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Old April 14th, 2010, 05:09 AM   #31
Inner Circle
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David, the extremely long load time with 9.0d is a common complaint and has been reported to Sony.
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Old April 14th, 2010, 08:16 AM   #32
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I don't even care if it takes a bit longer to open a project,
but men, finally, I can mix native 5D, ProRes, cineform and MXF in one timeline without red clips and IOSurrogate,
it feels like Christmass :)
I love this place!
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Old April 14th, 2010, 12:56 PM   #33
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Another new feature that I like in 9.0d is the ability to burn a DVD from the timeline. Prior versions would only burn Bluray discs. These discs have no menu, but for my purposes, it doesn't matter. In my work flow, I like to view an actual DVD of my project on a TV while I am still working on it. This is the best way to see what it will look like in ways that you can only see in this way. For example, in a recent project a neck tie on a subject had a distracting moiré pattern after it was rendered to a DVD. This pattern was only visible on a DVD; other rendered formats looked fine. This is also a good way to confirm how it will look in many other ways as well.

This is a small feature that's big to me because it makes burning a DVD from the timeline a "one-click" process.
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Old April 14th, 2010, 01:14 PM   #34
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Thanks, Jim for bringing this feature out -- I had totally missed it and can use it in a similar way you do -- I have to periodically send samples around to clients, sponsors and other interested parties and it's always just one disk, made in a hurry. I better go back and re-read what's new in D.
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Old April 14th, 2010, 02:01 PM   #35
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When I try Burning a DVD from Timeline I scoop say 5 mins of Timeline and I am told it is FAR too big to fit on a DVD. Do you have tweak you are using to get this, I agree, hopeful feature to do its thing?

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Old April 14th, 2010, 08:54 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Buba Kastorski View Post
I don't even care if it takes a bit longer to open a project,
but men, finally, I can mix native 5D, ProRes, cineform and MXF in one timeline without red clips and IOSurrogate,
it feels like Christmass :)
Hi Buba, can you edit ProRes directly on the timeline without the plugin? I can't recall the name but I did it previously with a plugin to enable V8 to handle ProRes.
Firewerkz Films SGP
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Old April 14th, 2010, 09:51 PM   #37
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I can't turn off the Video Preview Window while rendering, I had that option in the Preference in Vegas 8, but can't find it in Vegas 9 !!
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Old April 15th, 2010, 06:35 AM   #38
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slow load FIXED

I fixed the slow load problem -- it's now faster than ever before. Go to my new thread on the subject.
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Old April 16th, 2010, 06:06 AM   #39
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9d sucks big time: .mxf not recognised!

Having updated now Vegas won't even recognise .mxf files if you want to 'add media'! If you open a folder to match media settings or anything like that, the search string at the bottom of the folder only shows .mxf files if you chose 'show all files', in other words Vegas can't see .xmf as default files. If I try and manually open a .mxf, Vegas cops a strop as says 'file cannot be opened'.
HELP ME! (Please)!
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Old April 16th, 2010, 08:51 AM   #40
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When I modify and save a v9.0c veg on my 32-bit and then open it on the 64-bit, the 64-bit does the following:

- says "Not Responding" in the title bar within seconds and stays that way for a long time
- when it finally comes around it asks for the location of an mp3, mpg, a few jpg's and all of the AVI's. I've tried this several times with various modifications to the veg and each time it can't find that same files. What is also interesting is that the AVI's are all in the same folder, but Vegas doesn't recognize this and therefore it prompts for each.
- when you're done telling Vegas where the files are, it freezes at 16% for a long time.
- I can then save it on the 64-bit and reopen without the lost files, but still extremely slow to open

I will definitely be going back to v9.0c as this is unacceptable. Sony should pull this update or at least post a warning on the download screen.
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Old April 16th, 2010, 09:58 AM   #41
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Possible answer to 9D mxf issues.....

OK. Have just spent 1/2 hour on the phone to Liz @ Sony in the States!
It is possible(ie probable and Sony didn't think this one through) that Vegas 9D doesn't read/accept .mxf files that have been re-wrapped by XDCAM EX Browser. However, if you use the explorer tab in Vegas you can open the original source .mp4 quite easily and plop onto the timeline. Now, no problem if you have copied the mp4s from the camera/card to your disk drive without altering them. If, however like me you used XDCAM EX Browser and only have .mxf files of your work, there seems to be no easy/quick way to convert the files back to their original mp4 state. So, I've possibly been doing my workflow wrong (though it seems logical) or Sony have made a mahoosive cock up as this means you can't use previously archive/saved .mxf files in any newer version of Vegas then 9C. Anyhoo, I've sent Sony a small .mxf file that works in C not D and they'll look into it and let me know. Stay tuned.....
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Old April 16th, 2010, 01:27 PM   #42
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VEGAS 9D titler problems

The pro type titler presets has no gradient fill color in. Its ok on a new title with no text effect but presets have problems. Black wrighting when swiped over do not show through the swipe bar but stays black and you cannot see any black wrighting, this is again ,only on titler presetts. When titler is in time line it seems to give low memory errors. Vegas 9d also crashes during rendering. I have 12 gb of ddr3 ram and a 4ghz processor so i have not got low memory. 9c was unstable but 9d is worse. I will now stick with 9b the only vegas version i find stable . I have emailed Sony tech support but i have been waiting 2 days for a responce.
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Old April 16th, 2010, 02:39 PM   #43
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I was wrong, again.

Originally Posted by Neal Wagner View Post
For as much as I like and prefer Vegas, Sony is losing it. 9.0d 64bit gives memory errors, red screens, and refuses to render my usual converted AVCHD (converted to wmv by VotaicHD) mixed with stills so, after
an unpleasant half-day I uninstalled 9.0d and reinstalled 9.0c 64bit and now, at least, it works. I'm glad I don't depend on Sony Vegas for a living.
So much for my expectation of improvement!
Edit & Correction: I'm happy to report that 9.0d handles AVCHD (720 & 1080) mts files direct from my Panasonic GH1 flawlessly and quickly! It never occured to me when I upgraded to 9.0d that it would actually be able to mix stills and GH1 videos without first converting as I've been forced to do with the previous versions and when I used converted files as worked in 9.0c it was awful But when I tried direct editing of the AVCHD files from the camera, even mixed with stills, cross-faded, stretched, etc. 9.0d works great.
So, thank you Sony!
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Old April 16th, 2010, 04:54 PM   #44
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I am glad some people seem pleased!!!

I just down loaded 1 hour of straight Mt2 files and must say the 32 bit 9 d could not do the job for me that 8.0 and 9,0.

I shut down three times, reopened and tried to get after it.

I restored my computer and will wait a while and stay with 8.0c which I feel has been the soundest to date. Spent months with 9.0b and it was pretty good, but on longer projects (1.5 to 2 hour hd) it started the red frame issue for me!!!!

I also have huge amount of cineform files and that seems to be a problem as well!!!!

I know all software will have glitches, it comes with the turf. (Which is why i always have two different editors available)

however, it seems bizaar to release somethig that has so many issues, even if there are a lot of fixes involved.

I wonder if Edward is running this with no issues?

Dale Guthormsen
Dale W. Guthormsen
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Old April 16th, 2010, 05:33 PM   #45
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I've been at NAB all week and haven't yet had a chance to install 9.0d yet. I do plan to do so on my 64-bit machine but there's many file formats I don't typically use.
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