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Old February 29th, 2012, 11:59 AM   #1
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Vegas for Windows 8?

Now that the Windows 8 Consumer Preview is out and available for download has anyone tried it with Vegas Pro? Someone's gotta do it :)
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit // i7 2600K // 16GB RAM // ASUS P8P67 Board // NVIDIA GTX 470
Sony Vegas Pro 13 // Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014 //
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Old February 29th, 2012, 01:05 PM   #2
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Re: Vegas for Windows 8?

I'm ready to try it, where's the download? I have a spare hard drive and would love to give it a shot.
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Old February 29th, 2012, 01:21 PM   #3
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Re: Vegas for Windows 8?

Here's the link: Windows 8 Consumer Preview

Don't forget to let us all know what happened!
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit // i7 2600K // 16GB RAM // ASUS P8P67 Board // NVIDIA GTX 470
Sony Vegas Pro 13 // Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014 //
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Old February 29th, 2012, 04:23 PM   #4
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Re: Vegas for Windows 8?

Thanks Ali. I found it after posting and then cut off the 3.3Gb download by accident, bummer. May be awhile before I install it, but I'm going to download it tonite.
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Old February 29th, 2012, 05:04 PM   #5
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Re: Vegas for Windows 8?

Will be waiting to see what you think about it! Do also install Vegas Pro 11 and see how it works.
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit // i7 2600K // 16GB RAM // ASUS P8P67 Board // NVIDIA GTX 470
Sony Vegas Pro 13 // Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014 //
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Old February 29th, 2012, 06:48 PM   #6
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Re: Vegas for Windows 8?

burning the iso now
Be running Vegas in a cpl of hrs
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Old March 1st, 2012, 11:21 PM   #7
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Re: Vegas for Windows 8?

Ive been using 8 for about 24 hrs now.
Haven't done much with Vegas, just transcoded a few files, seems ok so far.
It's pretty cool, especially the new look explorer. I'm still finding my way around, but it has potential.
I don't know why MS doesn't pay some geeks to make some apps, their app store is like a ghost town, 20-30 apps in total, its very sad compared to the mac app store.
Time will tell I guess.
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Old March 1st, 2012, 11:24 PM   #8
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Re: Vegas for Windows 8?

Thanks for the update Gerald. How long is this version good for?
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Old March 2nd, 2012, 01:15 AM   #9
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Re: Vegas for Windows 8?


Windows 8 is just Windows 7 with an interface that doesn't belong on a desktop PC!

Running Vegas on Windows 8 is just like running it on Windows 7, there is nothing in Windows 8 that changes anything relating to Sony Vegas or the vast majority of applications.

God help us if Sony decide to turn Vegas into a Metro app though.


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Old March 2nd, 2012, 03:52 AM   #10
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Re: Vegas for Windows 8?

Jan 2013 is the self destruct I believe, but they are talking about a RC b4 that anyway.
Similarities to 7 are many, but 7 was similar to Vista in a lot of ways too......
I can see what they are aiming for with the metro look and feel, I dont think it will merge into apps/software like Vegas, its more like a change in feel when you navigate AWAY from the app, and how you jump around from app to app.
Macs do it well now, my son for instance, works on a Mac Pro with Logic, watching him swipe windows open and closed and going from Logic to Mail to Finder to Safari and back makes my head spin, its just lots of short cut keys in action.
The Explorer on 8 is far superior already with its ribbons and extra options.
The new task manager has more options and a better layout.
Explorer 10 seems good.
The Metro start screen is cool, ( gee the color options are pretty hideous though ) Just because its a bit different I cant see why its a bad move, very similar to Launchpad on Lion, but prob more useable.
I'm still doing too many clicks to get to places I normally get to quickly, but thats prob my fault not the systems.
IMO they are trying to be a bit more like OSX where you have a system with more apps that intertwine with one another, which will be fine if they can make it all work well together really well, I dont know if they have it together yet though. Time will tell....
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Old March 2nd, 2012, 11:08 AM   #11
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Re: Vegas for Windows 8?


The Metro start screen is cool, ( gee the color options are pretty hideous though ) Just because its a bit different I cant see why its a bad move, very similar to Launchpad on Lion, but prob more useable.
Even on a touch screen device the interface is only passable, it's nothing special, just a grid of icons you swish in and out to launch full screen applications, what so amazing about it? I'd never call it cool unless you like a CGA colour pallet! It would seem the designers at Microsoft are too young, I remember CGA graphics with limited colours and no choice for flat dull icons, the designers obviously don't and think they are being original and then ignoring all the negative feedback. What is the point of LCD screens supporting high colour depths and ever higher resolutions for that?

The biggest problem is on a desktop PC with a large wide-screen monitor the Metro user interface is ridiculous, and none of the "apps" are practical or usable, it's just all white space and huge fonts, so you are just going to download and install your usual applications and use those in the desktop, with the frustration of having to lose your complete work context just to search for another application on the toy-land Metro user interface. It is suppose to be Windows, the whole point of Windows is you can see through and around all your applications and don't have any distractions. In Windows 7 and Vista Microsoft went to great lengths to stop applications taking over, so that currently they now blink in the task bar rather than jumping over the top and taking focus away from what you are working on. Now they are doing their best to destroy what they had been selling to us since Windows 1!

Microsoft will not re-instate the start menu so desktop users can de-active the Metro UI as it is part of a big branding exercise. Microsoft want you to see every PC, mobile phone and tablet PC with their software looking the same and familiar, hence the lack of customisations possible on the Metro UI, people are wanting to have their own background picture but Microsoft don't want that as it dilutes the branding. So much for your PC your way. The branding exercise is so Aunt Maud on wanting to buy a tablet PC immediately recognises it is the same as her phone and buys it without paying much attention to perhaps better options.

I think they are going to end up having to relent and restore the start menu and so giving the option to disable the Metro UI as otherwise it will be like Windows Vista where people use the licence option to downgrade and it gets largely a bad press and ignored by many in the industry. Whereas Vista downgrading to Windows XP was a big step change that might have made many put up with it, downgrading from Windows 8 to Windows 7 loses only the Metro UI and 'apps' advertising which you don't want on a desktop, and not much else, so a no brainer for people to do.


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Old March 2nd, 2012, 01:49 PM   #12
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Re: Vegas for Windows 8?

I can see all of the points you bring up Phil.
I just think its too early to brush the whole OS. There are more changes than the new Metro look interface.
Yes, the very limited built in Metro apps do seem bland and way to big on 27" monitor, but you dont have to use them anymore than you have to use WMP for all video files on 7, most people use VLC, you just change your preferences.
As I install MY apps/software, they become a shortcut on the Metro wall just like on the desktop, very little useability difference so far.
Anyway, to each their own, if you hate the Metro UI a lot, you can stay with 7 for, maybe another 8 years with full Microsoft support.
I'm not a massive fan of the Metro look so far, I just dont hate it either. I might do a test install of 7 and try to copy the 8 explorer exe into 7, if that works I'd be a happy man.
Another option will be after the release there will be all the hacked versions of Windows 8 from XDark, Prince NRVL, Gamer edition etc. If these appeal, these guys will change the shell and options available most likely for the better.
Also Yamicsoft is working on their Windows 8 Manager
Optimize Windows, Tweak Windows, Repair Windows, Clean Windows, Speed Up Windows - Yamicsoft
Ive found their tools really good for customizing out the things you hate about 7.
Of course if you are happy with Vegas 10, there is always XP......:)
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Old March 2nd, 2012, 03:18 PM   #13
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Re: Vegas for Windows 8?

I'm more interested it how it runs applications than on it's appearance. Phil's comments make it sound less user friendly for workstation related functions, I hope that's not the case.

I have it burned to a DVD, just don't have time to fool with it just yet, but I'm anxious to play with it. It's free, doesn't cost a penny to jump in and try on a spare drive.
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Old March 2nd, 2012, 03:42 PM   #14
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Re: Vegas for Windows 8?


Windows 8 is just Windows 7 so there has been no real changes related to application performance, if anything Windows 8 might be slower at this time due to it being less optimised or running in a debug mode to collect data for Microsoft. I've also seen graphic corruption appear in the same way on two different machines (Nvidia graphics and Intel embedded graphics on a laptop) so you might have issues with anything that pushes the GPU at this moment in time.

There is no point upgrading or moving to Windows 8 for desktop applications.


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Old March 2nd, 2012, 03:54 PM   #15
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Re: Vegas for Windows 8?


Originally Posted by Gerald Webb View Post
I can see all of the points you bring up Phil.
I just think its too early to brush the whole OS. There are more changes than the new Metro look interface
There are some nice changes to the desktop side but nothing anyone can't live without, and all could be brought to Windows 7 in a service pack or product refresh.

Yes, the very limited built in Metro apps do seem bland and way to big on 27" monitor, but you dont have to use them anymore than you have to use WMP for all video files on 7, most people use VLC, you just change your preferences.
Yes but have to use the Metro UI as a start menu, and other elements from within the desktop launch you into Fisher Price territory when you least expect or want it.

As I install MY apps/software, they become a shortcut on the Metro wall just like on the desktop, very little useability difference so far.
Anyway, to each their own, if you hate the Metro UI a lot, you can stay with 7 for, maybe another 8 years with full Microsoft support.
I agree you can work with the Metro UI just as a start menu, but for someone who uses their PC professionally day in day out the full screen launch swishing in of coloured tiles just to launch a program is distracting and will just become annoying. If you ignore or can tolerate that and just use the desktop and proper programs, you might as well stick with Windows 7.

I'm not a massive fan of the Metro look so far, I just dont hate it either. I might do a test install of 7 and try to copy the 8 explorer exe into 7, if that works I'd be a happy man.
Another option will be after the release there will be all the hacked versions of Windows 8 from XDark, Prince NRVL, Gamer edition etc. If these appeal, these guys will change the shell and options available most likely for the better.
Also Yamicsoft is working on their Windows 8 Manager
Optimize Windows, Tweak Windows, Repair Windows, Clean Windows, Speed Up Windows - Yamicsoft
Ive found their tools really good for customizing out the things you hate about 7.
Of course if you are happy with Vegas 10, there is always XP......:)
Yes someone will come along with an update or hack to make Windows suitable for adults, and if I'm forced to use Windows 8 because it is on a new PC I'll go back to using something I used on Windows XP to quickly launch programs, but didn't need on Windows 7 because MS built in the same functionality in the start menu.

I usually like Microsoft stuff, but this Metro UI forced on us on the desktop will rank along side Microsoft Bob and Windows ME. I don't even think it works that well on smaller form factors. To rub salt into the wounds Visual Studio 11 BETA has seen the interface go to being monochrome! I just think they have lost the plot, although the number of complaints received from developers seems to have them "re-imaging" what a good interface is.


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