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Old February 23rd, 2012, 10:46 AM   #1
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Dvda 5

Hi. I am using VMS10HD platinum with DVDA STUDIO 5 and WIN 7 PRO using an LG burner. I have had so much trouble with Architect that I am on the point of ditching it. Lots of people have given suggestions but nothing makes it work as it should. Upgrades and new firmware has no effect, It was okay with XP before all the upgrades. However I would like to pose one last question : Is the DVDA studio 5 version supposed to give the choice of burning to Blu-ray disc or to ISO image burner. It gives me this choice when burning to DVD but not when burning to Blu-ray. Have I been trying to do something that is not there to do. When I have asked this question before I have only had the answer that the choice is there with Vegas Pro. If anybody knows for sure if the choice should be there with the studio version please put me out of my misery of not knowing. If the answer is no, then I can move on. Thank you.

Last edited by Roy Alexander; February 23rd, 2012 at 10:48 AM. Reason: spelling
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Old February 23rd, 2012, 02:23 PM   #2
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Re: Dvda 5

Roy, I use DVDA Pro 5.2 but took a look at the quick start guide for your software and it says that it supports Blu-ray burning.

Sony Creative Software - Download: DVD Architect Studio 5.0

I trust that you're using the latest version (build 157) as there have been a few bug fixes.

Notable changes in version 5.0 (Build 157)
Fixed a bug that could cause audio synchronization problems on Blu-ray Disc projects when using some MPEG-2 source media.

Notable changes in version 5.0 (Build 156)

Fixed a bug that prevented DVD Architect Studio from opening AC-3 Studio files rendered by Vegas Pro and Vegas Movie Studio software.
Fixed a bug that could cause DVD Architect Studio to crash when opening some M2TS files.
Fixed a bug that caused the Show Me How tutorial index to be displayed in English when running localized versions of DVD Architect Studio.
Fixed a bug that could cause problems when setting the Destination value for an end in the Japanese version of DVD Architect Studio.

Notable changes in Version 5.0 (Build 150)

New Microsoft Image Mastering API (IMAPI) disc drivers

Known Issues

Attempting to access your DVD or Blu-ray Disc burner (by browsing with Windows Explorer, searching the drive, or starting an application that scans for available drives, for example) while burning your project can cause burning to fail.

16:9 Full Height Anamorphic (FHA) QuickTime files do not render as anamorphic.
When using media that was rendered outside of DVD Architect Studio, video buffer underflow errors can occur during project preparation if portions of a video stream exceed the project's bit rate. You can use the Optimize Disc dialog to force recompression (re-encoding) of the media file, and the project will prepare without error.

We recommend that you do not adjust the Windows paging file size below the setting recommended in the Windows Virtual Memory dialog. Doing so could cause errors during the render process when working with large files.

Using noncompliant 5.1 surround audio can result in changes in channel levels after burning your project. Please refer to the DVD Architect Studio online help for more information about rendering compliant files.

DVD Architect Studio 5.0 requires QuickTime 7.1.6 or later. As a general rule, you are encouraged to use the most current version of QuickTime.

If you save a project from an earlier version of DVD Architect Studio software in DVD Architect Studio 5.0, it will be unusable in earlier versions of DVD Architect Studio software. Use the Save As dialog to save the project with a new name after editing it in DVD Architect Studio 5.0.
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Old February 23rd, 2012, 03:29 PM   #3
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Re: Dvda 5

Mike. I have build 157. I can burn Blu-ray disc ok but I do not have the choice of making an ISO. That's what I want to know and nobody answers the question . Does this version of DVDA studio 5 give the choice?
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Old February 23rd, 2012, 04:00 PM   #4
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Re: Dvda 5

Does the DVA Studio 5.0 build 157 not give you the option to only "Make Blu-ray Disc > Prepare (prepare image)" ? Using that the 5.0 first build 128 makes an .iso. I did not update for several reasons myself. I think they did drop some of the features in later builds.
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