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Old January 28th, 2011, 01:11 AM   #1
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Vegas 10 MPEG2 Encore Audio Sync Issues

I've encountered a rather annoying issue with Sony Vegas 10. When I render out a project as a MPEG2 for DVD and use Adobe Encore to master my DVD I find that the video/audio track in the Encore timeline is separated which causes audio drift after a while. When I render using Vegas 9 the video/audio tracks are connected in the Encore timeline and causes no audio sync issues. Does anybody know what Vegas 10 is doing differently?
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Vegas 10 MPEG2 Encore Audio Sync Issues-vegas-10-encore-audio-issue.jpg  
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Old January 28th, 2011, 07:51 PM   #2
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I went through dramas trying to get Vegas to play nice with Encore, I must admit the only way I solved the problems after many many attempts was to render out of Vegas to an intermediate codec and let Encore do the compression.
I just kept getting errors when trying to build the job with the Vegas mpeg2/ m2v-mpa (i tried both ways) files.
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Old January 28th, 2011, 08:13 PM   #3
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1) did the lag increase over time or was it a constant offset?
2) was audio rendered to ac3 (separate stream) or contained within the mpeg-2?

i'm asking as i had a strange interlude recently (Vegas 10a) with my ac3 files lagging a few frames behind the video m2v. i created the DVD with Architect and had been intending to try making one in Encore to see if that was the problem... now i'm wondering if it's a problem with 10a.
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Old January 28th, 2011, 08:36 PM   #4
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I tried both, mpeg2 and separate streams, both when imported into Encore had the audio showing longer in Encores timeline.
You can shorten/trim the audio in Encore but it never lands/syncs right on a frame, therefore when you create project you get a error.
As said, only way was to encode in Encore. A lot of long time Encore users online agreed this was the way to go, so thats my workflow now.
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Old January 29th, 2011, 06:13 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Rob Wood View Post
1) did the lag increase over time or was it a constant offset?
2) was audio rendered to ac3 (separate stream) or contained within the mpeg-2?
Rob the lag increases over time & the audio is contained within the MPEG-2. I spent countless hours/days trying to figure out what was wrong with my audio going through every scenario almost breaking down with frustration as my deadlines passed until I figured the only thing different is Vegas 10 and went back to 9 for final renders.

My current workflow is:
I edit & render my productions in sections eg. Pre-Ceremony, Ceremony, Reception in Vegas 10c. Then using Vegas 9 I compile all the sections into one time-line without re-compression.

This workflow works perfectly with Encore and video/audio is perfectly sync-ed, Vegas 10 somehow broke the audio, render setting are identical to Vegas 9. Although my V9 workflow works I would like to stop using Vegas 9 & figure out what wrong with 10. Rendering audio out separately (48kHz 16bit) also won't work, the video/audio tracks are never the same length.
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Old January 29th, 2011, 10:56 AM   #6
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ok, thats weird. i haven't had either of those problems: length of ac3 + m2v files are all good and the offset in audio was constant, it didn't get worse over time... i'm still inclined to think my audio lag was due to a Waves multiband that has a few thousand samples overhead to it; didn't think that would matter on render; i'll have to research that more... or maybe it is V10; if so hopefully version D will resolve it.

in your case; is tho source footage or timeline set to 24 fps rather than 23.976? ...i'm wondering if your video render is auto-correcting to a DVD-friendly frame-rate while your audio isn't: doesn't seem likely but only thing i can think of at the moment
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