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Old October 29th, 2005, 05:15 PM   #1
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DVDA2 main menu audio ?

Can I adjust the audio level on the main menu? This is the audio for the menu with the chapters

Right now I am lowering the level in Vegas render as AC3 then dragging it into the audio section when in DVDA2 lots of steps and time.
in Vegas I just lower the clip audio and can see the peaks go down
can I do this in DVDA2? have tried ..no luck


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Old October 29th, 2005, 06:47 PM   #2
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Sorry, you must make volume changes to your media before bringing into DVDA.

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Old October 30th, 2005, 07:02 PM   #3
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Urgh... I tried to drag 2 audio files on the timeline in DVDA3 without success as well.I usually have a motion background and some music for the menu...had to resort to rendering it in Vegas with the audio before moving it to DVDA3
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Old October 31st, 2005, 11:27 AM   #4
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maybe in DVDA4......
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Old October 31st, 2005, 01:38 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Vince Debart
maybe in DVDA4......
Not likely. Mixing is best left to the DAW/NLE, and this is where it should be done. Ulead DVD Workshop has volume for post-AC3 processes, and it sounds horrible. Not only does it require the audio to be recompressed, since it originates as AC3, but more importantly, the values are never real, because it applies to the entire track pre-compression with no additional control.

This is why NLE's/DAW's offer this control, so you can hear it, modify it, make it right to levels when you render it out. DVD Authoring is DVD Authoring, not editing.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old October 31st, 2005, 02:18 PM   #6
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All I want to do is drop the audio a few db,,,in the manor it can be accomplished in Vegas by just putting the cursor at the top of the audio clip and lowering the little blue line I do agree that a/v editing should be done in Vegas or FCP etc but just to drop the level a little no editing needed would be nice,

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Old October 31st, 2005, 03:59 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Vince Debart
All I want to do is drop the audio a few db,,,in the manor it can be accomplished in Vegas by just putting the cursor at the top of the audio clip and lowering the little blue line I do agree that a/v editing should be done in Vegas or FCP etc but just to drop the level a little no editing needed would be nice,

Manipulation of existing resource.
In other words, changing levels *is* editing.
Vegas is the assembly line and final manufacturing finish; DVD Authoring tool/DVDA is the packaging.

While it might seem to be a subtle difference, it's not. DVDA 3 does offer the ability to mess with contrast/saturation of thumbnails, but that's not editing, it's dealing with images imported from existing media that needs to blend with other existing. I'd still consider that as part of the authoring package. I'd wager that having a second level control in the process would mess up more people than it would benefit.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old October 31st, 2005, 05:31 PM   #8
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True… But in DVDA you can manipulate resource i.e. set markers, in and out of thumbnails, no thumbnails, animate thumbnails and a host of other manipulations
I am not trying to have a pissing contest,,, guess that I feel that 2 apps that are made to work together could maybe figure out a way to share a simple function

BTW as far as Vegas and digital audio and video you could piss much farther than I

Thanks for your insights they are appreciated and respected

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Old October 31st, 2005, 06:07 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Vince Debart
True… But in DVDA you can manipulate resource i.e. set markers, in and out of thumbnails, no thumbnails, animate thumbnails and a host of other manipulations
I am not trying to have a pissing contest,,, guess that I feel that 2 apps that are made to work together could maybe figure out a way to share a simple function

BTW as far as Vegas and digital audio and video you could piss much farther than I

Thanks for your insights they are appreciated and respected

I understand where you're coming from and could agree with it if it followed an existing or even sensible paradigm.
Keep in mind, everything you mention above is part of authoring. You're not editing video/media in any way. All you are doing is providing pointers to existing media. Changing an in/out point for the media is about all you can do that's an edit, and if you do that post encode, the extra media is still there, it's just not visible.
At what point does one app begin and the other end? Should they allow color correction in DVDA? Might as well, even if color correcting MPEG is a poor practice. Should they allow for non-compliant media to go on to the disc and potentially mess up viewers? Might as well.
Perhaps move everything from DVDA to the Vegas timeline like Pinnacle? No one seems to be too happy with that workflow either.

Ulead DVD Workshop is the only tool that offers volume manipulation post-encode. It is a terrible idea, because it makes already compressed/compromised media sound bad, as it must be recompressed. But would anyone blame the bad sound on recompression? Not likely. More likely they'd blame the encoder, in this case it would be DVDA. Therefore, it becomes Sony's fault that the AC3 sounds terrible, in the minds of those that would use the function.
Can it be done? Surely. Should it be done? I don't think so, simply for the reason stated above.
At some point, the media has to quit being the chicken and become the pig.
If you don't know what I mean, think about who is more committed to breakfast...
In other words, learning to do this in Vegas or any other NLE which is where it should be done, is part of the craft of editing and using tools that are designed for specific functionality (exceling at each of their individual tasks). But...if enough people demand it, DVDA will likely offer it, even if it does become redundant and bloated as a result.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old October 31st, 2005, 06:26 PM   #10
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Very well stated ...maybe I am just lazy

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Old November 1st, 2005, 05:22 AM   #11
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now i understand..recompression is the key to why the functions r not available.. thanks guys!
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