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Old October 26th, 2011, 07:23 PM   #1
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Vegas 11 Pro and YouTube and NewBlue Titler

Something I do each year, is build a trivia night. YouTube is a great source for some trivia questions/music video/movie items. Now, maybe it was me, but I could not drop any YouTube videos on the time line and have the sound sync up.

NO LONGER, vegas 11 seems to play and render perfectly right from YouTube now. Just drop the MP4 file on and it works. ( Maybe it was me but I could not get it to work in 9 or 10 this way )

I spent the night working with the NewBlue Titler and WOW, it is great. ( It crashes way less now, with the new download that Edward posted. I agree with someone else thinking, how could a company make such software and not change the name when you download it, I even thought Edward was on crack until I read his WHOLE post, sorry Edward :) Where was I, oh, ya. Building Trivia night questions with the stock Vegas 10 titler was crazy working with a 2" window. Since using the NewBlue version, I can open up in full screen. The effects are so vast, and completely modifiable. I just wish they had a toggle button to mute certain parts of each effect so you can see a before and after. But hey, you can delete it, and cntr Z it back and that works too. The best part is being able to play your effect in their window, with out any studder and you can see the wild creation running live right in front of you.

So, I recommend you practicing with that NB TITLER Pro software for a good few...err many hours. You will learn how to modify and build new items with transitions with moving backgrounds, flying text in hundreds of combinations. Many hours, so you can figure out what crashes and what doesn't. A good way to crash, is leave one window open, open two other TITLER segments, and try coping one effect to the other window. It can be done, but you have to get it right. You will also learn how to save the text changes you make and use it on your next window. ( You have to close the program and reopen it to see your custom effect/styles btw. I saved about 5 and was wtf, but it crashed and I found them after reloading. )

So, IMO. SOOOO worth the upgrade. I remember vegas, 9 and 10 having the same bugs when it first launched and they get it figured out in the next few patches.

P.S. Vegas saves a temp veg file it seems about every min or so and it is located ( win7/vista...of course )
C:\users\"yourusername"\appdata\local\sony\vegas pro\11.0\
C:\users\"yourusername"\appdata\local\sony\vegas pro\10.0\
C:\users\"yourusername"\appdata\local\sony\vegas pro\9.0\

Mine is C:\users\joe\appdata\local\sony\vegas pro\11.0\

Good old microsoft hid this path so if you try searching widows wont find your lost/crashed file.
You can press your windows key and hit the letter R. Then type CMD and hit the enter key.
You can type "dir *.restored.veg /s" then hit the enter key. ( with out the quotes )
This will show you where your files are, and if you upgraded like me, a bunch of files err crashes in 9,10 and now version 11.

Happy Titling.
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Old October 27th, 2011, 08:41 AM   #2
Sponsor: JET DV
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Re: Vegas 11 Pro and YouTube and NewBlue Titler

Well, Joe, I hope I'm not crazy! :-)

For autosave, I just install Excalibur which includes the free AutoSave custom command which will save a series of dated backup files in the same directory as the original file so there's no hunting AND you have a complete series of files instead of a single file replaced every minute or two.
Edward Troxel is offline   Reply

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