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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old July 31st, 2004, 12:01 AM   #1
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is there a way to combine clips?

on the editing track there is an option to 'crop' a 4:3 dv image into widescreen. but if you have multiple video clips, you have to do this several times and sometimes they don't match from clip to clip. is there a way to universally change all clips crop?
bow wow wow
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Old July 31st, 2004, 12:10 AM   #2
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Make a preset of your Pan/Crop setting and it will be the same every time.

Also, if you have nothing else applied. you can copy from one event and paste event attributes onto the others.

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Old April 23rd, 2005, 03:44 PM   #3
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Some audio problems... airplane sound recorded

I did an interview and had an airplane going over... I didn't realize it at the time... but my shotgun mic picked it up too well...

I've read that Vegas has some really excellent clean up tools for audio but I have not played with them yet...

What would be the eaisest way for me to fix this problem?

thanks guys!
Brent Marks is offline  
Old April 23rd, 2005, 04:51 PM   #4
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This thread belongs more in the audio forum, but it's not a big deal as it pertains to Vegas.

1- How loud is the plane?
If it's not that loud then it is more fixable.
If you could, posting up a clip (mp3, uncomrpessed wav, a file encoded with a lossless algorithm) would be helpful too. Because people like me would try to clean it up and show you what's possible.

2- You can use the parametric EQ filter to get rid of some bass frequencies and some of the high frequencies. Put the cutoff high and change the frequency around until you hear the voice get 'damaged', then back off.

Use the low and high frequency shelf settings under filter style.
First filter:
Low frequency shelf
Output gain = 0dB
Amount = -60dB
Cutoff freq = start with 100hz ish vary the filter frequency as described above
Transition Width = 0.1 oct
Set it on high

Second filter:
High frequency shelf
Output gain = 0dB
Amount = -60dB
Cutoff freq = start with 6000Hz ish vary the filter frequency as described above
Transition Width = 0.1 oct
Set it on whatever

This will only get rid of some of the noise... there will still be noise in the track.

3- If you have a noise reduction plug-in you can get better results. NR plug-ins can be though of as noise hiding, so if the noise is too great you can't do a good job. (see 1)
Sony NR, soundsoap, are some of the plug-ins out there.

I don't know if there are any free ones.

I don't know of any other good ways to deal with that noise. You could try dialogue editing, but that would get very tedious and painful.

Other possible options would be reshoot/ADR, cut/edit around your problem, or add subtitles.
Glenn Chan is offline  
Old July 11th, 2005, 01:26 AM   #5
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Vegas Video discussions from 2006 (Q1Q2)

preview on external device?

Ok, I was wondering...Is it possible to hook up a regular television to preview as an external device via a camcorder in vegas 6? I see the option near the preview window but I dont really know the process. Can someone help me out? Also though...if I preview on the TV and if the video stutters sometimes while previewing in Vegas will it do it on the TV? Thanks!

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Old July 11th, 2005, 02:06 AM   #6
Old Boot
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"Is it possible to hook up a regular television to preview as an external device via a camcorder in vegas 6?" Yes - your camera - and most do nowadays - need to be able to do the "PASS THROUGH". This means the ability for your camcorder to convert the incoming DV (digital video signal) from your PC's firewire OUT to the firewire IN on your camera and convert to AV ( analogue video signal). You will need to research your Users Manual.

"I see the option near the preview window but I dont really know the process." When I have done this I need to have set my camera up with OUTPUT going to my TV. THEN switch on the camera. My PC recognises camera as a DEVICE. This is good! Then go to Vegas, access Option>Preferences>Preview Device and select the Device "OHCI Compliant 1394/DV" - click okay and exit. Place some media on the timeline and lay your cursor on it. Click the External Monitor Previewing Icon - the tiny PC screen on the Preview Toolbar Screen - and as long as your TV is switched on and ready to accept an incoming signal, you will see your images pop up on the TV!

"Also though...if I preview on the TV and if the video stutters sometimes while previewing in Vegas will it do it on the TV?" Yes. But it could be other issues. Mostly a stuttring is the PC trying to keep up with the effect and/or work you have created. But it could be another issue.

Hope this helps,

Graham Bernard is offline  
Old September 24th, 2005, 08:56 AM   #7
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ADS Pyro Link - computer to Tv

Hi folks,
I'm looking for a way to "preview on external monitor" to a television. I have a video card with 2 digital monitor outputs. Just wondering if I could use the ADS Pyro signal out through Pyro to analog tv. Has anyone tried this...if so, do you get a decent picture?
Thanks for your help...
David Bird
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Old September 24th, 2005, 09:28 AM   #8
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Not sure what computer or software you have, it sounds like it might be a PC. I'm on a Mac so I can only give you a generic answer. I've tried the Pyro ( and it works fine.

However it has nothing to do with computer video cards. It's an external box that transcodes between firewire (ieee-1394) and analog. So you would plug it into your computer's firewire port, then connect your TV to the analog output. The best quality will come from the component video outputs if you're TV can handle it (most new TV's will have red/green/blue RCA plugs for this). Otherwise S-video will be best. But if you have an older or cheaper TV you would use the yellow RCA jack to connect to the TV's video input. If your TV doesn't have any of these then you're out of luck. Regardless of how you connect the video, you'll need separate audio cables for the L and R stereo channels (red and white).

Now the rest depends on your computer software. Read your manual to determine how to send the preview out via firewire. But basically, the Pyro box is just an alternative to sending firewire to your camera and connecting a TV or monitor to it directly.
Boyd Ostroff is offline  
Old September 26th, 2005, 08:09 AM   #9
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I use the ADS Pyro A/V Link all the time to go out to an external TV monitor from my PC using Sony Vegas 6.0. It works great. It looks like a firewire device to your computer so any software that will export video via firewire should work.

Developer: VASST Ultimate S, Scattershot 3D, Mayhem, FASST Apps, and other VASST Software plug-ins
Web Site:
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Old September 26th, 2005, 08:15 AM   #10
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Thanks guys...I "get it" as respects firewire out to Pyro to TV. For some reason I keep confusing the "preview" issue with my video card. Gonna order an AV link today.
Thanks - David
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Old October 17th, 2005, 10:28 PM   #11
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Does Vegas have web content output ability

Hello, I have it down to Avid Express or Vegas 6. Although my love for video editing is making independent movies... I will have to pay the bills and thrash some weddings/corporate videos ect. One of my top priorities however is to get the final product on the web, either streaming or download. I spend a couple months a year in Japan and everyone there has extremely fast connections (cheap!) and all the new apartment buildings are built with built in 100Mbs connections. When I am there, I can watch video right off the net (high quality) without having to use DVD`s (so why is sony making Blue Wave? the future is High Band Internet!) Anyways... Avid Express comes with a "light" version of Sorenson Squeeze which gets great reviews (for the "full" version) but, I have not found anything about Vegas and it`s ability to squeeze files down to a nice small yet "good looking" video off the timeline. Does Vegas have an internet file (.mpg .wmf .mov) export/function? If so, Is the output decent? Is it simple? Any examples stored on your servers?
Carl Downs is offline  
Old October 18th, 2005, 07:27 AM   #12
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File - Render As - choose WMV as the file type and pick the desired preset. You can also click on "Custom" and manually adjust the settings. It can also do MPG and MOV.
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Old October 18th, 2005, 08:47 AM   #13
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Component in or out?

Hey Boyd,
you're saying you can output from the ADS to your TV using component connections? Just looking for a little clarification since the webpage lists component on the input side but not on the output side.

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Old October 18th, 2005, 11:39 AM   #14
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It has both component in and out. Download the manual here:

The Component Video jacks are dual purpose and bi-directional. You can capture from analog video sources via the component jacks and you can export DV to Analog video via the Component jacks.
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Old October 18th, 2005, 03:59 PM   #15
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Yes, the manual clarifies it. Very cool. So with the right TV I could check colors using component output.

Scott Brickert is offline  
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