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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old December 5th, 2005, 03:06 PM   #16
Major Player
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Originally Posted by Douglas Spotted Eagle
Interestingly enough, another community with a very active group of Premiere users is currently even now, ripping on how stable Vegas is vs Premiere. This is frankly, my biggest issue.
Meaning Vegas is unstable or the other way around?

I suspect you mean Premiere to which I'd agree. And without getting into the hardware specs, XP issues, CPU temps, phases of the moon, etc... I just can't trust it anymore - especially the corruption in the project files.
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Old December 5th, 2005, 07:51 PM   #17
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Okay now that all of that has been said, what about AVID? I was told if I would learn AVID I could get a job editing in the future. I was told that all major studios use AVID. I just don't hear a lot of talk about it's features and it is really expensive.

The one thing I love about this forum is I always get a lot of info. I think I will be able to do this for a living after reading all of your posts. This is great stuff.
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Old December 5th, 2005, 08:16 PM   #18
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Stockton, UT
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Originally Posted by David Griffey
Okay now that all of that has been said, what about AVID? I was told if I would learn AVID I could get a job editing in the future. I was told that all major studios use AVID. I just don't hear a lot of talk about it's features and it is really expensive.

The one thing I love about this forum is I always get a lot of info. I think I will be able to do this for a living after reading all of your posts. This is great stuff.
There used to be a significant amount of truth to what you're hearing. However, these days Avid is still the standard, losing share fairly quickly to FCP and the plethora of "other."

However, you can NEVER do wrong by becoming certified in Avid, as once you're certified in Express Pro HD, the climb upward in the Avid world is fairly easy. Same goes for FCP. Getting educated in all the NLE's is a good thing to do, because anyone locked into one world today is a fool, IMO. Anyone who is "just an editor" or "Just a producer" or "Just a director" is looking for a pink slip in the near future. Today, the majority of work goes to "Preditors" or people that are producer-editors, that have skills in many facets of the industry, not just one. Cameramen for news stations are now editing in the field, directors are editing and producing in the station, and everyone on the team is doing multiple jobs with technology as their assistant.
In other words, DON'T STOP LEARNING. EVER.
Learn as many tools as you can mentally cope with, and at least get a passing familiarity with all of them.
That's my nickel's worth, anyway.
FWIW, I work with Sony Vegas, Avid, FCP, Canopus Edius, After Effects, Commotion (old, discontinued product) Adobe Premiere Pro, Ulead Media Studio, DVD Studio Pro, DVD Architect, DVD Workshop, yadayadayada....with a good passing knowledge of most other video-related tools and technology. And I feel like I'm playing catch-up with a lot of people.
So if you can afford it, get Avid certified. Get FCP certified, get Vegas, Premiere, and whatever else in your head.
You'll be much more employable, and you'll rarely have to find yourself in an editing seat saying "I can't do that, I don't know how."
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
Author, producer, composer
Certified Sony Vegas Trainer
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