What Do They have (FCP X and CS 5.5 or Avid) That Vegas Doesn't And Can You Get It. - Page 2 at DVinfo.net
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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old July 6th, 2011, 05:00 PM   #16
Jubal 28
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Re: What Do They have (FCP X and CS 5.5 or Avid) That Vegas Doesn't And Can You Get I

Heh. Just noticed Vegas 10.0e added support for Omneon Spectrum MXFs - but still no actual EDLs. So, hey, be high-end, just in a bubble.
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Old July 6th, 2011, 05:19 PM   #17
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Re: What Do They have (FCP X and CS 5.5 or Avid) That Vegas Doesn't And Can You Get I

Just saw that on E. Now that is collaberation.... And this raises the question about EDL.... is that going to be there in the future still ?
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old July 6th, 2011, 05:50 PM   #18
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Re: What Do They have (FCP X and CS 5.5 or Avid) That Vegas Doesn't And Can You Get I

afaic until vegas gets edl (cmx, etc.,) it's NEVER going to be collaborative.

that said, are scs interested? i don't think so....
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Old July 6th, 2011, 09:01 PM   #19
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Re: What Do They have (FCP X and CS 5.5 or Avid) That Vegas Doesn't And Can You Get I

Originally Posted by Leslie Wand View Post
afaic until vegas gets edl (cmx, etc.,) it's NEVER going to be collaborative.

that said, are scs interested? i don't think so....
No, they are not. I really wish Sony's Professional Division could get their hands on it. Or Maybe BlackMagicDesign can buy it?:)

I use Vegas all the time, but even i can tell why others (users of FCP, AVID, Adobe) may look down upon it without even using it... its marketed as a consumer, or at a best prosumer app. But it is not! Except for the collaboration and the lack of third party soft/hardware it is very powerful and fluid!

Go to Sony Creative Software - Vegas video - ACID & Sound Forge audio editing right now and it's home page is full of the of the entry level stuff. With the recent FCPX debacle there's probably quite a lot of editors, even AVID, and Adobe users who are asking, "hey what else is out there?" If they come to SCS's site, they are gonna make a U-turn. I would!

Dear Sony, Please make Vegas a truly professional NLE so i don't get laughed at when i go to the post house...but even more than that and seriously - make Vegas a truly professional NLE so i don't have use AVID to go the post house!!!!

Thank you.
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Old July 6th, 2011, 09:01 PM   #20
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Re: What Do They have (FCP X and CS 5.5 or Avid) That Vegas Doesn't And Can You Get I

Originally Posted by Leslie Wand View Post
afaic until vegas gets edl (cmx, etc.,) it's NEVER going to be collaborative.

that said, are scs interested? i don't think so....
My guess is no as users have been asking for this capability for a VERY long time and SCS still hasn't delivered.
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Old July 6th, 2011, 09:42 PM   #21
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Re: What Do They have (FCP X and CS 5.5 or Avid) That Vegas Doesn't And Can You Get I

[QUOTE=Chris Barcellos;1664985]Have you ever attempted grading in Vegas, and how does AE and Premiere differ from Vegas grading capabilities ?

Chris, yes quite often but there are times when I would like to use Magic bullet looks, Neat video in 16bit and the shadow highlights effects among others. It would be nice to have option without having to render out every clip. Also the titler in Premiere is light years ahead of Vegas and the quality is better.
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Old July 6th, 2011, 09:54 PM   #22
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Re: What Do They have (FCP X and CS 5.5 or Avid) That Vegas Doesn't And Can You Get I

Thanks Marc, I'll have to check out the titler on my trial version. Haven't looked at that yet.
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old July 7th, 2011, 02:24 AM   #23
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Re: What Do They have (FCP X and CS 5.5 or Avid) That Vegas Doesn't And Can You Get I

I tried editing in Premier again yesterday but 10 minutes into my edit I decided screw this! Syncing media with PluralEyes is such a hassle with Premier, you have to export to an XML then if the sync wasn't 100% you have to redo it all, then import the modified XML back into your project - seriously! In Vegas I press one button and PluralEyes sync's my timeline and for clips that didn't sync I simply lock down and re-sync only that clip. What a mission in Premier! I really wish Vegas will get their act together and offer better integration with other systems & since Red Giant no longer supports Vegas I will have to eventually move to Premier which I'm not looking forward to.
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Old July 7th, 2011, 05:14 AM   #24
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Re: What Do They have (FCP X and CS 5.5 or Avid) That Vegas Doesn't And Can You Get I

I've been trying out PluralEyes in Vegas over the last few days and man is it fantastic! About 2 minutes and four 20 minute clips are analysed and perfectly sync'd...
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Old July 7th, 2011, 05:50 AM   #25
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Re: What Do They have (FCP X and CS 5.5 or Avid) That Vegas Doesn't And Can You Get I

been reading this with interest.
I learned in Vegas and for a while have been trying to learn other systems ( a long while actually), Ive downloaded so many trials I cant remember, Premiere more than a few times, Avid, Edius and an old version of FC express on the Mac side.
I was recently on holidays and made myself work with Premiere for 6 weeks. I must say I think its pretty good, some annoying things that take longer than Vegas, but other things that are def better,
bezier keyframing,
Fast color corrector is really really good.
AFX integration ( not completely sold on dynamic link yet but I'm persevering ).
And the more I learn in After FX the better it gets, once you get into expressions and animation presets, Vegas and Premiere seem like Moviemaker for Titling. If you have AFX and havent used the Rotobrush tool, google a tute and watch it rock your world for masking.
I cant imagine not using Vegas anymore, its just so quick to do small projects.
I dont think any one NLE is the BEST, If I could own them all I would, but if you could have some grand magical dynamic link to jump between any software........... that would make someone very very wealthy.
Surely it wouldnt be that hard to make, an interface that converts any project file into any other project file of your choosing, Vegas to Avid, Premiere to Vegas and so on.
I know FX would be a prob, but cuts and crossfades should be easy.
Any rocket scientists out there with some spare time?
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Old July 7th, 2011, 10:45 AM   #26
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Re: What Do They have (FCP X and CS 5.5 or Avid) That Vegas Doesn't And Can You Get I

Originally Posted by Renton Maclachlan View Post
I've been trying out PluralEyes in Vegas over the last few days and man is it fantastic! About 2 minutes and four 20 minute clips are analysed and perfectly sync'd...
Re: Plural Eyes

I bought the stand alone version of Plural Eye, ie., Dual Eyes, so I could work in any editor in the future. With Dual eyes you just do a mass synch, and have it create new files. Alternatively, it will create exact length sound track that fit exactly on an audio track in synch with the original footage. It is not reencoding.any video in either case.

(One thing I have noted with it is that the resulting file does not convert well to Cineform. So any mass synch to that includes Cineform in the chain, should have the convert to Cineform prior to the synch>)
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old July 7th, 2011, 11:04 AM   #27
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Re: What Do They have (FCP X and CS 5.5 or Avid) That Vegas Doesn't And Can You Get I

[quote=Marc Salvatore;1665032]
Originally Posted by Chris Barcellos View Post
Have you ever attempted grading in Vegas, and how does AE and Premiere differ from Vegas grading capabilities ?

Chris, yes quite often but there are times when I would like to use Magic bullet looks, Neat video in 16bit and the shadow highlights effects among others. It would be nice to have option without having to render out every clip. Also the titler in Premiere is light years ahead of Vegas and the quality is better.
I tried the titler just briefly last night, and it doesn't seem to have changed a lot since PPro 2. Memories of working with it came flooding back. I do recall that in first working with Vegas title, I felt that it was too simple. But I have not really missed Premieres more advanced titler. Then again, my primary thing is narrative films, where titling is usually pretty basic. I do want to learn a bit about the mondern trend of including location identification in the scene as a 3D image (like in "Fringe", et al), but I am not sure if Premiere's titler is that advanced. May be an AE thing ?

As to the Magic Bullet looks, I solve that issue with Cineform in most of my projects and using Firstlight. If you haven't seen it at work, it acts instantaneously on any footage adding a chosen look to the original file, as well any unrecompressed progeny in the project. Coupled with the Technicolor picture style I now shoot most of my stuff in on my Canon 5D, we end up with pretty nice grading capability.
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old July 7th, 2011, 11:16 AM   #28
Jubal 28
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Re: What Do They have (FCP X and CS 5.5 or Avid) That Vegas Doesn't And Can You Get I

I really think a lot of the complaints about Vegas's titler comes from thinking it was ever intended to do the same things other titlers do.

It really wasn't. It's meant to get words onto the screen, and not much else. Vegas's other tools and FX do the rest.

You can make fantastic titles in Vegas; you just don't do it all in the titler box. You may prefer to do it in the titler box, but that's more a matter of preference than an actual failure of the titler -- you can't pull nails with a ball-peen hammer, but it was never designed to do it in the first place. It's just a different tool from a claw hammer.

Now, it's true that it's difficult to do things with individual letters, but not too many titlers within NLEs do it, either.
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Old July 7th, 2011, 12:55 PM   #29
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Re: What Do They have (FCP X and CS 5.5 or Avid) That Vegas Doesn't And Can You Get I

If you want to do more advanced work with titles in Vegas, I find working in combination with Photoshop does the job. Just have both programs open, do the title work in Photoshop with a layered file, and to see immediate changes on the same file on the timeline in Vegas, just save in Photoshop. The changes are immediately reflected in Vegas.
Mark Holmes
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Old July 7th, 2011, 03:32 PM   #30
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Re: What Do They have (FCP X and CS 5.5 or Avid) That Vegas Doesn't And Can You Get I

Thanks for the comments about tilte making. Led me to just do a search on YouTube and see a lot of Title making tutorial.... like this one:

YouTube - ‪Sony Vegas | How to create Action title Intros (all versions)‬‏
Chris J. Barcellos
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