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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old May 31st, 2003, 10:34 PM   #331
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Well, I can't really help you all that much with this, but i'll try my best.

From my experience with doing text/titling in Vegas, it's not very powerful, most NLE's are weak in this department though, so unless you are good with a 3D program, doing good animated text isn't very simple. I personally do most of my logos and stuff in Photoshop....

Anyway, about your situation, maybe try using the "light rays" video effect, I haven't tried that myself, but it may produce something decent.

I'll actually try it for myself right now, got to love all the free time I have, even on weekends. Good thing i'm going to shoot some video tomorrow.

EDIT -- I just found something pretty cool. Apply the cookie cutter video effect to the text on the timeline, and select "CUT AWAY ALL BUT SELECTION"...and then leave the rest of the sliding setting bars to the left, except the feather, and the size...just mess with it, and you'll see what it can keyframe it to move of course.
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Old June 2nd, 2003, 07:48 AM   #332
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Try running a lensflare across where the text would be on a lower track then on an upper track do the text with the light rays filter on, making the letters transparent through one of the many methods available.
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Old June 2nd, 2003, 04:11 PM   #333
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Ulead makes a program called Cool 3D studio. It may not be tops for 3D animation, but it does a fine job making flying logos. And it's relativley inexpensive too. There's several programs out there that make a great suppliment to Vegas . . . especially with regards to text. Some are way too expensive for my pocket book. Some are free, so I'm told.

Good luck!

iMac Pro (3.2 GHz 8-Core Intel Xeon W ): OS X 10.15.6; 64 GBs RAM; Radeon Pro Vega 64X 16 GB graphics; 2 TB internal SSD; 3 external SSDs; MOTU 828ES
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Old June 2nd, 2003, 04:41 PM   #334
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If using the Light Rays or something similar, you should consider modulating the rays using the Noise Generator for the sparkling effect.
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Old June 2nd, 2003, 05:00 PM   #335
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Dennis, could you explain more about "modulating the rays using the noise generator?"
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Old June 2nd, 2003, 11:47 PM   #336
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I saw a nice article by the After Effect experts (the Meyers) in DV that showed the technique. The basic idea is to apply Light Rays to a copy of your clip that has been multiplied by Noise. Animate the Noise over time. Composite this over the original clip. It makes it look like the light source is less than perfect or is being projected through dirty glass before it goes through your text. It might enhance the "sparkle" effect in this case.
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Old June 4th, 2003, 08:55 AM   #337
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Alex and Albert,

I sent you both a veg file of some sparkle effects I tried to create. There are so many possibilities but it will give you something to play with.
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Old June 7th, 2003, 01:54 PM   #338
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Vegas and Panasonic question


i am beginning to try out vegas to consider as a portable editing soulution for maybe traveling and a laptop.. Here is the thing i am seeing that is a problem.. When i use a Sony camcorder with Firewire, i am able to control the camera from Vegas itself.. capturing, rewind, fast forward etc.. But, when i connect my Panasonic AGDV2000 DV deck to the computer with vegas, i lose all my control function.. i can see the video, just cannot control rewind, fastforward etc.. this is really not a good thing, as i want to use Vegas to do a batch capturing?

Anyone have similar experiences ??? Any remedy?? is it a Panasonic OOOpps problem??

Mike Moncrief
Mike Moncrief
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Old June 7th, 2003, 09:33 PM   #339
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I use it with a Panasonic AG-DV2000 deck all the time. I'll bet you have a setting wrong on the deck. Do you have the deck in passive mode? Two separate DV2000 decks works fine with my laptop and also with two separate desktop units. Full camera control is available.
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Old June 8th, 2003, 02:28 AM   #340
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dont forget to put it in VCR mode...

i during recording i sometimes run an external deck thru firewire (so i get 2 tapes of teh same fotage) and i dont even have to touch the backup unit...

make sure its in VCR and remote device control is checked to the on position (in vegas device control checkbox is ON)
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Old June 8th, 2003, 02:51 AM   #341
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the light rays effect is extremely powerfule, coupled with teh 3d plugin and the shatter effect you can get some really awsome text conversions turning into starfields...

i use a cheap proggy called Xara 5 and save an animated avi using the Xara aniamtor, then i refine it in Vegas...

For my actual studio intro, i use a light ray tracing over the text, then goes into a hard flash with "presents" as it zooms out.. then i use the glow efects and shatter.. then i run the 3d plugin in and zoom into the explosion.. looks liek ur in a starfield..
If i had teh badwidth, id uplaod a demo..

but i agree.. teh titler is very limited, but you can do lots with everythign else around it and u can make some great magic...

remember, transitions can be used on title tracks too.. even if ther eis no other title to merge into.. jsut increase teh dafe time, and throw in ur transition...
For wedding, i prefer to keep titles simple due to the fact that its not about how many effects ur use or how flashy your text rolls are..
Persoanlly i only use the efects to emphaisis key moments.. text is important, but dont make it distracting.. in the end the product will "look neater"
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Old June 8th, 2003, 02:53 AM   #342
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Any new plugins for Vegas?

im gettin bored of all the cubes, and shatters etc...

jsut after something nice and elegant..
Ive been diving into the spicemaster series, but i dont see how much better spicemaster/filter 2 is to SM/F 1.2 (which is what im using)

anyone else use these tools??
Does anyone know if theres anything else like this for Vegas.??

and does anyone know if there are plans for HW suport for vegas? Im getin over the build dynamic ram preview selection.. it still wastes alot of time when doin hard effects...

any help, thoughts or ideas are greatly apprecaited!
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Old June 8th, 2003, 07:36 AM   #343
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Boris Red GL is about to be released. This is a very professional tool with unlimited possibilities. This release will include support for V4.
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Old June 8th, 2003, 10:14 PM   #344
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Got the deck working, you guys were correct, had it in the wrong mode, and needed to set some switches..

Thanks !!!
Mike Moncrief
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Old June 8th, 2003, 10:22 PM   #345
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Vegas (Architect) and Sony Drive ?

Hello all,

I know Vegas Architect supports the Sony DRU-500 dvd drive for authoring, just would like to know if it supports the updated version of this drive, the sony DRU-510 ??

Thanks !!
Mike Moncrief
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