Despite its flaws . . . at
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What Happens in Vegas...
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Old April 1st, 2014, 07:27 AM   #1
Inner Circle
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Despite its flaws . . .

. . . . I still love Vegas.

I've been working up some demo examples for a new NewBlue tutorial and because NewBlue are platform agnostic I thought it would be a nice idea to show some examples in NLEs other than my usual Vegas.

I'm an After Effects user (basic animated stuff mostly, infographics, stylised typography, etc) and I have a CC subscription that obviously entitles me to use Premiere Pro. Now I have to say I quite like a lot about Premiere Pro, but there is a huge amount that I just can't get my head around! How do PP users cope with not having track level or media level effects?! Or looping a clip?! Or having thumbnails on the timeline?! And don't talk to me about transitions . . . yikes!

Maybe they do have all these things and more, but if they do they're well hidden!

Anyway, just wanted to say that despite the crashes and my love/hate relationship with Vegas, I really don't know that I could happily exist in another environment. Now that version 13 has been announced officially let's hope some of those problems will have been addressed. Did I say some? I mean, of course, all ;-)
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Old April 1st, 2014, 11:36 AM   #2
Inner Circle
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Re: Despite its flaws . . .

I hear you Ian and totally agree with you! Don't get me started on the usability of PP! The simplest tasks seem so time consuming!

I do like many features and aspects of Edius, especially playback while editing, it's remarkable in that way. However the lack of features and plugins (for me I rely on Ultimate S) are a deal breaker.

I researched the major NLEs thoroughly before pluning into Vegas 6 or whatever version it was at the time. I still feel quite strongly I made the best choice, despite any issues we may have.
"The horror of what I saw on the timeline cannot be described."
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Old April 1st, 2014, 11:41 AM   #3
Inner Circle
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Re: Despite its flaws . . .

Don't get me wrong Jeff, I'm not knocking the product in general - in fact, I haven't had one crash all day (although I'm not pushing it as hard as I push Vegas so perhaps not a fair comparison). But as a function of the projects I do for NewBlue, I have had to use both Avid and PP and I just can't get my head around either of them! I'm sure given time I would get just as familiar with them, but where am I gonna find that much time?!
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Old April 1st, 2014, 11:44 AM   #4
Inner Circle
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Re: Despite its flaws . . .

Sorry Ian, didn't mean to imply that you were knocking PP, I was truly only talking about myself. I changed the wording of my response so it would be more accurate. As I mentioned, totally agree with you. It would appear that a lot of time would be required to learn the workflow of PP, and like you I don't have that kind of time to spare!
"The horror of what I saw on the timeline cannot be described."
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Old April 1st, 2014, 11:46 AM   #5
Inner Circle
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Re: Despite its flaws . . .

I think I'd need a few more days with it before I could get judgemental :-) Not gonna happen!! (the few more days, that is . . .)
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Old April 1st, 2014, 12:00 PM   #6
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Re: Despite its flaws . . .

What do you think is causing your crashes in PP?
I use PP and Edius exclusively and I can't remember having a crash?

On another note will New Blue Titles ever be realtime in Edius?

It's the only titler I have that I have to render in Edius. Even the simplest title?

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Old April 1st, 2014, 01:28 PM   #7
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Re: Despite its flaws . . .

Al, I know that neither Ian or I can answer whether Titler Pro will be real-time in Edius. I know you can pre-render and get real-time previews. And previews in Titler Pro are usually real-time. But there's a lot of frame passing going on when doing playback in Edius.
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Old April 1st, 2014, 01:47 PM   #8
Inner Circle
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Re: Despite its flaws . . .

Hi Al, Edward is absoutely right - I know nothing about Edius, sorry!

Re the crashes - they are in Vegas, not in Premiere - in fact I haven't had a single crash in Premiere, which is a big thumbs up!
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