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Old December 6th, 2012, 10:05 AM   #1
Inner Circle
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Nesting in v12

I've nested a v12 project inside another v12 project, yet when I right click on the nested project it fires up Vegas 11 with (obviously) an error message about the project being created in a newer version.

Any thoughts?
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Old December 6th, 2012, 10:39 AM   #2
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Re: Nesting in v12

Have you set the preferences so that .veg files are opened in 12 rather than 11 by default?

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Old December 6th, 2012, 10:46 AM   #3
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Re: Nesting in v12

Hi Pete - first thing I checked! In fact, I did this a few days ago when the issue first reared its head. All Vegas files were set to open with v11 by default so I changed it to 12. Now, all files opened directly from Explorer, are automatically opened with 12. However, these are new files that I have created since then and when I double checked the file association, sure enough they were set to default to v12. Weird, eh?
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Old December 6th, 2012, 12:22 PM   #4
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Re: Nesting in v12

Just tried it with one of my projects and I got the same thing. Everything was created in v12 and v12 is also the default for .veg files. But on trying to open a nested project from within the master project Vegas tried to open v11.

Time to do a bug report I think.

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Old December 6th, 2012, 12:30 PM   #5
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Re: Nesting in v12

If it really is a reproducible bug then I'm stunned that no-one has come across this already, considering how many people here swear by nesting. Personally, I haven't made much use of nested projects to date, but I've started to do so to make some repetitive workflows easier, eg, I'm currently working on a series of lectures and I just want to be able to drop the project containing the footage of each speaker into a template master that has all the generic bits and track motion etc already set up.

I'm sure that uninstalling v11 will make the issue go away, but I expect there are many here who are still keen to run two versions until they're fully confident with v12.
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Old December 6th, 2012, 01:06 PM   #6
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Re: Nesting in v12

Others have mentioned this in the Sony forums as well. So it is an issue that has been mentioned before.
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Old December 6th, 2012, 01:13 PM   #7
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Re: Nesting in v12

Oh OK. I don't tend to look at the Sony forums to be honest - full of hostility and snobbery last time I looked!
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Old December 6th, 2012, 01:27 PM   #8
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Re: Nesting in v12

I use nesting a lot but the individual projects to be nested are usually completely finished and I don't have any further edits to complete, therefore I have no need to open a nested project from within the master project.

The obvious workaround is to close the master project, edit the nested component in v12 then reopen the master in which case it should have updated. Not sure it that fits your needs though.

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Old December 6th, 2012, 01:52 PM   #9
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Re: Nesting in v12

Indeed - but I think I will just lose v11 now - v12 is more stable than any Vegas of recent years (for me) and I'm happy enough to trust it in an income-generating capacity. Let's just hope it doesn't try and open a nested project in PowerPoint ;-)
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Old December 6th, 2012, 11:08 PM   #10
Old Boot
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Re: Nesting in v12

Been reporting this officially for 2 months.

I've got client VP10 projects (18 month long form) with nests and have moved them forward to VP12 via VP11, and they woukd still stubbornly open in VP10. I finally resigned to removing the VP10 nest and have moved on.

As to the main SONY Forum, I actually appreciate the honesty with that community. It can be rough and tough but amongst it are some real Gentle-Giants too who unwaveringly provide major advice and solutions.

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Old December 7th, 2012, 02:02 AM   #11
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Re: Nesting in v12

Re the Sony forum - I have no problem with honesty and a straightforward response - I just struggle with having to read that smug superiority that some people manage to ooze! I guess those people are everywhere though, even here. I joined the Panasonic AF100 forum on another site recently and, as a newbie, I was immediately put off posting there by the snobbery of some people who get better footage from the camera, or who have a $50k collection of Zeiss primes, or who have ditched the camera in favour of something else and now want to gloat etc etc. Hate it! You just know when a response starts off with 'why on earth are you doing it that way??' or 'Er, WHAT?' that you are going to feel like an idiot five seconds later. That's not a good type of honesty. As you say, there is undoubtedly good among the bad and maybe I should bite my lip and give it another go.

Back to the issue at hand - I can kind of understand why projects in older versions might display this (wrong though it is, and still needs to be resolved) but these are projects created exclusively in v12. When you say you removed the v10 nest, do you mean you ditched the nested v10 portion from your v12 project?
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Old December 7th, 2012, 02:42 AM   #12
Old Boot
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Re: Nesting in v12

If you choose to return, I'm sure you would be welcomed. Smugness from somebody always gives me a chuckle, but then again you ain't me.

As to the VP10 Nest, I didn't "ditch" it, I carefully edited that which I need for the updated VP12 Project, rendered out to Lagarith, and used that. I have also opened VP10 in VP11 and used the more fragrant "Client-Choice" Colour Grading and Text and used it again as a Lagarith render. Ditch? No. Met it head on, winged about it for a couple of hours, but then needed to get going with the task in hand.

However, SONY are quite aware of my frustration with the Nest issue. It has made me more leary about using Nests across VP versions. It has also made me wary about using Nests "through" Builds too. Oh yes.

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Old December 7th, 2012, 02:57 AM   #13
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Re: Nesting in v12

Sorry Grazie, 'ditch' was perhaps not the right word! What I meant was you, well, ditched (!) the nest in favour of another approach.

I'm going to bite the bullet and remove v11 completely today (restore point at the ready!). I'm confident that will sort the issue out but I'll report back if it doesn't.

Maybe I could return to the Sony forum as a smug b*st*rd? Sorry if I come across grumpy at the moment - I'm suffering from the aftermath of a cold that became a chest infection and that has left me with no voice and a strong desire to stay in bed with a hot toddy or five. Not a happy chappie . . . although your 'more fragrant' comment raised a smile! Been there . . . !
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Old December 7th, 2012, 03:11 AM   #14
Old Boot
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Re: Nesting in v12

Ah! And there we have it. You're feeling under the weather - DUVET DAY/S for you fella! Chesty conditions can take time to kick. But be warned: you do NOT want to develop pneumonia.

I'm glad I raised a smile with you. The client is part of a National Library initiative and I applied some bleedin' edge colour grading - they loved it. As to making humour, I'd also like to invite "others" here to see Ian do his thang with the NewBlue tutorials. Do take note of his attitude to his own choice words regarding the more extravagant uses of graphics - and THAT made me chuckle.

Ian, do some more tutorials, maybe some Vegas ones for here?

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Old December 7th, 2012, 03:53 AM   #15
Inner Circle
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Re: Nesting in v12

Most kind! You'll maybe recall my views on extravagant graphics from previous discussions we've had here!

To be honest, while I know the NewBlue stuff really well, I'm not convinced I could offer much to the Vegas story that most here don't already know. I'm rapidly being left in the dust in terms of what I can constructively add to discussions here, for example. If anything, over the last few years, I have regressed from 'use every transition and effect under the sun' to keeping my work as (relatively) simple as it can be, for time/money reasons but also because I look at the best documentaries, movies, TV shows and the ones I admire most are the cleanest.

Oh yeah, and I do get paid to write the NewBlue tutorials ;-) Speaking of which, I have done the ground work for two more tutorials about Titler Pro 2. Frustratingly, though, I can't record the voiceovers yet because I have no voice! Some people, including my dear children, consider this a postive thing . . . sigh . . .
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