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Old December 29th, 2005, 06:15 AM   #31
Inner Circle
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Using a DVD/HDD Recorder with Vegas

I seem to recall seeing a post on this subject a while back but I can't find it so apologies if this is a repetition.

1. Is it possible to use the print to tape function to print to a DVD/hard disk recorder with DV-IN?

2. Is it possible to render from the timeline direct to a DVD/hard disk recorder with DV-IN?

Examples of the devices I'm thinking of are the Philips DVDR3300 or the budget models from Liteon and LG. They're so cheap now (especially in the sales) and this seems an ideal way of archiving without putting extra wear and tear on an expensive camera.

Happy New Year to you all.

Ian . . .
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Old December 29th, 2005, 10:34 PM   #32
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does video card impact render times at all?

I know that for some applications the video card impacts performance. For Vegas rendering does the video card make any difference?
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Old December 29th, 2005, 11:03 PM   #33
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Old December 29th, 2005, 11:05 PM   #34
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In Vegas rendering, the CPU does the work. It doesn't use the video card (unfortunately) to speed up the process.
Hope this helps.
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Old December 30th, 2005, 01:41 PM   #35
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Transition Length/Time ?

There MUST be a way to just enter a Time ie 2 seconds, or # of frames for a transition in Vegas, isn't there? The dragging thing on the time line is a pain cause its hard to select and versus dragging one clip over the other. Every other editing program I've seen - even basic like pinnacle studio had this ability. Is there a way to set a default transition length? Please help! Thank you, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
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Old December 30th, 2005, 03:18 PM   #36
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If you're dragging multiple events to the timeline, setting the transition length Options - Preferences - Editing tab will apply to all items you drag.

As you overlap items, Vegas 6 will show you the overlap amount (if you have that turned on). Then you can just drag to the desired length. It may help to zoom in on the timeline or move the event using the 1 and 3 keys on the numeric keypad.

You could always put your cursor at the end of the fade (i.e. end of the left event), double-click the left of the three timecodes at the bottom, type in -2:00 to move the cursor backwards 2 seconds (smpte timeline), and then drag the right event to the cursor.

And probably the easiest way is to use a script to overlap the exact amount you wish. This can be applied to a single event or a BUNCH of events at once.
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Old December 30th, 2005, 09:15 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by Edward Troxel
I haven't used that particular program for burning a DVD but you typically have to tell it you want a VIDEO DVD and then point it to those two folders.
Sorry for the delay but I just got back from Christmas holidays.
Anyway, I've been using RecordNow for a few years and I just burn the completed VIDEO_TS & AUDIO_TS folders as a Data disc. I have yet to get a complaint.

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Old December 30th, 2005, 10:26 PM   #38
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Thanks for the info, Mike. DVDA has, fortunately, worked with my burners for me.
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Old December 31st, 2005, 09:15 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by Mike Kujbida
Sorry for the delay but I just got back from Christmas holidays.
Anyway, I've been using RecordNow for a few years and I just burn the completed VIDEO_TS & AUDIO_TS folders as a Data disc. I have yet to get a complaint.

Mike - thanks for verifying that info...

I'm just making a holiday montage for the kids - so it wasn't a deal-breaker issue, or I would have borrowed the drive I used last time...

Thanks again!
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Old January 1st, 2006, 11:39 AM   #40
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Is your project set to DV Widescreen? I do this all the time and my titles are widescreen. Make sure you set your project to DV Widescreen BEFORE you add any titles. Then any titles you add will be generated as widescreen. (I assume you are using the Generated Media titles)

Developer: VASST Ultimate S, Scattershot 3D, Mayhem, FASST Apps, and other VASST Software plug-ins
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Old January 1st, 2006, 02:14 PM   #41
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Thanks for your reply. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I am taking original 4:3 footage (from a TRV-900) and converting it to a 16:9 look. I am working with an older DV tape. I now have a Sony FX-1 and really like the 16:9 look. So, I want to duplicate the 16:9 look with my TRV-900 tape but realize I can really only put black bars on the top and bottom of the TRV-900 footage. This is fine. I'll pan up or down to make sure I'm tracking the subject matter.

I guess what I am doing is correct? I've turned off "match aspect" on each clip and have set the crop on each clip to a 16:9 aspect. When I render, I am planning on using the DVD NTSC setting.

-- Keith
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Old January 1st, 2006, 07:02 PM   #42
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Thanks Edward. This first choice you gave me works and is what I have been use to in the past. The second way, I'd have to try while reading your post to follow it and really understand it. The last choice - scripting - I don't have a clue on yet. My Vegas demo expires in 6 days, so thanks for the help and "Happy New Year" to you.

If you're dragging multiple events to the timeline, setting the transition length Options - Preferences - Editing tab will apply to all items you drag.

As you overlap items, Vegas 6 will show you the overlap amount (if you have that turned on). Then you can just drag to the desired length. It may help to zoom in on the timeline or move the event using the 1 and 3 keys on the numeric keypad.

You could always put your cursor at the end of the fade (i.e. end of the left event), double-click the left of the three timecodes at the bottom, type in -2:00 to move the cursor backwards 2 seconds (smpte timeline), and then drag the right event to the cursor.

And probably the easiest way is to use a script to overlap the exact amount you wish. This can be applied to a single event or a BUNCH of events at once.
Paul Kepen is offline  
Old January 2nd, 2006, 09:37 AM   #43
Inner Circle
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dude, u can electronically convert 4:3 to 16:9

do a search in the forums, there are quite afew questions about this and i KNOW ive answered this about 4 times in as many months.. lol
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Old January 2nd, 2006, 01:30 PM   #44
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black and white video/mpeg 2 problem

I have footage that was shot in black & white using an xl2 custom preset I made. I edited in Vegas (5), and everything looked great. I rendered out using the 24p widescreen mpeg2 default (with some minor VBR changes).
After burning the disk in dvda, the image is much too dark, and the blacks seem crushed.

Should I do something special when rendering for black and white mpegs?

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Old January 2nd, 2006, 01:33 PM   #45
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What are you using to monitor on before the process? After the burn?

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