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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old May 12th, 2017, 01:16 AM   #16
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Re: Vegas... convince me. Can I edit video with this software?

And, Leslie, you still haven't answered Chris's questions. Why? Carry on ranting.
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Old May 12th, 2017, 06:37 AM   #17
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Re: Vegas... convince me. Can I edit video with this software?

I agree with you Leslie. I too am getting older ( 75 ) but have always had several NLE's. Currently use EDIUS WG 8.5 most of the time but always do my audio in Vegas ( have had since it was just audio ) I also have CS6 Suite ( for Photoshop, AE etc don't use Premiere !!! ) and Resolve. I am with your students, use the tool that is most appropriate for the job. Don't be restricted to a particular brand. To me at the moment, EDIUS has the best Multicam editing which is what I do all the time, Vegas has the best audio ( though Resolve 14 may now also be good )

I would normally upgrade Vegas every two versions but took advantage of the upgrade deal to 13 and get 14 free when it was offered. So now have 12, 13 and 14 on different PC's. I use Vegas for video only occasionally and then for the fact one can edit video in the audio paradigm of moving clips over each other for simple quick transition of video and audio together. Good for quick family videos.

Main audio reason to use Vegas is to sync audio tracks from multiple source to account for clock differences. Squeeze and stretch audio to get into sync. Most NLE's can slip tracks but cannot squeeze and stretch to correct for clock rate changes. Also audio clock rate editing to get rid of clicks etc.
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Old May 15th, 2017, 09:22 PM   #18
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Re: Vegas... convince me. Can I edit video with this software?

To those who are spending a lot of time trying to convince Chris not to do this and why, I say take a breath and relax. Chris already knows all that stuff. And he knows something we don't, which is why he's willing to put his money where his mouth is.

Peace, y'all.

The Old Guy hath spoken. The rumors are true: I'm not dead yet.
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Old May 17th, 2017, 12:22 AM   #19
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Re: Vegas... convince me. Can I edit video with this software?

Originally Posted by Paul R Johnson View Post
... the sony authentication numbers don't work on the magix site....
They should. You may need to manually register your SCS software there if it didn't happen automatically. See section 2b of this:

To all, for what it's worth, I'm happily editing UHD etc. footage in Vegas Pro 14. I have an i7-5960X, 32GB of RAM, and GPU acceleration switched off. It's pretty smooth and stable. Of course, Vegas could be improved in many ways but I'm happy enough to stick with it. A large part of the attraction and loyalty for me lies in the many custom scripts and extensions that I use.
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Old May 23rd, 2017, 05:52 PM   #20
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Re: Vegas... convince me. Can I edit video with this software?

Great thread! Here is my two cents, you knew it was coming ;-)

First, to are right on the money with your OP! That is a tutorial I might buy just to see if Vegas is the proper answer for me. Paul is correct, most tutorials suck, I have no confidence in them. If Chris produces one through DVI I can't wait to check it out. But to Seth and the others that may throw their hand have big ONES! The bar will be high here. It is a gentleman's forum but still a tough crowd. Why do you think there is so few posts in "show your work".

Ok, a little more seriously (maybe). Leslie's statement about the young upcomers being NLE agnostic rang so true with me. Because I USED to be that guy. These days after years in the business I suffer from software overload and now dread dramatic changes in workflow. I'm not dead yet ether, but I am 57 and often find myself playing the "old guy" on this forum and sometimes on the set! As an Adobe user since V1 I am sick of their steep learning curves and their constant need to create a new and separate program to perform groups of functions you should be able to do within any pro level NLE. The steep learning curves I can not rail about too much because they are pro level, deep programs that do a lot. But still, Adobe....I do not want a fifteen program Suite to do what a NLE like Vegas alone will do. Or so I hear that it will? Maybe the DVI tutorial would confirm that for me?

I was certain I was going to dump Adobe when they went subscription. I hate them for that, The only time I have ever granted permission to go automatically into my bank account every month is for my life insurance premium. And that happens because my wife has something to say about it! Just as I was about to buy Vages and say goodbye to Adobe I legally received an enterprise version of Adobe CC 2015 through a client partnership. That won't last forever so I am still watching Vegas.

I would love to see this tutorial get made.

Kind Regards,

Been at this so long I'm rounding my years of experience down...not up!
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Old May 23rd, 2017, 06:37 PM   #21
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Re: Vegas... convince me. Can I edit video with this software?

I agree a true Vegas tutorial, something Sony should have done, would be an amazing tool for those still considering Vegas. For me, the deeper it goes the better, so maybe a 101, 201, 301, 401 section? I dunno. I'm just making suggestions so I can be on the credit roll. :}
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Old May 24th, 2017, 04:11 PM   #22
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Re: Vegas... convince me. Can I edit video with this software?

For most NLE users, it's mother duck syndrome. For me, mother duck used to be Media Studio, in the years after she died I tried a whole lot of others: Avid, Edius, Premiere, Final Cut. Nothing beats Vegas for speed. But now, to mix metaphors, there's a new kid on the block. It's Resolve. My advice to anyone starting out, learn Resolve. There are some great tutorials on YouTube (Goat's Eye, I'm looking at you). Anyone subscribing to Premiere, switch. At the moment, voice recording in Resolve doesn't work, whereas in Vegas, it's just push a button. But Blackmagic is working on it and everything else they've pretty much taken care of. I think people familiar with Vegas mostly will keep using Vegas, but there will be very few new users and fewer current users will upgrade. Barring any quantum update I cannot see a future for Vegas. New tutorials won't change the situation.
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Old May 24th, 2017, 07:58 PM   #23
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Re: Vegas... convince me. Can I edit video with this software?

I'm only a part time video guy, doing the odd wedding and live event stuff, more like a paid hobby.

I am really glad to hear there might be some quality tutorials for Vegas coming.

I started a few years ago with Pinnacle studio, but reliability and customer service was appalling.

I then moved to Corel Video Studio which was supposed to offer so much more but didn't, despite 3 upgrades.

Then I tried a copy of Adobe Premier CS6 and it was a revelation! I could suddenly do all the things I had wanted to.
So I subscribed to Premier CC, but due to Adobe's upgrades (They call it updates) process and lack of technical communication about upgrades causing massive failures in projects I became increasingly frustrated. Also, the idea that if I ever stopped paying Adobe I could never revisit any projects really got to me.

So I started looking at other NLE programs, but wanted DVD/BD package as well.

When Magix took over Vegas Pro I took advantage of the discounted introductory price, Got v13 then v14 and am very happy. It does all the things I need. I had no idea how good it was with Audio which was a pain in Premiere.

I find most of the tutorials on youtube range from useless to "ok I got the gist" but there is some good stuff in the Vegas Forum links.

My recommended tutorial subject...
There is one subject that needs a lot of attention in a tutorial and that is about video levels. Wow, I'm a broadcast tech. and know about video levels, but the way Vegas deals with it is very confusing and some of the quality tutorials about it don't seem to make sense. The tutorial should cover workflow and use examples of importing clips from different sources and talk about the decision making process of adjusting computer RGB vs studio RGB while editing and rendering.

Regarding Resolve, I have Resolve 12.5 and viewed some of the excellent "Goats Eye View" tutorials on you tube, but I can work with Vegas now and finish a job. (and paid for Neat video too :-))
Resolve 14 is just too new to be wasting my time on just yet, but it does sound promising when the bugs are ironed out.
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