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Old February 18th, 2006, 02:13 PM   #496
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Two questions

I have 2 questions using Vegas 5.0:

1. What is the easiest way to snap all tracks together AFTER editing without snapping enabled? My tracks are all over the timeline with tons of nothing in between most of the tracks (and I want to pull some or all together without dragging every clip to the other).

2. It's easy to create duplicate tracks, but is there a way to bring them all together onto one track after editing without rendering?

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Old February 18th, 2006, 03:08 PM   #497
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Originally Posted by Brandon Wood
1. What is the easiest way to snap all tracks together AFTER editing without snapping enabled? My tracks are all over the timeline with tons of nothing in between most of the tracks (and I want to pull some or all together without dragging every clip to the other).

2. It's easy to create duplicate tracks, but is there a way to bring them all together onto one track after editing without rendering?

1. Make sure "Ripple" is turned on, select the "blank" area (possibly by double-clicking it depending on your track layout), and press the Delete key.

2. Not exactly sure what you mean here. If you're compositing multiple tracks, you MUST render to "combine" them. I guess you could start a new project in Vegas 6 and use nested VEG files (nested VEG files was added in Vegas 6)
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old February 19th, 2006, 12:23 AM   #498
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Thanks Edward,

You actually answered my second question by saying I have to render...I thought as much.

I sure would like to know more about the nested files used in Vegas 6. Since I'm still using 5, I don't quite know what you mean...sounds useful though...

thanks again
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Old February 19th, 2006, 04:40 AM   #499
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Vegas also will render out to Real Media format in case you have folks clamoring for it.
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Old February 19th, 2006, 06:42 AM   #500
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Originally Posted by Brandon Wood
I sure would like to know more about the nested files used in Vegas 6. Since I'm still using 5, I don't quite know what you mean...sounds useful though...
In Vegas 6, you can actually drag a VEG file to the timeline. This will appear on the timeline as a SINGLE video and audio track no matter how many tracks are in the original file. You can also do anything else with the nested veg as you can with any other events (i.e. split, trim, add effects, pan/crop, etc...)
Edward Troxel is offline  
Old February 19th, 2006, 09:58 AM   #501
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Sony DVD 2.0: Help Me Before I Go Crazy

I've used Sony DVD Architecture 2.0 with Vegas for a couple of years. It's been great. I had to reinstall it recently after getting a new computer (a Sony, as it were), and there begins my descent into Hell. I will try and keep this verrrry simple:

(Note: the need to access a mpeg2 plug-in seems to be the key here, but I can't get past the pop-up)

* The software is operable except when I want to insert media (mpeg files)into the timeline; I get a damn "must register online" thing and everything stops dead. I have registered 10,000 times online already and the thing still shows up--only when I try and insert mpeg files onto the timeline.

* I downloaded a "repair patch" which supposedly fixes a problem like this (a Registry Online repair patch), even though it applies to software bought before 2003, though I think I bought mine in 2004. Whatever the case, it didn't work.

* I downloaded an update from the Sony site, thinking I'd fool the "Register Online" thing when restarting the program. I was wrong.

* I uninstalled and reinstalled the program a few times thinking the damn "Register Online" popup would just go away and die already. It hasn't.

So what am I suppose to do now? Somehow I got it working way long ago when I first bought it. And if I can't "insert media," (mpgs on the way to the burner), this program is totally useless. The punchline is I'm registered a hundred different times and backwards yet this thing keeps popping up for me to register regarding mpeg files. What goes on here? Thanks.

P.S. I had to reinstall Vegas 5 and it worked just fine, even though I had to follow a similiar registration thing. What's with DVD 2.0?

P.P. S. - The pop up says I need a specific plug-in to read mpgs on the program, BUT IT DOESN'T SAY WHAT PLUG-IN OR PROVIDE A LINK like the Vegas 5 did; all it wants is for me to do is register, for which I've been "thanked" by Sony a million times already.

Last edited by Barry Rivadue; February 19th, 2006 at 12:57 PM.
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Old February 19th, 2006, 10:43 AM   #502
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Can't caputure video - Pana AGDVC200

I'm sure I'm overlooking something, V6 is telling me "Device Not Available".
I've set my cam video in/out menu,as follows:

Video Out Menu = On
Video Out Sel = ENC
Input Select = 1394
Remote Select = 1394

These are the setting I always use to capture footage from my cam, but I must be missing something.

Assistance greatly appreciated...

David Bird
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Old February 19th, 2006, 11:40 AM   #503
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I'd be looking at:
Firewire card (is it OHCI?)
IRQ settings (Make sure 1394 card isn't sharing w/Graphics card)
Are you using the Internal or External capture app? If internal, this is for HDV only, and the Panny isn't HDV. You must use the External app if it's DV.
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Old February 19th, 2006, 12:45 PM   #504
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That sounds awesome! I heard it's easier to edit .vob straight from dvd - is this also true in 6?
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Old February 19th, 2006, 01:47 PM   #505
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Originally Posted by Barry Rivadue
I've used Sony DVD Architecture 2.0 with Vegas for a couple of years. It's been great. I had to reinstall it recently after getting a new computer (a Sony, as it were), and there begins my descent into Hell. I will try and keep this verrrry simple:

(Note: the need to access a mpeg2 plug-in seems to be the key here, but I can't get past the pop-up)

* The software is operable except when I want to insert media (mpeg files)into the timeline; I get a damn "must register online" thing and everything stops dead. I have registered 10,000 times online already and the thing still shows up--only when I try and insert mpeg files onto the timeline.

* I downloaded a "repair patch" which supposedly fixes a problem like this (a Registry Online repair patch), even though it applies to software bought before 2003, though I think I bought mine in 2004. Whatever the case, it didn't work.

* I downloaded an update from the Sony site, thinking I'd fool the "Register Online" thing when restarting the program. I was wrong.

* I uninstalled and reinstalled the program a few times thinking the damn "Register Online" popup would just go away and die already. It hasn't.

So what am I suppose to do now? Somehow I got it working way long ago when I first bought it. And if I can't "insert media," (mpgs on the way to the burner), this program is totally useless. The punchline is I'm registered a hundred different times and backwards yet this thing keeps popping up for me to register regarding mpeg files. What goes on here? Thanks.

P.S. I had to reinstall Vegas 5 and it worked just fine, even though I had to follow a similiar registration thing. What's with DVD 2.0?

P.P. S. - The pop up says I need a specific plug-in to read mpgs on the program, BUT IT DOESN'T SAY WHAT PLUG-IN OR PROVIDE A LINK like the Vegas 5 did; all it wants is for me to do is register, for which I've been "thanked" by Sony a million times already.
Dont waste anymore time---call Sony and have them issue a new registration number.
David Mintzer is offline  
Old February 19th, 2006, 02:28 PM   #506
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How do I hold a frame?

Sorry if this should be obvious, but I cannot seem to find the answer. In Premiere it was easy, but as a recent convert I am stumped.
Paul Cascio
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Old February 19th, 2006, 02:29 PM   #507
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Originally Posted by David Mintzer
Dont waste anymore time---call Sony and have them issue a new registration number.
Ah! Never thought of that! Thanks!
Barry Rivadue is offline  
Old February 19th, 2006, 02:34 PM   #508
RED Code Chef
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You want to have a still frame run for a certain length? Either use the preview
to save a frame or cut one out with the 's' split option. Then simply stretch it
out to as long as you want.

Rob Lohman,
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Old February 19th, 2006, 02:36 PM   #509
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Add a velocity envelope. Change the velocity at that point to 0% (i.e. freeze frame)
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Old February 19th, 2006, 02:40 PM   #510
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Vegas 6.0c and newer has a File - Import - DVD Camcorder Disc (i.e. DVD) option so, yes, it is easier to import from a DVD.
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