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Old July 20th, 2011, 11:50 AM   #1
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How to Acheive Desired Effect...


I want to zoom into a person's eye and then show a reflection of an image on their eye, specifically an elk. I.E. an archery hunter takes aim, the camera zooms into their eye and you see the reflection of the elk they are seeing in their pupil.

Is this feasible in Vegas, or should I be posting this question to the Afer Effects crowd?

Thanks in advance for your comments and suggestions.
Jerry Neal is offline   Reply With Quote
Old July 20th, 2011, 01:10 PM   #2
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Re: How to Acheive Desired Effect...

It can be done in Vegas. You will need to zoom in using Pan/Crop into the eye on one track. On another track, you'll need the elk. I would assume it would need to be resized as well. If the elk is on a transparent background, put it on a track ABOVE the eye. You could also use the Cookie Cutter effect to select a circle around just the elk and fit it in the eye. Once again, Pan/Crop and resize for you but you might also use Track Motion to get things small enough on the elk track.
Edward Troxel is offline   Reply With Quote
Old July 23rd, 2011, 03:00 AM   #3
Inner Circle
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Re: How to Acheive Desired Effect...

Not clear from the original question whether you already have the footage of the zoom into the eye or whether you want to create it. The following is only relevant if you are trying to create that zoom shot in post.

I assume you want to go really close into the eye? How far out will you be starting? If it's from anything greater than, say, head and shoulders I would think it's unlikely you'll have the resolution to zoom in that close without it looking very badly pixellated. This would be much easier with very high resolution stills rather than video (for the zoom into the eye, that is - the elk shot wouldn't be an issue). If you make the zoom really quick the viewer shouldn't notice it's a still (and maybe add some blur - check out NewBlue's Zoom Blur here Motion Effects dynamic energy effects for fast-paced and action scenes | NewBlueFX . Disclosure: I write tutorials for newBlue).

Of course all this is irrelevant if you've already got your zooming shot!
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Old July 23rd, 2011, 04:09 AM   #4
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Re: How to Acheive Desired Effect...

I did one like this a while back in a dodgy little online advert.
As Ian said, start with a hi res pic if you can, zoom in and change to footage through the zoom.
I super imposed an emblem in the eye in this, but if you can key out the Elks background and have it in the eyeball, then what about simulating a zoom all the way through the Elk in the eyeball but use a cross zoom transition to come back out of the actual Elk footage, would be cool.
eye is in the 1st 10 sec.....
Gerald Webb is offline   Reply

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