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Old December 17th, 2011, 04:22 PM   #1
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Vegas Pro 11 rendering & DVD production

I'm in PAL land & have edited a project in HD. - Meantime, I want to burn a few copies in Std. Def. from the timeline. - (No fiddling with over complicated Architect ! ), but when I go to Selectively Pre-render, (Loop region only), I cannot seem to set it to Main concept MPEG-2, as when I try, the "Render" box is grayed out. - Why ?

Surely this is the correct setting for a STD. Def. DVD.
If I go to "Burn Disc" from the tools menu, it takes a while to render etc. and there is no way (apparently), to save this file when completed. When I come back later and want to burn another disc it has to go through all this process again.

I know that you can select "No. of copies" but sometimes I need a few more later on, and it is quite frustrating to have to go through all this process again. Surely it should simply pull up the previous render and burn again without all this fuss. I am also working with the latest 511 build.

What am I doing wrong ?

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Old December 17th, 2011, 11:48 PM   #2
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Re: Vegas Pro 11 rendering & DVD production

Render to an ISO file, then burn it as often as you want with ImgBurn.
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Old December 18th, 2011, 01:39 AM   #3
Inner Circle
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Re: Vegas Pro 11 rendering & DVD production

The simplest thing if you want to do extra copies, would be one of two things that i can think of: 1. Do as Adam suggests, that would work fine. Or 2. don't burn to disc from Vegas, just render using the appropriate settings for DVD or whatever you need. then open DVDA and use the Single Movie setting and you can save the project, burn it and you can re-burn it as often as you want.
Jeff Harper is offline   Reply With Quote
Old December 18th, 2011, 09:10 AM   #4
Jubal 28
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Re: Vegas Pro 11 rendering & DVD production

I don't see a problem with the prerender -- nothing's greyed out for me.

But is there a reason you're prerendering, anyway? There's no particular reason to. If it's for judging your work, I'd prerender to whatever format your footage is.

As for having the ability to burn again later with no re-render, well, it's probably worth your time to make a simple DVD with DVD Architect. It's not that hard, and it'll give you the option to reburn any time you want.
David Jimerson is offline   Reply

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