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Old August 28th, 2013, 08:23 AM   #1
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Vegas and the blackmagic cinema camera 2.5K


How would you edit the footage from this cam?
I assume Vegas can't edit the raw footage or the Prores, so what would be the workflow of somebody who shoots with the BMCC?
If Vegas can edit Raw, once edited do you convert to something else? Cineform?
Do you convert the raw footage out of DaVinci into Cineform and then edit cineform?
I would love to get that cam, cheaper than my canon XH-A1 but I'm a little concerned about post issues.
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Old August 28th, 2013, 12:09 PM   #2
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Re: Vegas and the blackmagic cinema camera 2.5K

So far, on small projects, Prores works fine with Vegas 12. So there is no confusion, the Prores file out of the BMCC is actually 1920 x 1080,

As far as the 2.k DNG files, I convert to Cineform Raw and edit that in Vegas. All the dymamic range is preserved in an .avi video stream. Again, just with small projects at this point, the process seems to work well.

I haven't use Resolve extensively, but have tried converting footage in Resolve to editable files for Vegas. It seemed slower in process than Cineform, so I just have stuck with my preference for Cineform.
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old August 28th, 2013, 01:40 PM   #3
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Re: Vegas and the blackmagic cinema camera 2.5K


This is good news. You're saying that the raw footage out of the BMCC can actually be converted to Cineform. Great!
Do you grade first in the DaVinci software before converting to Cineform and import to Vegas?
Also what is that Resolve software you're talking about?

And finally, how do you like your BMCC
Thanks a lot for your answer
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Old August 30th, 2013, 02:17 PM   #4
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Re: Vegas and the blackmagic cinema camera 2.5K


Grading in Resolve is a lot like grading in Cineform Studio. Resolve does have a lot more powerful tools for other corrections needed, but I have not learned it yet. I am actually awaiting release of 10 and then will proceed in earnest to learn it. But I do believe, in the current version, there is a way to put an initial grade in Resolve, and render out to the Cineform codec. As I recall, when I tried that on a test shot, I thought it was awful slow, and for my purposes, I feel the direct coversion of the raw DNG material in CIneform Studio was much better.

I have the BMCC EF model, and I am impressed with its capabilities. The one problem I have with it from a narrative film maker perspective is its missing utilities to assist in proper sound recording directly in camera. Without meters for proper monitoring, it becomes a bit of crap shoot sometimes. Hopefully, BM will remedy that in a firmware update. But they have been completely silent thus far on requests made by users.
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old August 31st, 2013, 03:37 PM   #5
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Re: Vegas and the blackmagic cinema camera 2.5K

Thanks for your answers.

I think I'm going to observe what people think about his cam, no emergencies for me yet, actually I think unless I put in my mind the crazy thing to make a film again, I don't really need one.
I'm just going to lurk on forums, eavesdrop, see what people say and think, the problems they have and who knows, before I need one, the third generation will be out?
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Old August 31st, 2013, 05:15 PM   #6
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Re: Vegas and the blackmagic cinema camera 2.5K

+1 larry's comment.

i hate bleeding to death on the cutting edge ;-)
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