help needed with menus in dvda at
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Old May 6th, 2010, 11:26 AM   #1
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help needed with menus in dvda

Hi there

I was wondering if somebody could assist me with creating motion menus in dvda. At the moment when I render my motion menus in vegas and bring it into dvda and render it out to dvd, the menus look disgusting, all text and graphics.My workflow is as follows:

1 - create menus in photoshop (I set project to dv pal template) and bring it into vegas and place on
2 - right click graphics on timeline and go to properties and change pixel aspect ratio from square pixels
to pal dv 1.09.
3 - then I render it out to dv avi (I have tried interlaced and progressive) and bring it into dvda.
4 - From here I burn it to dvd

If bring photoshop files directly into dvda (without going through vegas) the menus look great but are motionless. I am scratching my head with this one. Are there other ways of doing motion menus in dvda perahaps? I would like to hear about the workflow others use in vegas and dvda when creating moiton menus.

Any advice welcome.


Last edited by Antonie Koen; May 6th, 2010 at 02:01 PM.
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Old May 7th, 2010, 08:47 AM   #2
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If it's simply the buttons that are to be in motion, just drop the video onto the menu and change the button properties to be in motion.
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Old May 7th, 2010, 10:00 AM   #3
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Thanks for your reply Edward. It's not the buttons but the actual photoshop layers that I want to animate. To do this I take the various photoshop layers into vegas, animate them and render it out to avi. When I bring the avi into dvda as a menu and rendering it out to dvd, the results of these menus are terrible.

If I bring the same static photoshop file straight into dvda as a menu and render it out to dvd it looks great.
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Old May 7th, 2010, 10:41 AM   #4
Sponsor: JET DV
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"How" does it look "terrible"? What's happening to it?

What AVI format are you rendering to? If it's short enough, you might try uncompressed.

Another thing might be to try making the menu Progressive instead of Interlaced.

It is always better to bring menus in as AVI as menus are always recompressed. So if you brought in a menu as MPEG2, the MPEG file would be recompressed to create the menu.
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