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Old March 8th, 2013, 01:06 PM   #1
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3D text in vegas pro

Is it possible to create 3D text which appears to sit deep within a video scene in Vega Pro?

From what I have seen online, it is achieved through creating a flat plane in Cinema 4D software or maybe combined with matchmove in After Effects. Also, I have seen text lying flat on top of objects or inside them in a kind of 3d way as though it is attached to them.

Is there an easier way to achieve these rather impressive effects with Vegas ?


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Old March 8th, 2013, 02:10 PM   #2
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Re: 3D text in vegas pro

I'm not exactly sure what you're referring to but you might try NewBlue Titler Pro which can certainly create 3D titles.
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Old March 8th, 2013, 04:16 PM   #3
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Re: 3D text in vegas pro

Cinema 4D - Insert 3D Text in Real Images Tutorial

something like this Edward...where the text appears as though it is 'real'
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Old March 8th, 2013, 04:36 PM   #4
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Re: 3D text in vegas pro

Sorry, that technique is called 3d Tracking....

Vegas Pro is an NLE, not a composition, VFX software like After Effects or Cinema 4D

Vegas Pro can achieve 2d Tracking with some plugins.. But you cannot match it in a 3D enviroment...

Its very easy with a new feature in After Effects CS6...
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Old March 8th, 2013, 04:37 PM   #5
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Re: 3D text in vegas pro

By the way, is it for stills or films ?
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Old March 8th, 2013, 04:50 PM   #6
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Re: 3D text in vegas pro

thanks for that....I was just curious how it was done, what it is called, and if there might be someway for vegas to do it. no problem....question answered.
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Old March 8th, 2013, 07:13 PM   #7
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Re: 3D text in vegas pro

Yep, it is achievable in Vegas using the Corner Pin plugin from Boris Continuum Complete. Here's a tutorial from BorisFX showing the kind of thing you can do.
. And here's the documentation http://borisfx.cachefly.net/borisfx/...rner%20Pin.pdf

In terms of what you use to generate the text itself then as Edward suggests there's NewBlueFX Titler Pro or you can use regular 2d text, or an image file, as you wish.
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Old March 9th, 2013, 05:13 AM   #8
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Re: 3D text in vegas pro

As the name states, you have to have corners ? Like an truck, square sign etc...

This isnt real 3d motion tracking by the way. This is a technique which kind of tries to do the same thing. But it has a huge disadvantage...

It did a really bad job on the truck I must say...The text is noticeble moving around inside the area...
It cannot either create shadows laying on top of subject...
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Old March 9th, 2013, 06:53 AM   #9
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Re: 3D text in vegas pro

I'm certainly not trying to suggest it's perfect! In fact, I'm not even trying to suggest it is true 3d motion tracking, which of course it isn't, but it can do a perfectly acceptable job in many cases so shouldn't be written off.

Really, though, I think we have both over-complicated what was being asked. The OP asked about creating the effect of 3d text sitting inside a scene within Vegas. He didn't ask about moving that text, motion tracking, or about attaching text to moving objects, so I guess any discussion about that is beyond what he wants to know. The Cinema4D example is a static image.

Given that, what he wants to achieve is of course doable within Vegas using NewBlueFX Titler or Boris Extrude Text plugins (and others), as Edward has suggested already. Where you will need to spend time to achieve something that sits realistically in your frame is with creating realistic, positionable and directional shadows on the background image. That can be achieved by duplicating the text layer, changing it's orientation in 2.5d space, removing the extrusion, changing the material to something plain and dark, dropping the opacity and feathering the edges to taste. Fiddly, but doable.

Of course doing this in After Effects or Cinema4D is much easier.
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Old March 9th, 2013, 09:54 AM   #10
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Re: 3D text in vegas pro

Thanks Ian S...good summary as always !

These are really cool looking effects, but I was just seeing if they were do-able in Vegas in an easy way, because having watched various tutorials they seem quite involving via Cinema 4D and After Effects...

the new version of Corel Video suite has added Motion Tracking I have just noticed. It seems that many of these cool effects are being integrated more and more in simpler forms in cheaper software suits, which is good.

So much to learn...so little time ! LOL


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Old March 18th, 2013, 07:09 PM   #11
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Re: 3D text in vegas pro

I use Cinema 4D and AE CS6. Do you realize that you can do this all within AE with the raytraced renderer? AE can generate a 3D camera on tracked footage, generate extruded text, and 'place' it into footage. I've done some quick and dirty tests on less-than-awesome footage in AE to very excellent effect.

Your learning curve with C4D, which is quite user friendly, still will be very steep if you've never used a 3D app before. It just blows the doors off AE for anything 3D, but AE is really a 2.5D app. If you want fairly simple text with some limited texturing and lighting options, I think AE would suit your purposes well.
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