I need help with rendering settings for rendering best quality mov format at DVinfo.net
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Old June 10th, 2012, 04:10 PM   #1
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I need help with rendering settings for rendering best quality mov format

Hi. I have an avi master (lagarith codec) of a video that I need to render to quicktime format. It is going to be screened on a large screen at a festival and this is the format the festival has requested I send them. So I want it to be best quality possible for screening on a large screen. The avi master is 1280x720, 25 fps, progressive.

I don't have much experience with rendering to mov.

Could someone please advise me as to which settings to use in the render dialogue?

I'm using Vegas Pro 9.

I did find this youtube tutorial, but I'm not sure if this is accurate:

Thank you!
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Old June 11th, 2012, 05:13 AM   #2
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Re: I need help with rendering settings for rendering best quality mov format

hi Adi,
You haven't stated the most important thing...
What kind of .mov do they want?
1. Out of Vegas you could do a Motion jpeg.mov Is visually high quality and will work on any Mac with Quicktime I think (someone correct me if I'm wrong).
2. DnXHD mov file would be great, but will only play for them if they have the Avid codec pack installed.
3. .h264 mov from Vegas is pretty hideous, you would be better to render out a 50Mbps 422 .MXF, then drop that into the free program Handbrake, change the Constant Quality to RF10 which will give you a very nice looking x264 file. Just change the extension to .mov from mp4, (they will never know).

I would prob go for the last option unless you can ask some more questions to the person who will be playing the file.
good luck
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Old June 11th, 2012, 06:08 AM   #3
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Re: I need help with rendering settings for rendering best quality mov format

Thanks for your reply Gerald!

They actually don't say what codec. They only say deliver a mov file. It sounds strange to me too.
Let's just say the file should be playable on either mac or pc (without requiring the download and installation of some codec that isn't normally pre-installed on most computers). And of course, I want the quality to be good, since this is for a screening at a festival on a large screen.
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Old June 11th, 2012, 02:34 PM   #4
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Re: I need help with rendering settings for rendering best quality mov format

Originally Posted by Adi Head View Post
They actually don't say what codec. They only say deliver a mov file. It sounds strange to me too.
Use mjpeg and a bitrate of at least 50 mbps but preferrably closer to 100 mbps. Audio should be uncompressed. The universal playability of mjpeg, the reasonable quality at high bitrates and the fact that Vegas natively renders this format all work in your favor.
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Old June 11th, 2012, 02:35 PM   #5
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Re: I need help with rendering settings for rendering best quality mov format

Okay thanks!

I'm currently away from my computer, but will try it when I get home.
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Old June 11th, 2012, 08:40 PM   #6
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Re: I need help with rendering settings for rendering best quality mov format

Hi. So, I was set on trying out the Motion JPEG render, but a few issues came up, so I ended up not rendering.

1. In the codec drop-down menu there is Motion JPEG-A, Motion JPEG-B and JPEG 2000. Which is it?

2. I went ahead and selected JPEG-A. But I can't find any option where I can select bitrate - whether it be 5 mpbs, 50mbps or 100.

3. Assuming that JPEG-A is the codec I should choose, there are a couple of configurations I can choose from - Number of fields and Field dominance. Not sure what to make of it.

I'd appreciate if someone could help me out. Thanks!!

Here are the dialogue windows I'm dealing with...

The custom settings for rendering to Quicktime:


The configuration settings for Motion JPEG-A:

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Old June 12th, 2012, 03:09 PM   #7
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Re: I need help with rendering settings for rendering best quality mov format

Originally Posted by Adi Head View Post
1. In the codec drop-down menu there is Motion JPEG-A, Motion JPEG-B and JPEG 2000. Which is it?

2. I went ahead and selected JPEG-A. But I can't find any option where I can select bitrate - whether it be 5 mpbs, 50mbps or 100.

3. Assuming that JPEG-A is the codec I should choose, there are a couple of configurations I can choose from - Number of fields and Field dominance. Not sure what to make of it.
1. Choose Motion JPEG-A as it is the most common.

2. The bitrate is selected via the low to high quality setting on the first menu. Experiment to figure out the correct setting. A 20 minute video should result in an 8GB file.

3. Since you have progressive video choose number of fields as one in the second menu. The even odd setting will either disappear or not matter.

How does the festival want you to submit the file? Will you be sending them a USB drive?
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