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Old April 8th, 2016, 11:06 PM   #16
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Re: Is it true that Vegas is DEAD?

Latest comment from SCS as of 8 April '16 :


Hi Chris;

Vegas Pro is not dead but at this point I can’t make any official announcements.


Michael Bryant; Director of Marketing


Make of it what you will. If I hear anything over NAB I shall post.

Chris Young
CYV Productions
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Old April 9th, 2016, 01:07 AM   #17
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Re: Is it true that Vegas is DEAD?

please do chris and put us out of our misery ;-)
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Old April 9th, 2016, 01:16 AM   #18
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Re: Is it true that Vegas is DEAD?

Chris can't do it. The "tantalising" reply was from Mike Bryant.

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Old April 9th, 2016, 04:32 AM   #19
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Re: Is it true that Vegas is DEAD?

he said if he hears anything at nab ;-)

here in the outback all i ever hear is my wife listing the things i've forgotten to do ;-)
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Old April 9th, 2016, 05:09 AM   #20
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Re: Is it true that Vegas is DEAD?

Could be they're doing a major rebuild.
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Old April 9th, 2016, 05:29 AM   #21
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Re: Is it true that Vegas is DEAD?

Yup, I read that Leslie.
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Old April 9th, 2016, 09:29 AM   #22
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Re: Is it true that Vegas is DEAD?

Chris, your comment goes along with what I read elsewhere, which I'll quote here verbatim.
All we can do is wait and see.

I questioned to Sony Creative Software support about some online stores selling Vegas Pro 14 Suite, if this was true or lie. The answer was:
- Kim N.: We do not have a Vegas Pro 14 available at this time so those are most likely inaccurate listings.

Then I asked if there will be a Vegas Pro 14 or not:
- Kim N.: There is a version 14 being worked on, but there have been some unanticipated delays so it's not available at the moment. We don't know when it will be released but it is being worked on.
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Old April 9th, 2016, 10:12 AM   #23
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Re: Is it true that Vegas is DEAD?

Okay, so Alister (who I heard this from) didn't know a new version of Vegas was actually being worked on. He assumed Catalyst Edit would replace Vegas.
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Old April 9th, 2016, 10:22 AM   #24
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Re: Is it true that Vegas is DEAD?

Originally Posted by Leslie Wand View Post
please do chris and put us out of our misery ;-)
Will do folks if I hear anything that is positive or negative. I do know they have been pretty involved with the Catalyst suite development path.

I have Catalyst suite here but am frustrated in so many ways with it due to the fact it only sees half the Vegas plugins. It sees Levels for example but not Curves. Some third party OFX plugs it sees just crash Catalyst. It still has a l-o-o-n-g way to go before it catches up with Vegas Pro as an all round NLE.

Chris Young
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Old April 9th, 2016, 05:34 PM   #25
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Re: Is it true that Vegas is DEAD?

agree totally chris... has an awful long road to travel IF it's meant as an alternative to vegas....
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Old April 11th, 2016, 08:34 AM   #26
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Re: Is it true that Vegas is DEAD?

After seeing all the "Catalyst" branded stuff I wondered that myself...
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Old April 11th, 2016, 11:46 AM   #27
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Re: Is it true that Vegas is DEAD?

If I had to judge Vegas' longevity by it's support, I'd say it'll probably die next week. All quips aside, I don't see a lot of development with Vegas. Even after acquiring it from Sonic Foundry some ten years ago, Vegas has mainly just updated it's lipstick, maybe a few pieces of jewelry. But as for cutting edge development, I just haven't seen the effort. Of course we hope for better every time we pay for updates.

As mentioned above, Sony is a hardware company and probably bought Vegas just to have an accessory, software. I was using Vegas when Sonic Foundry had it, I just don't feel the love of Sony for it's software.

If I had to guess, Sony will keep the software around until the market makes it too expensive to actually redevelop or another NLE comes along and knocks it out of the market.
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Old April 16th, 2016, 09:15 AM   #28
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Re: Is it true that Vegas is DEAD?

Steven, I'm not seeing the same Vegas as you, then. Vegas was the first pro NLE to go 64-bit, was the first to support 3D, the first to support Closed Captioning, the first to have "loudness" meters, the first to support many new camera formats... So I'm not seeing out it's not had any cutting edge developments...

Are there some things that would have been nice to have changed? Sure. But you can't truthfully say it hasn't had any cutting edge developments.
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Old April 16th, 2016, 12:10 PM   #29
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Re: Is it true that Vegas is DEAD?

Originally Posted by Edward Troxel View Post
Steven, I'm not seeing the same Vegas as you, then. Vegas was the first pro NLE to go 64-bit, was the first to support 3D, the first to support Closed Captioning, the first to have "loudness" meters, the first to support many new camera formats... So I'm not seeing out it's not had any cutting edge developments...

Are there some things that would have been nice to have changed? Sure. But you can't truthfully say it hasn't had any cutting edge developments.
Over the some 10 years I've used Vegas, development includes tech support, fixing issues that have remained from version to version. and it's been my experience that Sony has probably the worst tech support of any software I use. Vegas has poor error reporting when it crashes. It crashed the other night, no idea why. I know if I contact tech support, they'll just tell me to wipe my machine and reinstall at least three times over a month before I get any type of second level support. When I built this machine last year, I had to go over to the Creative Cow and figure out the best GPU, I read the Sony documentation ended up finding my answer in the forum. I know it sounds whiny, but if Vegas is going to use the GPU, then having the right information to purchase the correct one is very helpful since I'm building the entire machine around the NLE.

The other negative of Vegas for me is the titling, it's pretty laborious. The pro-titler is just not intuitive. I know I'm simple, and have a slow mind, but if I sit down at FCPX, that titler makes much more sense. Like I said, I may just be slow in the head. I'm slowly moving to FCPX as it grows up and use it projects where I need heavy titles, credit rolls, it's just much easier.

I still use your Excalibur because it makes much more sense and is more relevant to me than the way Vegas wants us to do stuff. The multicam you designed is invaluable, I don't use the multicam on Vegas because your script allows me to tweak the details more. I can see little stuff that may be wrong. When you made Excalibur, you designed it I'm sure based on practical use, time saving stuff. You probably looked around your office, asked professionals in the field, what would work for them. That's why Excalibur is such a great tool. That's what I've been waiting for from Sony.

Most everything I like about Vegas has been there since Sonic Foundry, which is why I usually upgrade every couple of versions. I love the software. It's my main editor. I just wish Sony made it more intuitive, like Excalibur and had some decent tech support.
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Old April 17th, 2016, 12:55 AM   #30
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Re: Is it true that Vegas is DEAD?

Hi all, long time since Ive been here, and ive been out of video editing for some time. But I recently saw an announcement that Quicktime is no longer updated for windows. Doesnt Vegas still require it? If so, either Vegas is getting ditched or they need (a lot of) time to remove that dependancy.

There are known flaws in Quicktime and already its recommended you uninstall it on windows machines. Of course, if you edit on a box with no internet access you may be fine. But, my guess is most likely Sony will end it, as I doubt they will feel its worth it to do all the work. Im not even sure what part of quicktime it requires, as it has to be more than just for encoding quicktime files. Anybody know?
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