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Old September 4th, 2011, 06:43 PM   #1
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missing nested projects AVI audio only

I'm using Vegas Pro v10e.

When I drag a veg file into any new OR existing project, NONE of the captured AVI file audio from the nested project comes in. However, audio from the nested project that isn't part of any AVI capture such as mp3 and wav does come in.

When I open the nested project file all the AVI audio is there. I've tried saving the nested project files to other names, as well as deleting the sfap0 and sfk files. I have also tried rebuilding the audio peaks. There are no audio buses.
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Old September 4th, 2011, 09:25 PM   #2
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Re: missing nested projects AVI audio only

I have tried this on two different PC's, one with v10c and the other with v10e, both have the same problem.

I'm convinced that this is an issue with v10. I went back to an old project that I used v8 or 9 (can't remember which) and when I dragged the older version veg file on to the v10 time line the AVI audio was there. When I created a new v10 project using one of the original AVI's from that older veg, and then nested it into a new v10 project, no audio.
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Old September 4th, 2011, 10:38 PM   #3
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Re: missing nested projects AVI audio only

Ok, I have further narrowed it down!

Video imported in Windows 7 Pro SP1 using Windows Movie Maker is causing the problem.

Previous captures done with Movie Maker under XP Pro, as well as when I use Sony Video Capture for new captures, the nested audio for AVI's is there.

Sounds like an easy work around, except that I have days worth of captures and timeline edits at stake!

Additionally,I have an issue where Sony VidCap60.exe crashes after each capture. When I Google this crash I see this has been a common issue for many versions of Vegas, and I haven't found a fix for it.

I have just been able to use VirtualDub to Open and then do a "Save As AVI..." to one of the AVI's causing problems. This rendered the AVI so it would work within a nested project. This would be a great work-around however, the file size is multiplied by almost 10 times it's original size. Example a 60.7MB becomes a 525MB file!

Any one have a fix for the Window Movie Maker capture issue and/or the VitualDub file size or alternate to VirtualDub?

Last edited by Ken Olson; September 4th, 2011 at 11:08 PM. Reason: testing results
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Old September 6th, 2011, 09:23 AM   #4
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Re: missing nested projects AVI audio only

Well after hours of frustration I get lucky and found this:

"Not sure, but it might have something to do with Type-1 or Type-2 DV-AVI files . I think newer versions of Windows Movie Maker export Type-1

IIRC, In type-1 , the audio & video are interleaved in the same stream , so some applications cannot access the audio. In type-2 the A/V data is stored split up and this causes fewer headaches

Vegas uses the VFW (video for windows) system so Type-2 would be more compatible."

Sure enough Gspot showed it was Type-1.

I then figured out the proper setting in VirtualDub to use. From the Video menu select "Direct Stream Copy". This makes an almost exact copy with no quality loss.

BTW, WMM was also producing other issues that VirtualDub fixed via the stream copy:
1) Would not start import at exact spot tape was paused at.
2) Several gray frames were always at the beginning and would have to be trimmed
3) Playback outside of Vegas produced a weird high pitched noise
4) When trying to scroll through window with VLC it would freeze and crash.

Just wish I could get VidCap60 to not crash after each capture! I see that I neglected to mention that I'm capturing DV tape from a Sony DCR-TRV480 with firewire. VidCap60 does work on another PC running Vegas 64-bit with same camera through firewire. Also it's not a memory issue with my Dell M6500 workstation (spec's on my web). It crashes whether I'm capturing a few seconds or several minutes.
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Old September 6th, 2011, 09:34 AM   #5
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Re: missing nested projects AVI audio only

I capture DV a lot with Scenalyzer Live and those captures have worked great for me in Vegas.
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Old September 6th, 2011, 10:13 AM   #6
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Re: missing nested projects AVI audio only

Vidcap 6 in my Vegas 7.0d installation was dropping frames from regular DV capture like crazy...hundreds.
I went back to using vidcap4 and the captures are perfect once more.
I can't believe Sony hasn't fixed vidcap 6 problems after all these revisions.
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Old September 6th, 2011, 04:28 PM   #7
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Re: missing nested projects AVI audio only

Thanks Ed for pointing me the "Scenalyzer Live" as it looks nice a nice product.

Hard to believe that Sony can develop a sweet product like Vegas Pro for professionals, and drop the ball on one of their basic tools. Kinda like having all the right skill and tools to build a house, but the lumber is trash. All the focus on the improved Device Explorer but they can't get their basic capture tool cleaned up. Kinda makes you hesitate to put your faith into DE. It's also hard to believe that renaming files from within Vegas through Project Media, Explorer or Media Manager windows doesn't update the timeline references to them.

So now I have to purchase another product to make up for the deficiency in one provided by Sony.

I see also that HDVSplit is popular for capturing HDV footage, but many people have had compatibility problems with that.

I'm going to make a separate post for my vidcap60.exe issue, just to be sure I'm not missing something that someone has already figured out.

Thanks again!
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Old September 7th, 2011, 12:46 AM   #8
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Re: missing nested projects AVI audio only

Sorry Ken, but I've been using VidCap back to VV3 and when I've had a problem it's been me or my hardware. What exactly is your concern with the present VidCap?


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Old September 7th, 2011, 11:17 PM   #9
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Re: missing nested projects AVI audio only

Oops I see that although I meant to post a source link in my earlier post about the Type1 vs 2, I neglected to it, so here it is:

no sound track in dv-avi footage captured [Archive] - DVXuser.com
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