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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old April 21st, 2006, 08:41 AM   #1261
Old Boot
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Originally Posted by David Jimerson
Keyboard shortcuts are a largely arcane art. Most people should get to know them . . . life is much sweeter.
Eh? David, Arcane is a wee bit pejorative . . However, better yet have a "lasso" option!!

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Old April 21st, 2006, 09:01 AM   #1262
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I don't mean it pejoratively at all -- just as not well-known or widely practiced.
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Old April 21st, 2006, 09:14 AM   #1263
Old Boot
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Originally Posted by Greg Boston

You may find this little trick works in many more things than what you described.

Maybe that's why Vegas doesn't include this in the manual as they 'assume' Windows users are aware of these operational conventions on the Windows platform.



p.s. Tell the Queen I said "Happy 80th birthday!"
Thanks, but also being aware of the Windows conventions, Greg, this is exactly where I started. CTRL Shift combos. Nothing would stick UNTIL I tried the Shift+Space. As to Vegas manual NOT mentioning this - 'cos it is widely "known" - you have information beyond mine! Anyways, the feedback I've already got from others, is that it has been a "saver".

So, you a Royalist? Interesting.

Best regards,

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Old April 21st, 2006, 09:19 AM   #1264
Old Boot
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Originally Posted by David Jimerson
I don't mean it pejoratively at all -- just as not well-known or widely practiced.
Understood! Yeah, but a lasso would be neat - nope?
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Old April 21st, 2006, 09:34 AM   #1265
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Originally Posted by Graham Bernard
So, you a Royalist? Interesting.

I've been referred to as a 'royal pain in the @@@' but I'm not sure that counts. (grin)

No, I just make a note of where people come from in their profile and since you are a Londoner and your fellow Britons are celebrating the Queen's 80th, I wanted to extend my good wishes from across the pond. You would be surprised at how much news coverage the royal family gets here in the states.

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Old April 21st, 2006, 09:39 AM   #1266
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Marker Spacing shortcut

Ok, I remember sometime ago there was a thread about spacing markers evenly on your work flow, but I can't find it, so here's teh short cut I found.

If this is public knowledge already, I apologize

If you set the loop region to the length you want such as 10 minutes on these lecture things I'm doing, then hit [M] for marker, Vegas will insert a marker, then if you want to space the next marker 10 minutes ahead, you move the front of the loop region to in front of the last marker you placed, the hit [M] again, you will have two markers spaced 10 minutes apart.

I found this out by using the ol'e, <i>hmm, what happens if I hit this button </i> approach.
What happens if I push the 'Red' button?
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Old April 21st, 2006, 10:27 AM   #1267
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I've been using the CineForm intermediates and converting back to HDV without problem. Probably is the hard drive.
Jerry Waters
Arize Productions
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Old April 21st, 2006, 11:47 AM   #1268
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A script is the easiest way to do that. There are several free scripts out there that place markers at specific intervals or at each event. However, scripts can be made to add them in any specific manner.
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Old April 21st, 2006, 03:05 PM   #1269
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Thanks for all of the input everyone --

I Actually bought two units (Canopus and ADS Pyro A/V Link). The A/V link is going back -- lots of droped frames where the Canopus had none. Did have to buy a power source for the Canopus though ($40) because the firewire port on my machine would not power the unit.

FYI -- I have an Canon XL1 which is why I could not capture through the camera...

Thanks again --
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Old April 21st, 2006, 08:37 PM   #1270
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Using Vegas as a DAW

I need some advice... I apologize in advance for all the questions. Here's the situation. I'm a Vegas user and I own Vegas 6 and Acid 5 (considering Acid 6). Basically, I need to produce some music that a friend and I have been working on: recording instruments and vocals.

I know the basics for different effects, but my technical knowledge of recording and effects is very limited.

I've got a Firewire Solo and have already recorded vocals to music successfully, but so far I'm disappointed with the effects. I wanted to get a hardware DAW like the Boss BR-1600 or Yamaha AW1600, but just fell short on the cash.

Ok, so finally, here's the question: Since I basically have to use my computer for recording, can I get satisfactory results just using Vegas? Is Acid 6 better for what I'm trying to do (since they set out to make it a DAW? Can Vegas (or any DX plugins) match the quality of a hardware signal processor?

A part of the problem is just ignorance. I'd have loved to get a hardware DAW with a good user manual that walked you through getting a good recording. So, one last question: is there anywhere online that I can learn to use Vegas 6 for getting good musical recordings? And would I just be better off with a more user-friendly program geared toward musicians? If so, what would that program be?

Sorry for all the questions... any advice appreciated.

"Good taste is the enemy of creativity" - Picasso

Tony Hall is offline  
Old April 21st, 2006, 09:19 PM   #1271
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saving scene from timeline to folder

I'm new to the Vegas Movie Maker - I have clicked the mode to save my video file as one long file and then to chop it up in the trimmer and add to the timeline or a folder of particular takes from a scene....but I'm not sure how to do this. How can I select a certain scene or take and then cut and paste it to a folder to use for later?
Thanks for any advise.

Last edited by Dean Orewiler; April 22nd, 2006 at 06:17 AM.
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Old April 21st, 2006, 11:27 PM   #1272
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I recorded my band and my brother's band completely with Vegas. I'm no expert at audio recording...I mainly do video work but all of the songs on this page (my brother's band) were recorded completely with Vegas. We didn't have time to get things perfect (as you could probably tell). These songs were put together in a couple of days but they sound pretty good for the amount of time we had. But my point is that Vegas is more than capable of doing the job. I found that the effects Vegas offers are pretty good. You can also download some free effects and VST plug ins.
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Old April 22nd, 2006, 12:24 AM   #1273
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Originally Posted by Jim Herman
I recorded my band and my brother's band completely with Vegas. I'm no expert at audio recording...I mainly do video work but all of the songs on this page (my brother's band) were recorded completely with Vegas. We didn't have time to get things perfect (as you could probably tell). These songs were put together in a couple of days but they sound pretty good for the amount of time we had. But my point is that Vegas is more than capable of doing the job. I found that the effects Vegas offers are pretty good. You can also download some free effects and VST plug ins.
Did you record raw vocals into Vegas and then add effects?

"Good taste is the enemy of creativity" - Picasso

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Old April 22nd, 2006, 12:32 AM   #1274
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Ok, here's an updated question. Most of the actual music will be created using hardware like amps and sequencers. The vocals will be recorded raw (except for a preamp) through the sound card and into the computer. I don't have a hardware effects processor. I'm mostly concerned about getting great sounding vocals.

Should I consider getting Sound Forge 8? I read that it includes the Acoustic Mirror plugin for realistic reverb. I really don't want to dive into something like Reason or Cubase... I'll stick with the Sony suite. Overall, the effects in Sound Forge are superior to Vegas right?

"Good taste is the enemy of creativity" - Picasso

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Old April 22nd, 2006, 02:17 AM   #1275
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Yeah the vocals were recorded raw and then I added effects in Vegas. Somewhere on the website is a page that has links to video and audio plug-ins for Vegas. Some of the plug-ins are free, that's where I downloaded some of the effects for the vocals. I think you can use the acoustic mirror plug-in within Vegas but I don't know if you can buy it seperately from Soundforge.
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