 09:01 PM   #707
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I don't have it on mine. Is it only in Vegas 4? I'm still using v3.
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Old August 5th, 2003, 09:09 PM   #708
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The only files it creates are the BAK file, the VEG file, and an autosave file (for instance, if you last save 2 hours ago and your power went off - the auto save file would bring back everything to the last auto save). However, it does not create a series of backup files. To do that, you must do a Save As.
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old August 5th, 2003, 09:15 PM   #709
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Yeah I checked the manual and all pics of the master volume control don't have this. Now I'm back to thinking it wasn't there before.....
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Old August 5th, 2003, 09:16 PM   #710
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Where is the autosave file located? Can you simply double click it to load the project.
I ask because the .bak file can't be loaded- how would you implement it?
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Old August 5th, 2003, 09:25 PM   #711
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What are your audio settings under both File - Properties and Options - Preferences?

To me, it appears that you have a STEREO project (file - properties) playing to a 5.1 output device (options - preferences). This button appears to be letting you choose which speakers the stereo signal is going to.
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old August 5th, 2003, 09:57 PM   #712
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Found out what the problem was- under OPTIONS> PREFERENCES> AUDIO DEVICE.... my audio device was changed to "Direct Sound Surround Mapper". I switched it back to "Windows Classic Wave Driver" which I think was what it was set at by default.

What should it be set at, and why?
a. Microsoft Sound Mapper
b. Direct Sound Surround Mapper
c. Windows Classic Wave Driver
d. Creative ASIO
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Old August 6th, 2003, 04:42 AM   #713
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Thats basically it.
From memory (im not at the workstation), If your running the direct sound DX drivers or ASIO, it will give you these bus outputs as it runs thru a DX process to split each channel, which come in VERY handy. Problem with them is that its either these bus tracks to get a TRUE 5.1 project, or you can jsut cheat and use the surround panner with the MS Sound Mapper driver, which wont give you the precise control.
However if using ASIO (or the DXdrivers or ANY driver for that matter),you can easily adjust the surround pan without the use of any busses, mind you, the pan will be obvious and working with more tracks gives you the flexibility to filter out certain freq from individual channels using smart EQing techniques. ALso its always an idea to run a seperate LFE track and front ch track in mono.
Just merge the 2 channels on the timeline to create your front and LFE track. In the mixer settings in ur preview pane, jsut UNLOCK that bus and adjust gain acordingly.

This gives a better 5.1 spread and depth of sound, but obviously its alot more work than just sticking you panner in the centre...
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Old August 6th, 2003, 05:02 AM   #714
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What should it be set at, and why?

there are many answers to that, however it really depends on the project.

either the Directsound or ASIO drivers should suffice, as they both work well.. Directsound may have some latency problems with Panning while using realtime effects, apart from that theres nothign really all that significant. And if you have an ASIO card, use it, jsut set your altency to aroun 10 to 15ms

Mind you its a different way to track your busses by using that button your describing.
One way to work with a 5.1 project is to have 3 stereo busses


just copy the tracks and adjust the bus sends, eq etc individually.

One thing to note is that your image DOESNT show busses being used. Only a stereo track. If thats the case, i would change your project properties to Stereo and output a Dolby Stereo soundtrack. Again i dont know what kind of audio you want to output so i cant say which would be the best way to go.

If you had individual busses set, each track would be assigned to a mixer bus (similar to your image) which could then be maipulated individualy thru the mixer or keyframed thru the timeline by using envelopes (more effective method)

Basically those 3 busses represent 1 stereo track each. You can then insert effects, eq's and compressors etc, to an individual bus OR track. remember, dont get confused as your front and LFE are shared, you need to split them within the mixer OR create a seperate LFE track (which isnt really needed unless youre creating huge effects)

Once you start messing with Vegas audio, everything else will seem redundant... trust me, THIS applications strong point is the audio manipulation, Video is just a bonus.
Learn about it and you will NEVER look back...
Youre just dealing with the bus configs, wait till you get to the encoding, auto pans, effects etc etc parts...

even if it means editing using another App, you WILL come back to this to finish off the audio :)

if you have any specific question (as i know some of what i have written may not make sense right now) just post a thread and ill see what i can do to help
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Old August 6th, 2003, 05:23 AM   #715
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and if you want to streamline the whole process, use progressive with no interlacing.. basically chopping your encoding time and space down by 20% as yoru fields are deinterlaced...
This can give horrible results if you have been working with interlaced projects thou...
If working with interlaced fields, follow edwards suggestion and stick with an interlaced setting. If your filmin in progressive or frame, stick with that.

Variable bitrate is usualy the most common encoding method as it saves space, however the encoding bitrates are determined by the duration and quality of your project. Even commercial DVD production is set to variable (and they have 8.7 gig to mess with)
Dont forget to leave space for your audio.

I usually encode the audio first... then use a bitrate calculator (or DVD Architect) to assist in the highest possible quality in accordance with the left over space to determine the final output quality of the video.
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Old August 6th, 2003, 05:48 AM   #716
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the autosave project is a huuuuuuuge numbered file (but small in kb.. ie its got a long name with a load of numbers in it)usually found in your vegas temp directory

it could either have a .bak extension

should look similar to this...


you shoudl be able to load it, or veags will prompt you to load it then to save it in its original .veg format.

in options ,you can set it to autosave, however it creates this autosave file, not a continuation of the actual veg file.
Peter Jefferson is offline  
Old August 6th, 2003, 06:28 AM   #717
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Problem capturing in Vegas

I am capturing footage from an 8mm camcorder. I am capturing through the analog to digital converter on a Canon Optura. I am using firewire and have the 8mm connected to the Optura and the connections are fine.

Now when capturing this way the Canon is supposed to be for output purposes only so a tape does not need to be in there. The problem is that Vegas says the device is connected but has no tape, so it does see the 8mm cam. (I always capture fine from optura to pc.)

I changed appllications to make sure it was not my error and the Sorenson Compression Suite was able to see the 8mm through the Canon and allow me to capture video.

I am wondering if there is a setting in Vegas that I overlooked as I would like to do everything in Vegas. The canon manual did state that not all software will be able to handle this function but I can't believe that Vegas can not do this.
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Old August 6th, 2003, 06:54 AM   #718
Inner Circle
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in options disable "enable DV Device control".
then go to capture and disable "enable dv scene detection"

that shoudl work
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Old August 6th, 2003, 07:19 AM   #719
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To load a BAK file, just rename it to VEG. Many BAK files are actually .VEG.BAK so you just remove the .BAK.
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old August 6th, 2003, 08:31 AM   #720
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Now how often does it create a .bak file? I noticed it popped up in the directory one day with my .veg file. I didn't check daily so I don't know at what point it was created.

Also what's the difference between a .bak and auto saves?
Glen Elliott is offline  
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