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What Happens in Vegas...
...stays in Vegas! This PC-based editing app is a safe bet with these tips.

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Old April 6th, 2006, 06:52 AM   #1096
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DVDPrep will do both for you, and name them the same name, etc so they are found by DVD Architect and mated correctly.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old April 6th, 2006, 07:04 AM   #1097
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Thanks, Ed for the reply..... I have been contemplating upgrading to Vegas 6, but I thought I'd wait til after NAB. Any rumors of a Vegas 7?
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Old April 6th, 2006, 10:56 AM   #1098
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Seth, hit me over the head! I just noticed the Apple Ipod sub-menu. Thanks for the thread.
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Old April 6th, 2006, 10:58 AM   #1099
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Thanks for the input.

I ordered both Vegas 6 +DVD....looking forward to learning it.
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Old April 6th, 2006, 12:51 PM   #1100
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I'm still working on a new computer spec, I'm sharing ideas rather than experiences.

Here are a couple of resources I've been reviewing.

A friend just built a couple of screamers based on ASUS SLI mobos, with nvidia chipsets and dual-core AMD.

Stay away from Via chipsets.

More HDV native m2t performance with the most expensive AMD dual-core processors.

Stay away from 64 bit Windows.
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Old April 6th, 2006, 01:08 PM   #1101
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Thanks for that Spot!

I'll have a look at it tomorrow...

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Old April 6th, 2006, 05:23 PM   #1102
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Thought someone would have answered by now. I just built an AMD X2 4400 dual core machine that really screams. Got all of the parts from New Egg. Here's a link to my wish list: It's a shared list under Randy's New Computer. Hope this helps.
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Old April 8th, 2006, 06:06 AM   #1103
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Adding realtime effects or plug-ins to Vegas

Does anyone know if it is possible to assign or add realtime effects to Vegas tracks?

Let me explain my question another way:

I want to use Vegas to record multiple audio tracks for video from a mixer.

Is it possible for me to apply some of the plug-ins to the individual tracks so that the tracks are recorded with the effect of the plug-in applied in realtime i.e. not after the fact or in post?

I am thinking particularly of the compressor / limiter plug-ins specifically to compress / limit incoming audio in realtime or on-the-fly - to serve as a double check against clipping and the like of the original recordings.


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Old April 8th, 2006, 06:45 AM   #1104
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Sort of. Vegas NEVER messes with the original anything, unless you tell it to.
You can insert comps, etc to the track, but it's only MONITORING with those, it's not destructively processing on input from the original. So, you can hear what specific plugs will do when you process, and it's real-time, etc. However, it's not actually affecting the original audio. This means you can always go back and modify the settings later.
If that's what you wanna do, right click the trackhead and choose "Enable input monitor". If you don't see it there, go to your prefs/audio device/advanced and select "Enable input monitoring." Then right click the track head again and enable input monitoring for that track.
Now you'll hear all the FX settings.
Douglas Spotted Eagle/Spot
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Old April 8th, 2006, 07:26 AM   #1105
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as DSE said u can route your audio through vegas... and u can even record these inputs onto the Vegas TL if u really were that way inclined...
With the right soundcard, you can use a nice console mixer and input each individual channel from that mixer into your soundcard, then from that soundcard, route each input to a track in vegas and throw down some filters...

really REALLY cool stuff.. i know afew performers whove ditched rackloads full of kit in favour of Vegas6 and a Yahama O1v mixer.. basically taking care of all their outboard FX needs...
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Old April 8th, 2006, 11:41 PM   #1106
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Thanks for the replies.

By the way Douglas - my 'Instant Surround Sound' by Jeffrey P. Fisher finally arrived so I am working my way through this (although much of the stuff seems to have been covered by my questions and the replies thereto on this message board as well as, of course, by trial and error).

Thanks for the input on the realtime effects or plug-ins. I understand what you both are saying i.e. sort of like having an 'effects send and return'. I just thought there might be a way of actually recording the tracks with the plug-in applied without having to follow the route that you both described.

The main problem really is that the inputs and controls (gain controls especially) on my Alesis mixer are EXTREMELY sensitive and as this is being used for live (speech, vocal) recordings (did my first one with this setup last week) I noticed that it was really difficult to set and maintain the levels for 6 different mics - you don't know what type of voice and at what level the individual presenters are going to deliver their goods - so I thought of adding a compressor / limiter to each track in an attempt to make these adjustments less 'critical' as it were i.e. if one speaker was slightly 'softer' then the track would get a slight 'boost' and if another was slightly 'louder' then the track would get a slight 'limiting' and at the end of the day you should have individual tracks that were more or less at the same levels.

I have been able to achieve all of this in post production but it really did take some time to fix 6 mono tracks of about 3 hours each and then still had to play around with them some more in Vegas as only when I was finished removing DC offsets, normalizing entire tracks, and then normalizing individual speeches within those tracks, did I realise that once all of this was mixed down to stereo for the video the track the audio data is combined i.e. after ensuring that each track had a peak of -3.0dB when mixed to stereo - clipping was occuring when there was an overlap of sounds on each track (like applause for example). The applause was not clipped on the individual tracks but the combination of the applause on all six tracks when downmixed to stereo caused clipping at those points).

Any thoughts or input?

Aside from all of this (and the audio / video synch problem described in a another thread) I think I have finally found a top notch quality solution for the type of audio that I need to capture for video.


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Old April 9th, 2006, 12:39 PM   #1107
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I just build one with John Rofrano's specs and I love it. ASUS mobo - duel core AMD. VERY VERY Quiet and very very fast. 2 gigs of ram. I'm not into Hi def yet so I can't really say about that but I will be shooting some in a couple of weeks so I can report back then.

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Old April 9th, 2006, 12:45 PM   #1108
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Editing and saving regions as new files

So I have a bunch of tapes with misc. segments. Usually I capture with sclive and it' automatically saves tapes into seperate files. but sometimes I don't or I'm in the middle of an edit and I realize that I want to save a piece as a seperate file.

Is there another way that I'm not aware of - of saving things seperately - other than saving what's on the time line as a "SAVE AS - checking copy and trim"

or is there another program that will do it a little easier. I have't checked SClive on this - just curious how others are handling this.

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Old April 9th, 2006, 02:10 PM   #1109
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Well, I'm not that familiar with subclips (might be worth investigating though), and not sure what sclive does.

But there's a VERY handy script that comes with Vegas 5 and later called batch render. If you go into it you'll find settings to choose any existing render templates, including custom templates you might have saved.

AND, most importantly, a render-by-regions setting, which will render each region into separate output files.

I could wish that there were more flexible file naming arrangements, like to include the region name in the filename, but this is a very handy script.
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Old April 9th, 2006, 04:02 PM   #1110
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Moving regions from one VEG to another

What's the trick for moving regions from one VEG to another? Here's what I did - I created 2 subclips - then I opened a second Vegas, then I dragged one of the subclips into the new unnamed VEG. Went fine, BUT the sound did not appear to go with it. The message on the time line is - (media offline) and that continues through out the timeline.

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