Audio levels suggestion for a doc edited in Vegas10 at
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Old March 28th, 2011, 01:35 PM   #1
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Audio levels suggestion for a doc edited in Vegas10

Hola guys,
i wanted to know from you a couple of suggestions for the edit of a documentary in Vegas 10.
Talking about
the speaker voice volume shouldn't go over (which level on the audio meter)?
the music should go @ (volume suggested)?
The biggest issue is that i edit and i check the final project before the render with my external speakers (2.1 Philips), then when i go back to watch it on my new tv, it seems that the voice of the speaker is low compared to the music i have on the track of the music...
On my pc everything look good!
Any suggestions?
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Old March 29th, 2011, 06:45 AM   #2
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Re: Audio levels suggestion for a doc edited in Vegas10

It can depend on who you're delivering the project to. If it's for broadcast, the broadcaster will probably have a requirement for the overall maximum level (music and voice and anything else combined)

As for the levels within the mix itself, that is very much a matter of your ears and what sounds right to you.

And yes, it will sound different to different people listening on different pieces of kit - that, sadly, is one of the trials and tribulations of distribution.

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Old March 29th, 2011, 08:59 AM   #3
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Re: Audio levels suggestion for a doc edited in Vegas10

just as a general overall thing I try to keep my audio levels to no more than -12db on the MASTER METER. When doing VO this can take a little playing with. First make sure each audio track is going to a seperate audio bus, then make sure the settings for that bus AND the track header are set to where you need them, IE don't set to ADD set to NON ADD so the levels don't pile ontop of each other.
Vwegas allows many different way to skin the cat so you have options but I generally start with the TRACK HEADER at either -3 or -6 which I do by right clicking on the volume slider in the header, there is a menu there of various settings. Then I go to the BUS for that track and match it to the TRACK HEADER. Once I've done that then I can either use an envelope or adjust at the track level or bus to set my levels where I want them so they don't go over -12db on the master.
It's as good a place as any to start.
What do I know? I'm just a video-O-grafer.
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